Just saw the launch trailer on twitter, are we actually getting half orcs?

She doesnt hold it.
Its strapped on to her.


Ignore your lying eyes.

That is a half-elf. Not a half-orc.

There are 5 lights.


The OP means Faerin, because she has a rather masculine body, I guess.
Harronir are night elves with more weight and Quilboar features.


Sheā€™s really not far from a magā€™har female in all honesty. I donā€™t see why people are abhorred by the comparison.


I wonder, would a half elf race only get the ā€œomg, more elvesā€ folks only half ticked off?

Or would they round up to 100% lol.


ew twitter.

real players post on main.

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I dunno. What annoys me the most about the character is that they had to give her the name Lothar to make her more interesting, even though we heared nothing about her in 20 years of lore, nothing about her looks like Lothar, and her story portrays her in a very stereotypical way, including the thing with her arm etc.


Yep . The cool thing abut RP isā€¦its your RP. Have fun with it and donā€™t worry about others.

Iā€™ve had half elves for years. When elves got short ears it was nice. But my human named elves have been a thing before that.

Nothing ever stopped Garona like rp either. One would jsut hope it have gentler backstory to it is all lol. Pick most pleasing orc facade, and have at it.

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And it worked.

They gave us a very unappealing, uninteresting, and unfortunately unassailable character. Forced right into canon by being attached to a legacy while given status as a ā€œrepresentativeā€ figure.


Oh Jesus Christ, lolā€¦


We have too many humans too.

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looks at dwarves 3.0ā€¦


We have 4 playable humans and 4 playable elves. Dwarves got some catching up to do.


More specifically, she has some kind of latch and rail contraption built into her pauldron that the shield is mounted on, which is presumably empowered/controlled somewhat by her Light abilities.

Theyā€™ll probably just add an ā€œEarsā€ option to humans, blood/void elves, and kul tirans if anything.


To be precise, we only have two humans, if you count Worgen as part time humans. Kul Tirans are considered their own raceā€¦ itā€™s better not to question Blizzardā€™s logic on that.
There are two versions of Thalassian Elves.
The Night Elf model exists twice, technically three times if you count the Zandalari.
That means, with three Dwarf recolors, there are more Dwarves than anything else.

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If youā€™re going purely by model skeleton then sure.

But we got humans, fat humans, dead humans, and furry humans. Then night elves, butt elves, void elves, and nightborne. Itā€™s 4 each.

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That may be true, but with the Dwarves, itā€™s really nothing more than a cheap recolor. And so far, thatā€™s only been done three times with them.
Otherwise, yes, all the copy-paste races should generally be combined. The character select screen in this game looks incredibly embarrassing.


Weā€™ve not had interactions with them to see how they swing there.

Stay tunedā€¦!

I just donā€™t get the physical stuff. Not prejudice.

Its jsut Iā€™ve respected many a skyrim guardā€™s honesty. they took an arrow to a knee. they could no longer be an adventurer.

so now the work up to city worker pension as a guard. With side money from the thieves guild to maybe to look the other way as well.

Smart call there. It seems their biggest issues are bar brawls and people stealing sweetrolls. I know with a bad knee myself some days stairs shouldnā€™t suck to go up. But they do.

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I bow to you OP. You had me dying on the toilet

Iā€™m kinda mad we havenā€™t gotten a half elf half human race yet. Halflings are as synonymous with RPGā€™s as magic is. Yet we keep getting new flavors of elves instead. And having Alleria recruit new elves when sheā€™s married to a human and has a halfling son feels like a major missed opportunity. But, whatā€™s the horde counterpart introduced at the same time as halflings? Because you know they would be alliance haha