Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

Bye. Now maybe people itt can recover the brain cells they lost from reading your drivel.

No it was explicitly RMT and Botting. Then RMT and Botting continued to happen unchecked in SoD.

I do think itā€™d be interesting if instead of PvE and PvP, there were GDKP and non-GDKP servers. Then just use war mode for the PvE PvP distinction.

GDKP is the only reason iā€™m actually playing cataclysm. I play a lot of characters and while iā€™m currently behind the rest of the degens with only 3 85s I will eventually have the 6-7 I want to raid on.

Heā€™s lying. His guild ran multiple GDKPs and sold mounts for irl in WotLK. They had people bidding on the first Mim head and sold it for ~$3k worth of gold at the time.

Itā€™s how his guild affords their pserver they use for raid practice(which is against ToS too) and how they gear multiple sets of toons at once in GDKPs.

Heā€™s being purposely obtuse to gaslight people on the subject. Thatā€™s why you see him and ~4 others always jump into threads about GDKPs.


Bro it costs zero dollars to run a home server for one raid team. Do you have a clue how any of this works? 3k is outrageously nothing, thatā€™s not swipers thatā€™s just a bunch of dads. No one on this entire board, outside maybe blink becauae he knows duug, has ever played with a real swiper besides me lol

Your 25 dollar gold purchase means nothing. Itā€™s like getting upset over a mom and pop shop while Walmart is doing far, far worse right in front of you. Dummy thick head, no brain in it tho will.

I decline to comment.

Accusing people of lying, and in the same sentence you lie. My guild never sold a mims head for anywhere close to ā€œ$3k wOrTh oF gOlDā€ That didnā€™t even happen on my server. It was some alliance guild on Benediction.

We donā€™t have a pserver, however we have played on already established private servers. (Classic would not exist without private servers, so should your tos up your azz.

And you are intentionally dishonest in every post you make. You agenda is clear but the motive is probably jealousy.

I Decline to Comment.

I know someone that bought over a million gold a week. I know all of the big benediction swipers, one of the biggest ones stormie went to faerlina though I believe.

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Brother the big swipers donā€™t pay in gold. You donā€™t know. Lol. Gold is paid to underlings and used as a means to hide the real volume of direct RMT.

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I mean its still paid in gold, whether they personally cover the gold trade or they pay $ IRL for the raid maker to then foot the bill with THEIR gold. That literally has to happen because the other 24 people need to be paid the gold.

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ā€œThis is how guilds aafford pservers they use for raid practiceā€
Lmao you canā€™t be serious brother yeah itā€™s impossible to raise $80 a month for server hosting when you have a 20 man raid paying multiple blizzard subs on multiple accounts.

Youā€™re obviously trolling nobody could have removed this much of their brain from their head and continued to type.

And then you just devolved into literal conspiracies lmfao get off reddit and go touch some grass my guy youā€™re causing yourself mental damage with your terminally online delusions.

can afford to play blizzard $400 a month minimum for raid team, but thereā€™s no way they could also afford $80 a month(often a lot less) to host their own pserver LMFAO thatā€™s some math for youā€¦

You said that deadass with a straight face hahaha bro seriously hahaha

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Itā€™s funny you think it costs money to host a server like this at all.

You can host wow on any old desktop with a powerful cpu and enough storage, then setup Hamachi to establish a direct link to that server even with dynamic IP addresses, as for data you only really need about a 20mb/s upload to handle one raid team and any home internet provides that. Itā€™s literally free for anyone with an old computer laying around, it is however against TOS and you shouldnā€™t do it.

Funny watching private server players cry after spending years breaking the TOS by playing pservers KEK

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I like how they focused on the pserver portion of the statement and completely ignored the other portion of what that RMT gold is being spent on that I mentioned(gearing multiple alts quickly in GDKPs)ā€¦because thatā€™s what the parsing guilds do that sell carries for RMT, they invest a portion of what they make into alt carries to min/max for other runs so they can parse high on the server as a means to advertise their service.

Blizz keep note of all these people that just outed themselves and explained how to break ToS and run a pserver.

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Every GDKP is propped up by swipers. You are the problem.


GDKP would exist with 0 illicit RMT.

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And when they banned GDKP in SoD it proved GDKP is not the driving force behind RMT and botting.

Botting dropped significantly and so did the p2w raids. Sorry you lost a source of income :skull: