Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

WOrking as intended in this new time played metric. I cant figure out for the life of me why the lawyer is still leading this train wreck. It blows my mind.


Idk. I got all my 400+ IL weapons from ways I can target weapons any day at any time. I know. Weird concept I know.

np Spicy I agree entirely with that sentiment :smiley:

Look at this rare gem on the forum, someone who actually earned their gear the old school way.

Entitlement is strong in this one for wanting upgrades for doing nothing in 30 minsā€¦ :rofl:


Gearing isnā€™t hard. Hell, my hunter got a BiS SV weapon by chance because I didnā€™t want the bow from temple and wanted the polearm for transmog. A socket and +5 IL later and it is technically better than my bow, but SV is worse than the alternatives so its whatever.

Iā€™d give you a +1 but Iā€™m all out of hearts for the day.

Earlier there was at least one Tortollan Quest giving a 370+ ring or trinket. It is all they give soā€¦

How is this any different than previous expansions?
You got gear you didnā€™t need because you got unlucky or because you were already overgeared for the content you were doing.

You donā€™t get gear that matches your preferred slot in any content.
If it worked that way, you would be even less happy, because youā€™d be fully geared after about 16 caches and then what?

Honestly, idk what sources of loot you even are specifying, but many of them just canā€™t even drop certain types of items.

If you want to replace those items I would recommend starting with Mythic zero dungeons. Get a few done, get a keystone, and push it as far as you can.

You wont be worried about 355 gear after a few sessions there, and each one potentially takes longer than 35 minutes.


35 minutes? Jeez, thatā€™s about how long it takes me to fly to where Iā€™m going cause I tab out and forget I was on a flight path to go somewhere. No way Iā€™d be able to get 4(!) pieces in that amount of time.

I opened 4 boxes of azerite gear and got 4 piece of gear that were all side/downgrades for the same slot.

7 boxes of items I opened gave me 4 boots, 3 bracers.

There is no consistency or means to actual give some feelsgood to these worthless boxes.

Iā€™d rather just get residium and cherry pick gear from a vendor so my character isnā€™t a CF of useless secondary stats.

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9 YEARS and still no Invincible.
Cry me a river!
Flips hair!


you still play retail? :rofl:


LOGGED IN FOR 35 MINS. You wonā€™t believe what happened!


I donā€™t want to hear it. Iā€™ve geared up to max gear so many times over so many different expansions.

If you donā€™t understand why it is disheartening to open 4 caches and get useless gear. . . then perhaps some part of you is a servile masochist.

Iā€™m not. Weā€™ve all done this before many many times. I already have a decently geared main.

The entire RNG gearing system is utterly broken. 385-400 ilevel gear isnā€™t even good. What are we even talking about? Why are there 5 ilevel upgrades at all? This meaningless hampster-wheel gearing system is NOT FUN.

There is no excitement to get that one needed gear drop when it is a 5 ilevel ugprade that gives imperceptible power increases. The entire ā€œfunā€ argument that Blizzard devs have made about the RNG drop aspect of gear makes no sense.

The system of gearing, as a whole, is garbage.

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Remember when we could do this? Good times.

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WQ rewards are srs bizniss. Iā€™m sure if you got all the WQ rewards that you wanted, youā€™d be on here complaining that WQs donā€™t reward better gear.


Ive heard they are working on fixing this for the next xpac. I know, long ways awayā€¦ but maybe we will hear something at Blizzcon.

Can you remember the last time you got excited about a piece of gear?

I can, my caster shield in ZG and my weapon in ICC. Those 2 stand out.

ā€¦however, I havent raided since MoP soā€¦take that with a grain of salt.

Thats RNG for you. You canā€™t get the upgrade you want. Iā€™ve seen two same gear I donā€™t need multiple times too.

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Im Lving with my GF a new character on legion we have plans to use less ILV to make the game harder in purpose. I do this on monster hunter world as well to kill time before 27 august.

ATM my Draenei character is LV137 i want to try ILV127, ILV117, ILV107 etc until make like the Vanilla-WoW pulling 2 mobs can kill you. Sadly FFXIV, Modern-WoW entry level are too easy and only on ā€œRaidsā€, ā€œMythic dungeonsā€, ā€œExtreme&Savage contentā€ they get hard.

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