Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

And yet, in every one of those long winded, “They’re killing my game wah” posts on the old forums, there’s plenty of people claiming to be having minimal difficulty as low as 330-340.

Maybe it’s not the game’s fault you’ve been struggling

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Ah yes, immediately just assume I’m the problem, when I’m literally not the only person having issues, and playing a shaman has the most mind numblingly easy rotation ever.

I have three buttons (four if you count chain lighting). off with your garbage.

Bottom line: Scaling is Garbage, and unneeded, never should have been put in to begin with.

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There’s plenty of people not having the issues.

There is another group that is having the issues.

There’s no specific class, spec, or role connection between the two.

So what other assumption should be made but user error?

Implying there’s any specs significantly more complex. Every spec is incredibly simple, yet people still screw it up. That’s the difference between a good and a bad player.




Literally all your points are subjective and feeling and opinionated. All the counterpoints are based off simple math and data.

The reality and facts of the situation > Your feelings on the matter.

Oh yes, so hard to cast flame shock, hit Lava burst when it’s available or pops up, and fill the rest in with lighting bolt and chain lighting, and move out of the telegraphed stuff.

Very difficult, near impossible really. /s

Scaling is still garbage, and should be removed. Period.

The only time scaling is remotely useful is while your actually leveling. Beyond that it’s unnecessary and tedious

Scaling is literally a non-issue. We’re at the point now where you can sneeze on a mob half the map away and they die, and that’s with scaling.

We’d murder them with auto-attacks if they removed scaling. It’s what they do to keep us awake when we do world quests.


One reason why I liked the vendor system. At least you could earn stuff and get what you needed or wanted. But, no! The people in charge decided, oh, let us make it random because they could not find the vendors, which were easy to find.

It was always rng to gear up. Now it’s just more so.


Yeah, but I still liked the getting those badges and then turning them into the vendor. At least I knew what I was getting in the end.

can anyone name an armor piece from BFA that has significance?

you know like Lionheart Helm from Vanilla… or Bloodvine for clothies out of ZG?

You really want to hold up Classic itemization like it wasn’t horrendous?

At least it was for certain, at least items had specific values that were certain and not random. The way stats scaled in regard to classes and abilities was actually interesting. Now you pray for a specific azerite trait so you can do 20% more dps… sounds like diablo 3 to me. BRB farming for a Primal Ancient Pig Sticker so I can jump 20 greater rift levels.

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Exaggerate harder.

Interesting is subjective.

That’s…literally not even close to what actually goes on. What?

Push higher content? If you do a 10 that’s a 415 weekly and 400 from dg itself.

notice how people are talking about item levels and not specific items… yea not interesting to me in the least bit.


410, not 415.

Not guaranteed.

Then go to the classic forum.

I like to hangout in both forums, discussing both games. Thanks for the suggestion though, I threw it away.

I mean nothing in life is guarenteed. You aren’t guaranteed a guerrilla won’t come in thru your house and eat you.

But serious note, I’m drowning in 400+ gear, just do higher content.

…what the hell are you talking about.

You said that doing just a weekly +10 gives a 415 and 400 piece.

It’s actually 410 , and the 400 is 3/5 chance (2/5 if you don’t time the key)

This thread highlights perfectly how the WoW forums have slowly been ruining the game more and more each passing day.

You want to get a rewarding rush for no effort whatsoever? I’m sorry to say dude but at this point you might want to look into taking up heroine.

Heroine takes less than 5 minutes for that rewarding rush of dopamine you’re looking for to kick in. I’m afraid you won’t get that from any video game.

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Ooo noooes I’m off by 5 ilvls. You all gonna die in your 385 gear , oh nooes.

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