Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

Wow wow wow you have geared to max so many times wow wow wow you’re so so so so good. So you did mythic SOO an got to max level in mop wow blizzard just hand you a max ilvl for every single xpac from now on. Why cant those super duper unbelievably diffcult world quest give you only upgrades for the whole xpac wow wow wow wow. You traced a circle you deserve a 425 bis trinket cause tracing lines is so so so so so difficult an takes so so so so much time an effort.

Wow wow wow you got rival and challenger in legion an BFA omg you got a 1750 rating wow i here by decree from this day forth every xpac you shall recieve a full set of max level gear at the beginning of each xpac wow you are so so so so so good wow wow wow

I mean, clearly the OP wasn’t talking about that specific character since he pointed out which pieces of gear he needed to upgrade, including item levels. But I guess GD threads don’t count unless you post on the correct character all the time?

Having said that, there’s a tremendous void where we now lack deterministic rewards and everything is gated behind RNG and or grinds. Logging into my DH that needs a chest, rings, and trinkets only to see that there are 4 equivalent item level helms and 3 equivalent item level shoulders which can’t WF/TF isn’t exactly enticing. The presence of a crappy stat 355+ or 365+ ring or trinket isn’t stimulating either. Running 4 WQ for an Azerite Emissary that drops yet another Helm or Shoulder doesn’t help one jot.

Time was you could do your chores for a currency that would at least allow you to select a specific item for a targeted upgrade.

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LOL @ “gearing through pvp”


I keep wondering if item drops are grouped, which is why we often see the same item reappearing over and over. RNG may determine which item is up next, but once that item is ‘trending’, it will repeat until RNG selects the next item cycle.

While I do agree it was nice to be able to buy slot pieces from merchants in Legion (even if they weren’t the best pieces and it was 100% random that you would actually get one worth a damn) but part of the problem is your are limiting yourself to a handful of gearing options and calling it a day.

You haven’t done a single raid or a mythic+, so you are depending upon your 2v2 team and world questing. Yet you still managed to attain the same gear score as a heroic raider.

Hopefully absolutely none of that happens.


The gearing system is broken.

I outgeared heroic BoD the second week of release. Like holy hell.


Classic gearing > BfA gearing, right?

Maybe you should take it up with the guy who claims the gearing RNG is out of control and makes gearing a horrible grind. But my suggested list of changes would solve that problem.

The fact that the game has a SCRAP machine, says it all.


This sums it up for my main

Doing 4 world quests really isn’t much more effort than that.


He says about doing trivial content, hoping to get to full heroic raid ilvl (which is sadly possible) without doing a raid or m+ on an alt. Yes, gearing is terrible this expac, but for the exact opposite reason you are trying to say it is.

I just bought four lottery scratchers to see if I could increase the money in my wallet. I went to the corner store and bought 4 one-dollar tickets.

Ticket 1: No Win.
Ticket 2: I won a dollar.
Ticket 3: I won another dollar.
Ticket 4: I won a ticket.

Meanwhile. . . In my wallet I already have some ones, three fives, two tens, a twenty and two fifties.

I could have had up to $25,000 more if I had won. Lots and lots of fifties and hundreds. Instead I only broke even. Completely useless.

Lottery tickets feel like absolute garbage in this life. It has been so much better in the old days when we didn’t have the lottery that it is totally ridiculous that people are not buying scratchers because of how obnoxious it is.


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People can’t seem to make up their minds. Either gear drops like rain, making BfA too easy, or RNG is hell, making BfA gearing too frustrating.


This ain’t it, Chief.


I see 3 Azerite caches and I don’t “log out of disgust”. If you want gear do raids

Whoo whoo whoo raids!!! No way sir those are ez mode. You listen here doing 4 wq is hard, it takes a lot of effort to match those shells or trace that circle. I demand to be rewarded from the diffcult content that wq provide. The rewards should scale to 415 for each wq. This is so unfair that stupid raids have gear how dumb

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In seriousness I refuse to do Tortollan emissaries if all I see are Beachhead quests.

Exactly its harder than any stupid raid blizzard could make. WQ is where the real challenge is.

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“One more turtle made it to the water” and I’m out.

Hmm new twitch mini small copypasta