Just lost a fortune thanks to trading post

Oh, however for the case in point we’re talking 50% bubble in this case, not 0, if you checked you should know given away items always go for a fair price after, unless they make the given away version sellable: bananas had that and price was completely killed, but the others are still pretty decent.

You can still make profit out of them, you just have to be careful to get them cheap enough, for example spectral tiger cubs at 100k are very profitable atm, dragon kites at 15-80k, given away mounts at 1-2 mil, rockets and rhinos at 1,5 mil, in eu at least.

Case in point about the general complaints about tcg stuff is not: damn, x person also has my item, I wanted it to be more exclusive! It’s more like: damn, I spent 300 hours farming x and now people will get it with 0 hours of time investment, if I had known I wouldn’t have spent all that time back then, and you can’t blame players for wanting to get stuff and not having the crystal ball.


do you also qq when your stocks tank

He got them with gold and he said so as well…

People paid real money for tyraels charger. People put massive amounts of time into mythic raids from old expansions. Both of those were eventually trivialized

I’m glad they’re doing this. I hope they bring back even more old FOMO-centric items like this.

It’s cool you’ve been playing the game for nearly 20 years and were in the right place at the right time but now newer players can finally get things that were originally locked out for them.

Examine why this truly upsets you - it doesn’t come from any place of virtue or moral good, just egotism.

Really doubt that, haven’t got a nasty whisper ever from buyers who bought expensive stuff from me, not even the ones who bought dragon kites post give away, they just go about their business, no matter if they got something cheap or relatively expensive.

Seriously, what has the MMORPG genre come to when people are upset for not feeling special because their ‘spectral tiger cub’ will no longer make them special snowflakes?

You don’t see me crying when people copy my name to use on a different server or come up with a similar name like “PayTwoWinSux”

Cope and Seethe!

If I’ve learned anything about crypto it’s buy the dip. 37% of the time it works 87% of the time 100% of the time.

Trust me. Next month the price will be sky high! Guaranteed return! Zero risk!

The difference here between our examples is if you remember back in 2015-2016, prices were rising and people, even not sellers, were having no sympathy with buyers dealing with increasing prices, “it’s gonna become harder and harder” “get it now before it disappears completely”, no one said “they’re gonna be free in the future”, in your sale example you’re talking about something that is common knowledge, that wow has 4 sales or so a year.

Oh, but your tyrael example is sound, I got annoyed by that too, it’s not a big thing as you know in that case, just 25 euro\2 token equivalent, but the principle is really bad: you sell something that hasn’t been obtainable for a decade, and then you give it for free half a year later?

Surely you see that’s not very moral?

Say, why not just NOT sell it in december and just give it away now, rather? But have to make money, no matter if you deceive people.

They only really sold for 500-600k before the giveaway though, those selling them at 900k try on all servers and hope on rare sales here and there, but for fairly regular sales those so high were dreamer prices.

Its just like NFT’s. This is pretty much what OP and everyone who acted like him did. Sweet wordly karma / justice has been served.

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Indeed, works, already bought a few for 100k, sold one for 500k, and I haven’t even bothered reposting regularly, noticed some that sold for 350-400k by other people, so that’s just fine, also did that with dragon kites, was annoyed about the giveaway (despite me not having dragon kites at the time) but flipped like 11 because people were posting them way too low as soon as they heard the news.

And then a fun thing with dragon kites is that they’ve been on “life support” for a few weeks, between the news and the actual giveaway, they had dropped more and more, down to 50k or so on many realms, I didn’t buy them because I thought they would’ve been tradeable too, flooding the market and making a 2nd bananas situation, but then the giveaway happened and I noticed the 50k ones all disappeard and then they were selling incredibly fast at 150-200k too, as soon as people found out the given away ones couldn’t be traded.

Regarding your first paragraph, I wasn’t talking about WoW in general, I was talking about anything I buy.

For the charger, I honestly don’t care that I bought it and it’s now free for others. I chose to spend my money on it with no guarantee that they wouldn’t put it in the game for free somehow.

This game and all the assets in it belong to them, they are in no way obligated to not offer it for free after selling it in the shop, nor am I due for a refund because of it.

I don’t feel deceived. I love it and it was worth it to me.

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Good 10chars.

sometimes when you gamble you lose

Flag of ownership WHEN BLIZZY?