"Just Reroll Alliance" is NOT a valid solution

Except it’s not “worst(sic) off” to Alliance players. Things are fine for them.

It’s funny that after two years of dominating zones and instance entrances forcing alliance to skip entire quest hubs and spend an hour corpse running that the horde are so upset their precious time is being wasted.

Such an entitled bunch and really highlights the mindset of why they’ve rolled the dominant faction the last two years.

Imagine if they had to do things like form groups for over a year just to go and do a simple thing like pick herbs in burning steppes


does horde playing against horde in arenas increase your que time for arena? oh, its still instant? thats what i thought

FC won’t work. players always want someone else to take advantage of this. It ends up barely anyone does.

A solution which could be acceptable is the 100% bonus honor buff for Alliance. Perhaps a chance at a bonus mark from that BG if you win. This could encourage more Alliance to queue.

The thing is I see a future issue with blizzard having more than 3 version of wow. The community will be spread too thin once wrath hits. I understand that allaince has constantly been screwed over by blizzard, horde, and themselves. You all don’t pvp you have been know as the pve only faction for well over 14 years

I came back to play for nostalgic reasons. On horde and on a specific class. I’m a casual. So I don’t have time to spend waiting for ques. Yes I can roll alliance and guess what I do I play both sides. However I’m taking a step back and waiting to see what happens. I got other things than wow.

I also want to make another point. My friends and I do find it hilarious that alliance are getting camped on pvp server. We all said “man one day alliance will lose the war” horde is losing battle of the ques Like normal but we are winning the war.

ALSO I do want apologize to alliance that your faction has been getting smaller and smaller. I want to apologize that horde is camping you. I may main horde and find the situation funny, but as a player I know that stuff isn’t fun. I wish you all the best.

Final note I’m on a pve server. I gave up wpvp ages ago. I’m not the zug zug camping you. I prefer instance pvp not wpvp. I want to get stuff done and for you to get stuff done. No one likes constant GY walks.

Ok, we have now established that you are far, far too if ignorant to even understand the difference between arena queues and battleground queues so stop posting.

You are trolling and really just need to go away now. Shoo troll.

lmao what does that even mean, amazing that you arent following the arena/bg comparison logic

It ruins my immersion.

It means you are clueless as to how different the queues are. You really need to bow out of this conversation.

arenas are 2v2 and 3v3 and bgs are 10v10 and 15v15, id love to deep dive into this shallow puddle of logic and reasoning


Funny that you should mention that. I’m an Alliance pvper on Blaemeux. I’m always going to be outnumbered. I’ve accepted that on day 1. Could things be a bit better? Sure. Its a bit ridiculous that 50% of the Horde I come across are keyboard turners - that despite being awful pvpers said players are hardly ever in any real danger because for them it’s no different than a PvE server whereas for us it’s WoW - Hard Mode. That sucks, but whatever. It’s what I agreed to at the character select screen. It’s humorous that so many bandwagoners thought that they won at the character selection screen - that mass zerging a single faction would only come with pros and no cons. It’s humorous that the excessively privileged bunch had no shortage of trash talk while hiding behind their bandwagon army to parrot their toxic behavior the past few years, but suddenly now when they finally have a single downside want pity. It’s hard to feel bad for you guys.

I hope H -> A xfers happen. It’s beyond time for you guys to come smell the roses, to lose your excessive privilege.

More then anything I hope that this becomes a humbling experience for you folks. Maybe you won’t be so quick to pass judgment when you realize what your privileged bandwagoning has done to both your side and ours.


You don’t even understand the very words you are posting. You forget 40v40.

Again, why are you still posting?

This is wrong. The populations are roughly equal in total. Alliance are refusing to PvP. Muh racials is not an excuse. #1 3v3 team is alliance. So obviously there’s no trouble pushing rating even at the literal highest end of the ladder as alliance.

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Save your breath. You would get more out of a conversation with a brick wall. Like a lot of Horde players, they cannot see past their own personal entitlement to understand that for over a year Alliance have been getting the stinky end of the PvP/BG stick and the only positive thing we have is our shorter queues, but oh no, we cannot even have that. The Horde must take that away too.


This isn’t what’s happening.

There are far more of you baby mode pvp boys than you are either willing to admit; or actually know.

Repeat after me: There is no need to disrupt classic for retail tourists who are going to be gone in less than a month and the queues will sort themselves out anyway.

Repeat after me: Horde have always had long queues.

Repeat after me: You can have your cake and it too, but you can’t eat mine also.


amazing, just incredible critical thinking skills

I mean there has already been changes, Horde Paladins are far superior to Alliance ones, and blizz to try and balance that gave them seal of blood. so if there has already been changes made, then fix this one.

what’s funny is that blood elves are the lowest horde rep in arena atm

The problem with this situation is you need to include all severs. Being from an pve server I also know not all horde pvp.

You can’t just exculde PvE servers from the equation. Alliance have far less pvpers and always have. This fact shows from 2004 to current retail. You can’t just ignore it and always blame horde and blizzard. All 3 are to blame in the situation for alliance being the smaller faction. If memory servers right I think alliance was once the overpopulated ones for a long time. As the game progressed that changed and for various reason.

no, i dont think i want to say that with you