"Just run normal!"

They do. You queued to participate with 40 folks to complete the Molten Core LFR setting.

Same can be said for yours due to this be an ‘experimental’ raid setting.

I’m not angry about it. I find their handling of this entire thing scummy. That’s all. There’s a clear lack of integrity due to this.


Ok WoW Andy… the OP said that his gear is maybe 252… You already locked him out of your group with your “rule”. :rofl: :rofl: :joy:


I don’t have friends. I am actually a carry for multiple streamers and communities:


As you notice I didn’t really do much with early bosses, raid was too long, boring and unrewarding for me.

Being below 265 is absolutely inexcusable. I do Quadruple carry timed keys all day every day as a tank. I have carried thousands of people to KSM this Tier leading dmg and healing almost every time. Timing 15’s requires 1 person to not be afk. If they are playing 20-30 hours a week and not doing keys then that is his fault.

We require 265 because when we do carries, 2 bombs going off with low vers is about 50k dmg. People who are below 265 will get 1 shotted from that.

Not true, I’ve been playing solo since late vanilla and have enjoyed playing WoW just fine all these years casually completing with a couple friends/family members. Some people just are introverted and have no interest making a job out of the game to raid.

No thanks. I have no interest in forcing myself to be social. I tried that back in vanilla and hated it. Tried it again recently when Shadowlands first came out and hated it. I’ve been fine just playing with a couple family members and getting my social interaction fix from dungeon finder and LFR.


You’re playing the wrong game then.

In order to do certain content, you need groups.

Stop trying to force your single player agenda on a multi-player game.


I have a few friends I play with but mostly pug everything. I play in a way that requires no social interaction. When on discord I mute and just do my job.


Ok, so this is a PEBKAC. You don’t want to be social in an MMO. Have you tried Skyrim for the Nintendo switch?


You don’t run raids, yet you’re upset that the slime cat doesn’t drop from the LFR you’d inevitably never run because you don’t run raids.



Again, regardless of how those two mounts were “delivered” you know that those were gimme versions of an already gimme difficulty because it was only available for two weeks. Had those two mounts been available for a Seasonal length, I would 100% bet they’d be in Normal or higher raid difficulties. Just like the Slime Cat.

Experimental or not it’s a legitimate raid tier paying out increased ilvl and a mount has never been tied to LFR for a raid tier. That part isn’t experimental.

I agree they left the wording in there for too long and the communication around fixing it was bunk but they’ve clarified how it’s going to work now. Move on.

You think they changed the text after they removed it or something?

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I think even “casual” players can run a couple M0s and easily be in the 260s.

Unless casual means “doesn’t engage with any group content?”

I mean, is one run a day crazy? Or a couple? You’re talking like 1-2 hours.

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Casual players =/= bad players. I am casual and do 16 +15s in about 10 hours a week then log. I do quadruple carries almost every day on my tanks and time 15s.


I don’t understand the “scummy” argument, because I don’t see what they were supposedly trying to get out of the playerbase. What, subscription time? I genuinely do not believe that lying about a slime kitty mount from LFR was a diabolical plot to get people to subscribe.

It just doesn’t make sense.

That is what I did, run low m+ and gear up. You are going to be rejected and people in here are afraid of that, but sooner or later you will get invited to some groups and the longer you pug the easier it is.

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Of course. But I saw folks have a lot of fun during it as well with a bunch of trolling shenanigans so I overall found it fine. Not to mention decursing when you had an 8 second CD was pretty fun to see as folks just died.

Sure but this is why I’m not interested in the debate of the semantics of what people personally qualify as ‘worthy’. It goes back to:

And it doesn’t help that they decided to do this to folks and then add their Soar/Dragonflight nerfs. Sorry but I want better out of Blizzard.

I’m not really going to jump into a conspiracy. All I saw was folks being excited and coming back for this Slime Cat mount due to the language described for the participation. That is absolutely scummy to me that they did not clarify it earlier or change it once folks pointed it out.


Totally agree 100%. My main character is at ivil 242. I quit raiding and m+ in 9.1 due to burn out. Now I do world content and collect things, created new alts to level and to bring into DF xpac. I would also like to have a shot at the slime cat mount and was excited it was being introduced in all raid difficulties – which includes LFR. Yes I’m disappointed.


What I see is a mistake that made it out to the public.

Stealth changing it wasn’t the best way to handle it. They should have notified people “Hey, we didn’t mean it to read that way, we’ve changed it, sorry for the confusion.”

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But it was a mistake that folks had been discussing for 3 months. It’s not ok.

They doubled down in it and lost integrity with their entire handling.


“You’re lazy” mentality is way off. Did you know you can be hardcore casual. Ya, it’s a thing.