Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

You’re an imbecile if you believe that’s true. Everyone who is against gdkps wishes that Blizzard would do something to stop the bots and to target gold buyers/sellers. Banning gdkps is a last resort option that came about because it seems that blizzard does nothing to stop the bots/gold selling/buying. And I say that as someone who is not in favor of banning gdkps. Why do you have to make up strawmen like this?


The stockholm syndrome is crazy. Blizzard gets to sit back and watch you all give them money for it too lol. If you think GDKP is a healthy system to run a game with im glad you’re out god knows how much on this game lol.


Supply/demand and the availability of good dictate prices. The only way we could see how much is to run a server with no rmt and servers with and see the differences.

Not a strawman, it’s a call for the morons to focus on the right thing. I did not say that they were not against banning gold buyers and sellers (that’s you making things up) I said they are (makings posts) targeting gdkps, instead of the real culprits.

Now you’re either lying or not very smart. Almost everyone wants to target gold buyers/sellers and bots whether they want gdkps or not. There is a small percentage of players who think rmt is ok. Every single person who wants gdkps banned wants blizzard to also target gold buyers/sellers and bots


Irony much?


You need to use a dictionary and look up the word “instead” then look up the word “both.” You said they want to ban x instead of targeting y. While the truth is those who want to ban gdkps want to also target gold buyers/sellers and bots. In fact those who want to ban gdkps are the most fervent advocates for targeting gold buyers/sellers and bots. They want to do both.


I have done gdkps for all of classic, going on over 6 years now and havent spent any money or bought a single token.

These are things you just make up to reinforce your bias, they are all made up tho.

If they want to make forum posts targeting both then they should, instead of just making posts about gdkps.

This gotta be the most clown take ive seen for gdkp.

Who cares if it ruins the server and the game for people that dont want to participate! Dont tell us how to play!

Yeah that clown argument only works if you arent wrecking the game for other players. Thats like saying who cares if that person is hacking! Let them play!

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The should start by doing the trade restrictions from SOD.

Idk how much it helped but its something to combat bots.

How is a gdkp ruining the game for you?

If you read all the posts you’ll see some of the people defending gdkps also posting that rmt is ok or even good for the game. And you’ll see some posting that it should be banned also asking for blizzard to target gold buyers/sellers and bots. Fight for gdkps all you want and you won’t hear a word from me. But claim those against gdkps want to ban them instead of targeting gold sellers/buyers and bots and I might get offended by that lie and post a reply.


All GDKP should be banned. Anyone who has ever participated in it should also be banned for 2 weeks or permanently.


See then you have idiotic opinions like this.

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are you talking again? weird.

Sounds like something someone who has little going for them in life would say.

Im still gonna talk tho.

While you coming here to spread lies is evidence you have so much going in your life. Frankly I’m retired and though I do so many thinks from continuing my botany studies, hiking wilderness areas with my dogs to identify plants, raise chickens for eggs, play guitar, flute, and oboe, read books, and the news, and play Cata etc. I still seem to have free time to come to the forums. You’d be amazed how hard it is to fill up every hour of the day when you never have to work.


Didn’t spread lies, that’s just you living in your delusion, but that’s fine. You do you.