Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

There are plenty of non-PVP instances of the RNG garbage. Mythic caches and WQ caches are two examples.

I was using the pvp weekly cache as a way to explain my point.

Is reading comprehension so difficult for you? Do you even understand the point I am trying to make? It certainly doesn’t seem so.

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And in the old game you didn’t have access to end game gear, period, outside raid.

Feel free to exit a thread you have no interest in at any time.

Per the topic, I would be upset as well to find I’ve worked for nothing. RNG has not been kind to me so far. (I do have a disgusting oozeling, there’s that)

It was never, and I have not discussed, PvP. What are you talking about.

Which was literally talking about PvE.

And how that PvE was giving duplicates right and left. RNG sucks whether you like pvp or not.

There was PvP.

I refer you to my previous statement. PvP gear was never not outscaled by raid gear, or simply worse in raids due to stat allocation. You know that.

Good thing there’s no rng in classic, and never was before Legion/BFA.

WoD says hello.

WoD? PvP’er were still running raids to for gear and raiders were still doing well in PvP without PvP gear. You weren’t raiding mythic with PvP gear.

Not entirely true or false. WoD had ilvl scaling in PvP combat. So with that PvP gear was superior in PvP during WoD.

So… You are whining that you got some free gear you can DE or put in the grinder. You could also do Raiding, Mythic Raiding, M+ dungeons etc. This is on you, not the game.


How come it took you this long?

Yes, I get that you needed to raid illidan to get the best gear. But you know, when I started I could go any of multiple locations in Hellfire and never see certain parts of it. I could skip some zones altogether. My options for instances was greater and the instances themselves were better. The mobs were in the goldie locks zone. Not too far apart, not too close so that if I just wanted to grind I could. My professions mattered and could deliver me real items to use or sell.

See the difference is, I wasn’t tied down to doing very specific things like war campaigns to be successful. Ever since MoP you have HAD to do petty grinds to be successful. They took away variables in a way that has never returned.

Also, while the point of being online to YOU may be to play with other people, nothing in MMORPG alludes to that requirement. I am not saying that there is no benefit to playing with others, or that scaling shouldn’t change with more challenging instances requiring more characters. Only that what you perceived to be the point of an MMO, is not accurate.

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Yeah, I get warmode is optional. That doesn’t make it a good idea, or fun for the majority of the players who pay for this game monthly. It is a crap system that most people dislike and the “yes sirs” like you go along with. Keep defending blizzards bad decisions and you’ll end up on the sinking ship instead of helping to keep it afloat.

Saying flying should be earned is your opinion. And how is also your opinion. When flying came out, you had to buy it. And it wasn’t cheap. So you actually had to spend money you took time EARNING. So you did earn it. Just because gold rains from the sky doesn’t mean we should spend a year or two of waiting and grinding endlessly for the privilege to ride flying mounts that we paid money for on the blizzard store before they made these horrible changes that would have prevented us from buying those same flying mounts in the first place. Sounds like false advertisement. No wonder they changed their flying mounts to be able to ground ride. They didn’t want to get sued. Making players do a series of grinds to obtain flying is FORCING players to a certain play style from a game that STARTED from versatility in game play. What don’t you get about that. Once again you show you are willing to settle with the scraps and garbage blizzard is willing to shove down your throat. Well, I want a good game. I pay for the game, so me, and millions of others who have left the game are still going to implore blizzard to make changes or lose money.

LOLOL you think they made portals better? You must be a n00b. Only someone who hasn’t traveled azeroth like Blizzard has asked and attempted to get us to do would realize they removed 8 locations from travel. You don’t remove 8 locations, and portals become better. Perhaps you meant to say that you like flying to boats to get to places. I am unsure. But I am starting to suspect you don’t know what the word better means.

Achievements. This statement you made definitely proved to me that you are a n00b. Get over 20k achievements on a toon and then say things like that.

First off. This MMO is called world of WARCRAFT and has always been both PVE and PVP based. So saying “Like you play an mmo and don’t want to do dungeons or raids. Then don’t play an mmo lol”. Is a very ignorant comment. Secondly, as I have stated numerous times, this game has also THRIVED in the time where it allowed for versatility and has only DECLINED with people like you, who accept their garbage that is released and make excuses for them. Guess what, the numbers speak for themselves. So keep deluding yourself. That is all you’re doing. Also, I am pretty sure I have much more experience raiding in this game than you. So please, you go play Skyrim.


