Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

Agreed, wish they would remove it from Cata as well.


He never left. Pathetic imo. :axe:


Can you go with him?

Sorry I don’t like GDKP’s little rat.

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Youre from Pagle, you dont like killing raid bosses either.

Actually from Westfall snob.

Same thing.

I love how you are bragging, on a 99.9% ally pvp server. Pretty sad.
I wonder how many people have you on ignore? I’ll add to that number.

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Blame the horde that xfered to Whitemane and made that server 99% horde.

Would you rather all of us go to your server and ruin the RP element?

You ignoring me doesnt matter because you dont matter.

Infact you started the name calling first.

Is that a feature of your RP server?

Let’s be honest, yes they are.

If you do a 10 man gdkp, and everyone only made gold from herbalism and mining / selling on auction house. And they use that gold to bid on items, is it still RMT?

No it’s not.

Just because people who RMT choose to participate in something unrelated, does not make that activity RMT. They RMT before joining the raid.

Same logic you are using makes the auction house RMT.

If you lived in a Fantasy make believe world, sure.

But, this is the real world unfortunately. They bought the gold.

Err, sorry, they just did a bunch of DM Jump Runs for the 127k gold that they dropped for Gressil, Dawn of Ruin… Get real my dude. 99% of the gold in GDKP is RMT gold.

Stop trying to say otherwise, it’s absurd and quite frankly it’s insulting to even insinuate that it’s anything else. We all know it, you know it too.

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No. Morons who can’t see the difference between rmt and gdkp do not deserve an opinion.

GDKPs would exist without RMT.

Please point out where I said that they wouldn’t.

I sold seven gressils for all under 10k. Those streamer runs are such a comically large outlier. Stop being a walking meme, you can do better.

I could mad libs your phrase back to you. How can you be this close to self awareness and not see how ironic what you’re posting is?

Maybe the internet really is full of bots.

Please point out where I said that you said they would?

I merely stated a fact that GDKP would exist without RMT, which means they are not one in the same.

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Try harder with your pathetic troll attempts. Bye.

Its crazy cuz sod has no gdkps so where do they think all the swipers buy their boe bis gear?

Should we ban the AH because its something innocent but is contributes to RMT?

Cant have an actual discussion because youre blinded by your bias.