Just remove warsong and ab from the game at this point

Then blizzard needs to fix the map to be less alliance focused. In our premade, even when we win, the alliance regularly gets more honor than us because the map is extremely unbalanced.

Also, why is Lazarak, the elite pvper, liking your anti premade posts? Did you know he is on a discord full of premade wsg hardcore pvpers? But when pugs and normies stopped queueing for wsg they stopped queueing for wsg too and nobody knows why.

I played horde.

Yeah, then you know the alliance were playing premades months before we were and the hordes win rate was ~10%. This entire game I lost a total of 5 games grinding 500k honor and we rarely got more honor than the Alliance. Premades is the only thing that kind of balances AV and even then Alliance have an easier grind.

I thought there were no AV before the new patch? How would that be possible?

Is this your first AV grind? Are you new here?

I know what you are talking about, these days:
Why are alliance still allowed to make a full premade in AV? - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Any horde that stuck through those games and made the best of them I’ve got to respect.

0 honor games for the horde and max honor games for the alliance were the goal of the alliance (most of whom weren’t there for the honor, but for revenge as the allies got farmed for a year in that BG) and were common.

As for the “map imbalance” there isn’t one. Burning bunkers fully and sending back wing commanders counts for honor. Once a bunker gets taken back by the alliance (which happens almost all the time) that’s another 198 for them. Whereas we put no focus on taking back our towers so we lost 198 each.

One group of 5 taking back the horde towers would give the horde more honor but the current AV people don’t understand this.

Yes there is.

I explained what the horde are doing wrong but all your posts show you to be stubborn. I’m not going to explain further to someone who always thinks they are right and won’t listen. So sure… keep blaming the map. :roll_eyes:

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Yeah but that’s because you’re wrong. The AV map is easier for alliance to both get to our base and take our objectives on top of their move speed with paladins.

No. I’m not wrong. I’ve played that map enough on both sides to know exactly how it goes.

The alliance backcapping bunkers (don’t tell me they don’t do this, it’s almost every game) and the horde not doing so is the leading cause of the honor discrepancy in rush games. Which is unrelated to how fast the allies can get to the objectives or Drek.

Blizzard isn’t going to change anything with the map either.

I’m also not sure why you are consistently so rude to people on here. What is the point of being like that?

Yeah I’ve playes thousands upon thousands of avs and you’re wrong but strategy also matters which is why the premades are good.

Whatever you say. If you enjoy missing out on honor and blaming the map that’s fine.

So I’ll ask the other question again, why are you so rude to people on here?

Why am I being rude to you? Well, because your argument distils down to “horde players are bad” and that’s not true. I’ve played both factions. The skill levels are almost identical.

Of all of your posts I’ve read 95% aren’t worded very nicely.

You seem to enjoy being right and not really listening to anything. I was mostly wondering why.

You did suggest something helpful to me though (seeking out that AV horde Discord) so you obviously can be a nice enough person but it doesn’t show very frequently on here.

Like all of those posts in this thread where you just repeated yourself 20 times about the WSG thing. What was the point?

I also wasn’t talking about skill levels. I was saying that the primary reason that the allies get more honor is because they backap the bunkers. This is a really basic thing that you keep saying I’m wrong about for no reason really. I’m not even saying that the horde should backup, but doing so with all 4 adds 792 to their total at the end.

The point was figuring out why the hardcore pvpers who think wsg is better hph and a better pvp experience aren’t queueing wsg right now since they’re empty and they will have the highest quality queues against each other without having to worry about pugs and pvers leading to lopsided games.

I also wasn’t talking about skill levels. I was saying that the primary reason that the allies get more honor is because they backap the bunkers. This is a really basic thing that you keep saying I’m wrong about for no reason really. I’m not even saying that the horde should backup, but doing so with all 4 adds 792 to their total at the end.

Yes, the hordes inability to fulfil your simple strategy is a skill issue. You think the map is balanced and the horde get less honor/lose more because they’re ultimately worse players. I don’t think that’s true. We can agree to disagree.

But if you come into the discord screeching about backcapping, you will probably not be received well. Just a friendly warning.

No. I think the horde get less honor because they don’t backcap and the aliies do. That’s just a math thing.

The allies also wait 12 minutes in AV queues.

My posts didn’t talk about player skill levels but did talk about some people not knowing what gets honor in AV all the time. If the players are happy it’s fine but it’s odd to talk about map imbalances when the answer is right there imo.

I don’t try to lead when others are. If I agree to go to those games I’ll be a team player and listen because that’s what I do. That’s part of me naturally not being a rude person or a stubborn know-it-all.

Yeah that would be a skill issue. I’m not going to keep splitting hairs with you. You also contradict yourself by saying players don’t know how honor works on horde. Horde players know how honor work just as well as alliance players. We’ve been playing this game for a long time.

You should check out the discord if you’re grinding AV on horde. It makes the whole process a lot more fun.

Asymmetry doesn’t automatically mean a map is imbalanced. A beam/fulcrum can have asymmetrically-placed weights applied on either side that still perfectly counterbalance each other. The sides simply have asymmetrical strats to adopt. That’s part of the charm in AV that distinguishes it from AB/WSG.

It’s not Blizzard’s fault that nerds who value pixels over all else break this game down to concepts like “maximum honor per hour” because they think this is srs bsns.