But when you enter BFA you can do any zone you want. You have 3 main zones to choose from. You have 6 total zones and you can skip any of them if you so choose.

As well as nothing alludes to an mmo being played solo? Ok well i don’t see or can defend paying $15 a month to play a massive MULTIPLAYER online game solo. Idc if it’s wow, or ff 14, or on consoles anthem or the divsion, or destiny. All those games have dungeons, raids, instances designed for team work and co op play.

But the point is hey if want to play solo all day fine. But don’t be upset you don’t have 415 or higher because you only did solo content. That makes 0 sense

it’s 100% optional. I choose to have it on because i enjoy it. But if you think doing a WQ and now with Warmode on you go from 200 gold reward to 220 is a game breaker lol it’s not. Nothing is being “forced” so if you don’t like it then don’t enable it.

I never joined a Pvp server but i keep Warmode on because i enjoy the bonuses. I rarely get ganked and when i do, revenge is sweet. When it comes to flying, yes it was bought and buying can be considered earned, but i also get a sense of accomplishment things not be handed to me.

It’s why i miss warlocks actually earning their demons and spells and all the mounts you bought you can still use for flying, each time i travel to darkshore or make an alt, all my flying mounts work just fine.

But again they aren’t forcing you to get the achievements to fly, don’t get them then don’t fly lol. Very simple, if you’re too lazy to spend some time earning it then don’t complain to those who do.

Ok so for arguments sake since all the portals were made worse. How so? Each time i leave boralus and enter Stormwind or Dalaran or Ahsran shield it’s just fine. The new portal system has not negatively affected anyone i know in game and in guild.

No my view on Achievements is that some are character and class bound, some are account bound. An achievement done with a warrior shouldn’t mean the same as a warlock. If get a pvp achv with one character it makes 0 sense to have that achv carry over to another.

What so i got my class mount on 1 character so i shouldn’t have to do it on the rest? God forbid i put some time into my alts.

And it’s not an ignorant comment but true. You want to play solo all day and whine and moan about playing co op and achievements and unable to get better gear because your’re either an introvert or don’t want to put time into the game like the rest of us then leave lol.

The game also THRIVED well into a time where competition wasn’t as high. 15 years ago there wasn’t as many mmo’s as there are now. Console gaming has actually made pc gaming go down. A game like fortnite people aren’t playing on a computer.

So the game declining has a whole variety of reasons such as friends of mine who played at 25 but don’t have the time or life anymore at 40 to play an mmo, to people who get bored of the same gear 15 years later. Same as any tv show. This franchise much like Star Wars always has “fans” that complain about every sequel or every expansion, yet keep playing.

So keep deluding yourself and by all means play Skyrim. So you can play solo all day, play the game how YOU want and if every dlc or content they release isn’t up to YOUR standards, you can flood their forums complaining about it.

Remember this game is so bad, yet you keep either playing or coming here. I stopped playing FF11 12 years ago, I have yet to revisit any forum on that game :slight_smile:

have an actual question and not trying to say you’re wrong. But I wonder you can in theory say join a heroic BOD group. If you kill any boss they have a set amount of loot that can be dropped. Champions has say 4 pieces. So if you get the piece you need, next week if it drops either vendor it or give it to someone else.

But if you get a piece from every boss and they piece you want and or need within a week or 2, i mean the average expansion is 2 years? For the next 6-10 months and you’re maxed out then why raid anymore?

In regards to the same 400 ilevel gloves you got before, ok so every week is an upgrade. Once you have all upgrades then you’re done right? This would be solo or in a raid

Nah I wasn’t trolling, just most people can’t take the straightforward truth is that if you’re in full world quest gear and all you do is world quests you won’t get upgrades unless your dice rolls are super lucky, the progression system to wow for gear in particular has always been.

Quests/crafted gear/dungeons/raids etc. but most of the casual player base seems to think they only need to do world quests and get 425 gear, so yeah get good and get out of world quests/lfr where it takes little to no effort.

Yep a known troll … think he just came back from a ban for trolling.

Just look at his history, he loves to argue and very often resorts to personal attacks. total troll.