As they say in the classics; “Them the breaks!”.
hey guys, look at how special i am… i have this really rare, limited and hard to get item that i was able to obtain thanks to my credit card… am i not amazing?
thats you
Had like 36 Felbat Pups I got from the Legion Invasions like 7 years ago to sell for later down the line. 5 years later they were still being sold dirt cheap on the AH because everyone else had the same idea and saturated the market.
I eventually just gave them all away for free in the SW Trade District.
i recall watching a funny wow video about that some where
OP tears sustain me.
Cry me a river
There you have it, this tiger sold today, used to sell them for 600k, now 500k, it’s not gonna be easy to sell many at this price, mind you, but this can and WILL happen for given away stuff.
Better move everything off that character and create a different bank alt… They’re going to get a nasty whisper come 7/1
They are systematically destroying anything of value outside their intended gameplay loop.
The goal is to have mythic+ be JUST out of reach of the average casual. Not so hard that they can’t do it if they commit really really hard to it, but just hard enough that many will just buy a boost to push through a few of the worst dungeons.
They have been destroying any store of wealth or method to make gold on purpose so that, when coupled with the above, the only means to get gold is to buy tokens.
The goal is for everybody to be buying tokens, unless you are selling runs, and then have the people selling runs/raiding dumping all their gold early in the season on expensive enchants and gear.
This is a YOU issue. I’m not going to feel sorry for you in this regard.
Tell me, did you get mad when they redid Nax back in LK and you could get recolors of the old gear?
I mean I have an old pvp title on my rogue, but I’m not going to get mad just because Bliz decided to make those titles attainable again.
Things change. It’s a video game, not real life.
No one really cares.
I have little sympathy for this situation.
Where you might have a chance to give a couple of people happiness for the item you are hoarding for an extreme price… by adding it to the trading post Blizzard makes many many many people happy for the item they can acquire.
Buying and “collecting” rare and expensive items for the sake of reselling can go completely away for all I care.
Oh no….anyway
Wooly Rhino next lmao
This is where we all throw our heads back together and laugh.
What a few are saying is, there are consequences for actions, good and bad. They need to take responsibility for their actions because it was a choice they made.
If I go buy something today and in six months it goes on sale, should I be mad at the company for deciding to purchase it before it went on sale?
No, I bought it and didn’t wait around to see if it would go on sale and that’s on me. I accept it and move on.
How about when I bought Tyrael’s Charger when it went on the shop. They put it as a drop on the D4 event, for free and now it’s going on the Trading Post.
Am I mad at Bliz for offering it for free for everyone after I purchased it? Nope! I wanted it and I have it and I’m glad others can have it for free.
Ok, So to complaining you won’t make money from a TCG item: Waaahhhh.
They are years old, you have had time to sell, make gold, etc. It is fine to make things available to players that otherwise wouldn’t ever get them. They weren’t available in game to earn for a limited time, you just had to get lucky spending money on cards.
Note, I sell TCG pets too. If they went around and made the nightsaber cub, or legion eye available in the TP, I would be fine. It is part of the free market.
What you lost is value.
You can only lose money (ie, “a fortune”) if you had the moolah to begin with.
I dunno bout reasonable but there are a lot of them out there. Bout 900k on my server which is absurd for a pet. Glad i sold mine recently
You lost nothing. Deal with it.
You didnt lose a fortune. You lost potential. Which is worthless. You caused this by holding them.
Never get into stocks
Your not cut out for the ride