“artificial” you literally caused it lol, also its hilarious all you Horde hiding on your Alliance toons to talk trash
Implying that the Horde care about Alliance problems LOL
… and many alliance sympathizers are using retail alts, makes one wonder if theyre even gonna bother staying when 9.1 releases, their flawed knowledge of what they believe happened in BGs and WPvP before TBCC released tends to reveal who they are.
just camp alliance out in the world or leveling, easy honor. more honor doing that then queing for bgs
We all know that, my point was typically people on those servers steer away from all pvp.
So sure they may count as part of the total population, but should they count towards the pvp population?
I mean you understood my point but its against your point to exclude them. Counters what youre saying.
Also we currently have no population numbers for TBC so you have no actual data.
Me personally, never played horde. Quit after wrath, so figured would try it out. Wish I stayed with blue.
Yep. Just imagine you’re a casual horde player or something. You come home from work after a long day excited to do BGs. You queue up. Look at the queue time. 55 minutes. Some mongoloid on the forums is telling you to reroll alliance. You log off and just play another game. TBC population gets smaller and smaller.
Almost like jumping off the cliff is turning out to be a bad decision, no?
dude, this is a video game.
Do you not understand the reference?
Lol you aren’t even 70 yet
It’s an okay solution if they add faction transfers, I’m down to reroll Alliance.
Yeah, and I shouldn’t have to wait around for a Tank as a DPS, and a Healer shouldn’t have to wait around for DPS and Tanks, and a Tank shouldnt have to wait for Healers and DPS!
You are in a social MMORPG. Did you get lost? Is this confusing?
Dear god. If you want perfect queues unreliant on an actual playerbase then go play a single player game. Theres literally no way to make a social game not a social game. You literally cant play League or any other game without having a queue because it RELIES ON OTHER PEOPLE.
If you were on Alliance you would just complain about how bad they are and this topic would be “Say it with me hurr durr, People should be able to play any faction they want without worrying about bad players hurr durr, I got lost in an online experience hurr durr.”
Yes I am rofl.
I hit 70 3 days after launch.
Already killed all bosses in p1.
they wont fix honor rates or queue times because they want people to beg for faction changes. that’s why faction change service was found in the tbc programming code, and shortly afterwards blizzard banned data-mining (seen in the ToS). they don’t want players to realize their monetary scheme.
I mean doesn’t it come out in wotlk anyway so all the horde can reroll Alliance for Every Man for Himself?
You do realise this is also the horde meta to farm extra honor while sitting in hour long queues? What do you think people are going to do in between those queues if they want to pvp? Just wait?
They’d do it regardless of how short their queues are. There are so many Horde on my server that live just to grief and don’t care about honour.
This is easy. If you don’t like the wait time more than you like being horde, then just reroll alliance. If you like being horde more than you dislike the queue times then you’re all set. You already know the answer to your problem, you just don’t like it.
It’s also not really “alliance mindset” that keeps them from pvping. They pvp plenty. But people who just want to pvp tend to go horde, seeing as how one of your races can break fears and become immune, another race is highly resistant to stuns and has a good on use pvp racial, another has an aoe stun, another has an aoe silence…meanwhile gnomes can get out of snares and humans can maybe see a rogue before they get opened up on. It’s pretty obvious why pvpers tend to go horde. If I wasn’t playing alliance for the nostalgia, I’d be playing horde for the great pvp racials.
Yes. A video game where you wait 50 minutes to play a BG because you followed your friends off that cliff.