Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

I’ve lost interest in bothering with the caches for this same reason, and soon lost interest in all my max level characters. My mage has a 395 weapon, gets a 385 weapon 3 conquest caches in a row; meanwhile all my alts are still using 375 weapons and would love one of those pretty 385s.

I feel like there must be a rule that if you get lucky and get a titanforged 400+ in one slot, you’ll get 370-380 gear in that slot every cache for the next 2 months as punishment for your previous luck.

Nah you’re just incapable of handling the truth, you can’t/won’t even take into consideration other people’s opinions like a few other people I just met. That’s fine with me as long as you stay in the lfr bracket, I won’t have to interact with you ingame but I doubt I would in the first place after looking through your armory.

Didn’t believe people could be so soft, any opposing opinion and they make you out to be the bad guy then start looking for a way out of the conversation because they can’t back up their side.
Why bother getting on the internet if you’re going to get offended easily.
Imgure imgur-com/7zMuZdj , just imagine going outside of wow/forums. Take out the - and add www at the start. ESRB rating for teen and what it implies as to the content you’re going to experience.

Such an idiotic reply. What the hell is free gear.

Thoughts and prayers.

What are you even talking about? Gear is given to players left and right in modern expansions… just because the WQs didn’t give you the gear you wanted, doesn’t mean other content doesnt have better chances to give you gear that you actually need (i.e. joining a raid group at a specific boss who drops a piece of loot you actually need).

Think of the older expansions…

Vanilla/Classic… only 2-3 pieces of gear dropping for a whole raid of 40, or up to hours of dungeon grinding to get just get 1 certain piece of gear. could take you literal months to get gear in slots you actually need (it was common to see for example, plate classes like a paladin wearing cloth armor, because plate refused to drop, and the epic cloth piece that no one wanted was better than a green or blue piece of gear they had)… all RNG not in anyone’s favor. Many stories of people who still didn’t get the piece of gear they needed after months of grinding by the time TBC launched.

TBC/WoTLK, hours of monotonous boring content to gear up, winterspring, vehicle raids/dungeons, etc, argent dawn crap/dailies, etc

and so on.

but this all changed with MoP and amplified over the years until Legion, and since then now we’re given gear left and right for free for little to no effort.

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Boils down to putting in effort/time to clear lfr/norm/heroic content just to get the same ilvl gear from doing 5 minutes of world quests. Technicially free/participation/welfare gear.

3months without a meaningful piece of gear in vanilla.

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If you dont know what I mean at level 120, please delete your toon, as your guild name states.

You logged back in for that lottery gear yes? Blizzard wins

exactly… plenty of stories of people who didn’t get the gear they needed for a certain slot or more before TBC launched…

That one Paladin player, grinding every lockout attempting to get their shoulders, was stuck wearing reject cloth shoulders… and TBC came before they ever got their shoulders xD!

Dude went through all of Vanilla without plate shoulders and only time plate shoulders did drop, he lost against the warriors who had priority loot in raids, etc, and by the time all the warriors had their shoulders, they never dropped again and then TBC release date was announced. lol

I remember using the leather shoulders from domos chest throughout mc as a holy pally