"Just Reroll Alliance" is NOT a valid solution

Source on population without pve servers please.

pve and pvp servers are all in the same queue


So it’s Blizzard’s fault you had incorrect expectations?


People should be able to play any faction they want without having to spend 45 minutes running to BRM because they’re being camped.

Yeah, we told those whiners to reroll too. They chose PvP servers, after all. And you chose an overly bloated faction that everyone knew would have long queue times.

That being said, I’m not opposed to Horde > Alliance faction transfers.


ok easier solution honor reward is based off que time, the longer the que the more honor win or lose. simple you ally can still have your fast ques but horde will earn more due to the wait times. no added merc mode, no faction changes

Why is this point always brought out like it was only the alliance that was being camped and ganked in P2. There were alliance-dominated pvp servers too where the horde were constantly getting jumped, dispelled, and camped on their way to dungeons/raids/quest hubs. You dont see us bringing it up everytime someone dares mention imbalances in BGs.

Also theres more to not wanting to roll alliance than just racials, go outside and touch some grass.

ecksthree is totally right, my server was 80% ally and doing anything as horde was horrible, could only get to raids as one big raid group and even then lost many along the way.
and even for being on a alliance mostly server bg que times where still 40min - 2 hours.

Pretty much the don’t carebear faction, as you can see.

Don’t care that Horde sit in long queues. Don’t care that Horde earn honor at a slower rate. Don’t care if Horde aren’t having fun. Don’t care if they quit. Don’t care about their self-imposed problems.

Just don’t care.


Where did I even imply this in my post?

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Anyone with reading comprehension can see what was implied

Then you have none.

hes ally you gotta give them a few, ya know they are not the brightest

#justdontcare 2021!

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You’re rewarding the wrong faction. The Alliance should be offered more honor to encourage more players to queue.

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Reroll horde was your solution for all of classic. And people did. So now what, big brains.


Hey now, don’t go using logic on them.

I mean yes, it was true that all through Classic, it was all, “well reroll Horde if you want to win AV.”

Well I guess a lot of players took that advice…

idk in what world you think there’s an even amount of horde and alliance players, but you’re wrong. extremely wrong.

And how do you want to fix it? Playing versus no skill npcs, farming honor for free? That would force the alliance players to switch to horde, no?

When it’s really true, that the participation overall is equally on both sides, they should implement some soft bonuses for alliance players to play pvp.

Overall they should implement dual spec, so you can play PvP and PvE without spending 50 gold each time you want to switch your spec for it.

Didn’t you just say you didn’t know about long bg queues for horde but you somehow figured out that in classic alliance got transfers? Hmmmm

i figured that out here on these forums today while i waited for 2 hours to play 2 battlegrounds