Just saw the launch trailer on twitter, are we actually getting half orcs?

Its a right wing talking point…. “Intersectional victimhood bingo” card… and read what he wrote before that… again these forums are so funny.

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Bro she’s black not mag’har. :smiley:

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I am very much not right wing, and I talk about it. Are people not allowed to talk about things you don’t agree with?
Also what exactly did he say that was racist?


I see your post, but if OP posted it and is not posting ANYTHING else on any thread, odds are they left the question, went afk/bed and was going to read when they get back. Honestly i didn’t see the video, and if what others said is true about the “tusks” in the video, i can see why, they would ask.

I’ve been here for like 30 seconds to laugh at the new model and you’ve mentioned politics at least twice that I see by proxy…


Triggered? :smiley:

Most of the time when someone goes dead quiet after one post then they’re just watching the fire.

Or if they only leave a barebones comment after being called out for being quiet. That just increases the sus to me after all these years

They ain’t clarifying who they’re talking about so if its the haronir, fine. Only other option really is the black character and THATS why people are sussing this thread for racism by calling a black character a half orc. Since DnD has upset a few nerds recently with orcs and drow


talking about victimhood is rightwing talking point? I don’t keep up with what the right or left uses as talking points >.< For that matter aren’t there more important things to worry about in the world then someone’s race?


Not going to lie if Harronir is the first race to get Evoker I will pay a race change faster than a heartbeat! This race just look incredible and already have the mappings to change the quills and body hair for scales! (IMO)
OOooo what if they turn into a Bat thing looking dragon, with wings and fangs and… er nvm that sounded cooler in my head lol :zipper_mouth_face: :sweat_smile:

I did not bring up her race… he did. Stop being obtuse and reactionary.

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I have actually made a post right before bed in the past, came back read the replies and replied to the people who have answered. I mean i didn’t see anything wrong with what was said, then again i didn’t think of it is a racist post, because to be honest i never watched the video and had no clue which chracter/characters they were refering to. IF they are referring to “Blacks Look like Orcs” yeah that is racist, but in some off chance they mean the “Harronir” hybrid thingies, they kind of look orcish to me.

edited because i found the word i was looking for.

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sorry dude, that person’s a half-elf. although i can see the confusion, both orcs and elves have pointy ears. so… sorry OP, i know it’s disappointing, but they’re not a half-orc.

you claimed racism, where was it?


Yea that NPC was not even originally black so they actually are only doing this to fit an agenda.


Do u even understand who I replied to or are u grasping for straws rn?

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Kinda the point with suspicious stuff like that. Its either rage bait or just bait to get people to think they’re in a “lets geek out!” environment when really they wanna laugh at people enjoying something

The fact OP ain’t clarifying and is instead just letting folks argue, you can see why some are reporting folks


I do. You claimed he was being racist. How was he racist?

Oh yeah, i can see it being a touchy topic, they could have worded it better or said what they meant by stating “WHICH” character they were referring to.

But they didn’t and thats sus as hell

Yup, i guess i just didn’t put enough thought in it. thanks for clarifying.