Just saw the launch trailer on twitter, are we actually getting half orcs?

Idk if I’d go with embarrassing, but there is definite bloat. Like, there’s just too many options from the select screen. But here’s the counterpoint, combining all the, say, Elves into two (one horde one alliance) means suddenly Nightbourne and Void Elves can be DH even when there’s a lore reason that it’s still stuck to those races. Agree or not, but in lore Blizz hasn’t made it to where the option is available for any but those two races. But outside of that, let’s say Blizz caves and says ANY elf can be a DH so we can theoretically combine screens. Now, the bloat you see on selection is felt at customization instead. And, even though there isn’t incredible customization options, theres already too much customization that would have to be combined. This creates an entirely different UI problem to solve. I think our need for new classes/races every Expac is working against us now. We’re being offered too much from the start. I’ll be honest though, I don’t have the faintest clue how to alleviate this issue.

Responds in Elves 4.0

I mean that is what the arathi are in tww. Not exactly half though, just the descendants of high elves and humans, so they are some percentage.

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That’s pretty cool. At least we will get to see something like it in game.

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I make a different mmorpg topic - insta deleted in 10 minutes.
This guy LITERALLY is talking about right wing slop about a black person who happens to be half- elf - nothing for 6 hours, not even a hidden.

Save us the pearl clutching.


“Intersectional victimhood bingo” card…… are u being fr rn?


How is that a right-wing thing… this is simply logical. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your personal political feelings doesn’t make them right wing.


She looks like a woman


Are you? Are people not allowed to have different opinions then you?


News flash… being black and a half elf isn’t and will never be political nor is it a “victimhood bingo” card. Thanks for talking. However I do think people should be allowed to say what they want because we all know nobody gaf anyway.


Yes, taking an arrow to the knee, AKA they got married.

In Nordic/Scandinavian countries, “taking an arrow to the knee” meant that you are getting married/already got married.


thats a half ELF, not a half orc, and i highly doubt we’re getting them considering earthen was their big thing they focused on.

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You are the one that brought up right wing… you made it political for no reason.

Yet you attack him for saying something you don’t agree with… can’t have it both ways sorry.


Btw Idc either way, I’m just stating the hypocrisy on these forums… if u post about another mmorpg ( that’s not ffxiv “interesting” they insta delete ur post in 10 mins) but forbid someone be racist… it stays up for longer than 5 hours and sometimes days. Its just hilarious.

We don’t care either way.

Nothing he said was racist. So, idk what you are even on about.


Yes I attacked him because I disagree with him. Am I not allowed to disagree? Do I think it should be deleted? No. Do I disagree? Yes.

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Yeah, i am trying to find what was racist as well, but i can’t seem to.


I explained a few posts above this

You flop more than a fish out of water lol you clearly want it deleted or you wouldn’t be crying about it being up.


aaaahhahahah, that abomination is now half-orc to me. Makes actual sense! Thank you, OP! :+1:t5:

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