Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

Wow, people are toxic as heck in this thread.

Personally I cant wait for classic to show up, so all these tryhards who think you need to spend hours to make any meaningful progress can go time sink their days away in a defunct game.

As for OP: Rings and Trinkets generally seem to only come from Dungeon/Raids, or Turtle Caches, it’s special caches from the turtles that are marked to give rings/trinkets.

I’m sorry the rest of your loot was bad though, that’s never fun.

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Exaclty trace those lines match those shells get that heroic item level trinket you earned it!

How do you expect to get the perfect pieces you need in the spots you need them with rng?

You just have bad luck.

in retail wow if you dont jump though the raider io m+ hoops you wont get any gear unless you get rng luck.

this is the sad state of retail.do worry classic is soon.


You can be equally as geared as a heroic raider by not even finishing all the dungeons on normal difficulty. There are plenty of people, in this thread, who are sitting around 400 who haven’t even finished the most basic of content the expansion has to offer.

m+ palyers will tell you 400ilvl isnt good and you will not work on your io score.

retail wow is more about your io score then anything else.

LFM Highmaul Normal LINK SARGERAS NZOTH AOTC No baddies must do a jig while doing 200m dps and also min 10k Raider IO. No Link No invite

Whoo whoo whoo sir. Thats just not true at all i timed a plus 15 kings rest an didnt get a single thing , but wait i said i got this turtle quest fun fun fun fun, so i traced some lines ya ya ya an then i matched some shells omg so engaging an then bam 410 ring omg better item level than a plus 15 wow wow wow. WQ are where its at hooray. Thank you Ion for the amazing open world content. Forget raids an dungeons that easy mode. WQ FOR LIFE!!!

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It’s not very good when you consider that there are players who haven’t even finished all the dungeons on normal difficulty and expect to get invited into groups for keys. People who haven’t finished dungeons on normal or even the lfr’s expect to play with the big boys and then get mad when they can’t because they think their welfare gear is a key.

can you blame people for using these tools when players are as geared as a heroic raider through warfronts and world quests?

thats what wow is about now and why classic will take over there wont be raider io in classic there is no need.

retail wow is about your io score and the meta.

That’s right, because there won’t be the insane amount of welfare gear, titanforges, and there will be real server communties again.

Can you blame people?

Why should anyone invite a player to a key, unless it’s a carry, when they haven’t even completed said dungeon on normal difficulty?

thats why classic will over take reatil wow because of how bad retail wows game systems are m+ included.

just wait m+ will get worse in the next expansion or a lot less people will play knowing m+ is there…

Yea raider io is dumb omg ya ya ya listen I beat the warfront ok i hit the que im a raider ok i killed the jania wow what a fight no one even died super good que ya ya ya. Listen i have a 400 item ok why would i need to do a mythic zero blizzard told me no i need a plus 10 or better. No I aint never seen the dungeon who cares everything in warfronts an lfr dies super duper la la la fast im super good ok screw io …whats a interrupt, no i wont kill the glowy orbs i gots to kill the actual mobs wow you guys are bad.

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By worse do you mean selective where players don’t invite just anyone to a group and expect that player to know what they are doing and able to complete the content in which they are applying for?

I hope so.

it will just cause less people to play retail and go to classic i cant wait.

I’m looking forward to the populated servers and server communities too, I can’t wait.

Well in all seriousness classic is a far better an more engaging game lol. But the probelm isn’t raider io. Io is just a by product of blizzard deciding that if you can trace a cricle you deserve heroic level gear.

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I got a 405 trinket out of the tort cache so it can happen

good retail can die with M+ and raider io.ill be playing a much better version of wow a 16 year old version…lmao.

classic wow is about to dominate retail and bfa will get benched because of how bad it is…i cant wait.

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bfa on twitch only 20k viewers unless there is an esport or asmongold streams classic wow asmongold 100k viewers,sodapoppin 65k viewers so forth and so on.

there is more interest in classic then retail…lmao.classic will dominate retail wow.