Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

That’s how I like it, if I want hard content I know where to go.


good for me. crystals and scrolls selling like hot cakes on my realm.

A good idea would be give us a choice. If something rewards a piece azerite gear, let us chose, chest, shoulder, head. If it reward ring or trinket, give us a choice.

But we all know Blizzard with their business plan and whats in their best interest, it won’t happen that way.


You get the same stuff over and over again by design, I have gotten the same exact item out of my weekly boxes over and over again.

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Its not rng, there are set items you will receive over and over again with a little rng sprinkled in.

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Vanilla WoW put this handicap of default similar to a “put ILV107 gear to a fresh ILV137 legion character” if you put more than 2 mobs “RIP”.

I pulled 2 mobs on accident during the stress test :rofl: Thought I was done for but I’m leveling as a H Paladin #cheating :sunglasses:

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Yeah but then we stopped being able to locate the vendors, times got rough. :wink:

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Hopefully 9.0 will implement the Classic gearing system at max level.

  • Capped at 130: Run normal dungeons over an over and over and over again to get heroic level dungeon gear.
  • Run heroic dungeons over and over and over and over again to get raid ready. This should take about a month from capping.
  • Run raid 1 on Normal about 10 times to get gear for heroic
  • Run raid 1 on Heroic about 10 times to get gear for mythic or raid 2
  • Repeat for raid 2 & 3
  • LFR drops no loot aside from a transmog set with no stats.
  • No gear vendor. All gear must be earned the Classic way
  • Any player who starts 9.0 after the launch must start this process from the beginning. No catch up.
  • No group finder aside from LFR tourist mode. If you need to run a normal dungeon you must stand in town hollering in trade chat ‘LFG for normal PiL’. Good luck! The majority of the tanks don’t need it.

After a couple months I was able to find it, but I still can’t figure out what gear piece to buy :sob::sob::sob:


People say that literally every expansion. It’s one of those phrases that gets repeated so often that it loses any meaning.


35 minutes? Expecting full upgrades? Did you run the Battle for Darkshore warfront? That has a 400 ilevel quest. The Darkshore patrol has a 400 ilevel world boss.

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Loot table is still RNG. There is server side roll for them.

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You have more options.


I opened 10 m10 boxes and 6 pvp boxes for no upgrade, am disappoint. How else would my alts reach 420 ilvl
/sarcastic rant end

Cool story.

God no. Classic Gearing stays in Classic. I get it, you’re a mental sadomasochist with far more time than he should have. That doesn’t mean the rest of us are the same way.

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Cool, now try to get into any sort of group content with that ilvl. And let us know how successfull you are.

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I have seen the exact same mail gloves three times, Water Shapers, the gloves I have equipped for haste set, literally gotten them over and over again, is that rng? there is a lot of anecdotal evidence of people getting the same item over and over again, something is “bugged” with the code but its not a bug, its intended. they wont admit it.

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Depends on loot table. I know it can get silly. There is once on Legion the same item dropped 4 in a row.