"Just run normal!"

They never signed a contract with us, they can change things on a whim like they always have if they think it’s better for players in the long run.

If more people stick around to run normal instead of literally queuing for three days then quitting, I see that as a win for all of us.


I never said you couldn’t have fun and/or enjoy the game solo. I did that myself in MoP after my Guild collapsed once we killed Heroic Deathwing.

I said being in a good Guild was better. We have a lot of shy players in our Guild and they never speak in Discord or get involved in discussions but they come to our Raids and follow the Raid Leaders callouts. It’s like being in LFR for them but with a greater chance of success in a low stress environment with the occasional funny joke added to the mix.

To each their own I guess.

I spend about 8 hours a day (when possible) playing WoW, have a 2500 IO score and I’m currently 9/11 Heroic.

You are correct, Hardcore Casual is a thing.

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But can you be casually hardcore?

I would have preferred folks just doing the content option they want and earning it like it was originally described. That was a win/win.

The handling of this is going to hurt them more then gain imo because now they’re effecting the folks that just do LFR.

Shadowlands needed a boon and doing this wasn’t the call.


I’d like to know why the “casuals” are complaining about a typo, albeit handled poorly by Blizz when fixing it, but they’re not complaining about the Seasonal PvP or M+ rewards tied to similar difficulty and effort.

Do the “casuals” feel entitled to this particular mount for some reason? Because of a typo?

So now we’re mad about nerfs to a class that very few even have access to and we’ve known to be overpowered already through Alpha review? Even with the Soar nerf they’re flying double the speed of the fastest retail player flying.


You’re the one raging here, not the OP that started this thread. I don’t do pet battles, I’m too busy doing other things in game. The fact is Blizz said all raid difficulties.


Just because you have the time to devote to M+ and clearly love spending all of your time running the same dungeons over and over does not mean that other people do.

Nor does it mean they should. Your posts are exactly why this game has become so toxic. You put down someone who doesn’t want to do the same content as you do, and would just like the opportunity to earn something that people assumed could be earned via LFR.


I’m not going to be speaking for anyone on this issue. When you describe something for 3 months that any difficult applies to the achievement progress, then it applies to it. This is again, why I’m not interested in discussing what folks want to qualify as ‘worthy’.

I mean this is a separate issue for another topic and not something I’m interested in discussing here. It’s the language and ‘purpose’ of the nerfs that I have issue with because they aren’t reasonable to me. Your feelings on it being ‘OP’ aren’t relevant to how I feel on the issue.


You do have a shot, by participating in the same content as everyone else, and doing the same things to get your gear up to par.


Sure, but brow beating Blizzard into changing the game to suit your needs are equally as toxic.

You have to see that.


Fwiw, the issue isn’t that they don’t want to do the same content as other players, but that they want the rewards from that content without doing it.

And rather than just admitting they don’t want to do it, we now have dozens of threads of people crying and pretending that it’s so hard to get into and clear a normal.

I mean, Jesus, a lot of these threads can be broke into a template:

I don’t do x. My item level is A. I don’t want to do any thing that would actually raise my item level. Why can’t I have the rewards that comes from x?


So far I have not seen anyone do this. They have responded to Blizzard making a change that affects them. That isn’t brow beating. It’s customers responding to a company they purchase a product/sub from.


These two things are linked for these folks, and that sort of mentality isn’t good for the game overall.

“I want rewards like they have, but only in content I want to do.”


Those rewards are tied to that content. Go do the content.

To me it’s like saying “I don’t want to fight that dragon, but I want to get all his stuff.”

…then go fight the dragon.


It’s just crazy to me that these threads want us to pretend like normal is some huge, insurmountable obstacle for the average player.


we did it somehow. you can do it too.

There needs to be rewards at all levels and styles of play

But these rewards cannot be the same

You can’t be rewarded the same in LFR as you can for Normal raid,

You can’t be rewarded for Normal raid as you can for Heroic

You can’t be rewarded for heroic as you can mythic.

These difficulties have different rewards in the forms of titles/achis/mounts etc

If you want better rewards, do more difficult content.

It’s pretty selfish to attempt to hi jack rewards from others which trivialises their content.

The raid mounts wouldn’t be as cool or have as much prestige if they came from LFR

Diminishing the sense of achievement from other players because you’ve decided you don’t do X content but you want all the rewards is pure entitlement, aren’t you embarrassed?


Grammar also isn’t a huge insurmountable obstacle for most major companies either.

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the cat is not what i thought it was. its virtually worthless for me to get.


Normal raids are a pretty easy bar to clear, especially if you are in a guild that does normal raiding. Mine is super casual about raiding, but we still cleared Sepulcher and got a start into Heroic.

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