Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

I remember seeing people complain on the forums. I also remember not having anywhere near the same claimed issues.

I remember people intentionally exaggerating and overblowing because they didn’t like world scaling.

Mobs do continue to scale. They scale slower than you do. You don’t need a high ilvl to handle world quests at a good pace.

If your one of the classes that blizzard didn’t butcher to hide things into Warmode, maybe so.

But I know for a fact Elemental Shamans were not 2nd highest DPS in pharses when this expansion came out.

Maybe your experience differed from others due to what class you played, upon launch there were multiple classes blizzard outright crippled with the removal of legendary items and artifacts, and that issue was only resolved by being significantly stronger than the stuff you were fighting.

Honestly, if Blizzard did not randomly add World Quest mob scaling to a characters item level once 120, we probably wouldnt’ be having this issue at all.

But of course blizzards gotta throw things in there, because people complain that “Worlds quests in legion were boring, because there was no challenge, now that I’m in 3rd raiding tier gear, and the mobs dropped like flies”

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And there it is.

What does that have to do with world quests.

Assuming I only played one class.

And yet, people of every class succeeded not only in accomplishing world quests, but even clearing mythics as low as 290-300 ilvl.

Somehow, I think even the worst off specs managed world quests 40 ilvls higher than that.

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Welcome to RNG… Bliz has determined for you that you like RNG, even if you think you don’t. So you will be served a healthy portion of RNG every minute of the game. Enjoy!

I’m hopeful that the 8.2 currency system is actually good… too much to hope for? Probably… yet I still hope.

I miss MoP, that’s when the game was actually designed well.

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and there what is?

Me pointing out blizzard does stupid stuff to make certain classes lives harder than others?

Yeah, people did succeed -eventually- in regards to getting stuff cleared, but some classes clearly had a harder time than others.

There is no arguin that point, blizzard should never have added that stupid item level scaling to 120 mobs to begin with.

I really don’t care if some level 110 decked out in heroic/mythic raiding gear found world quests too easy in legion.


The first few days is “eventually”?

I’m not arguing for or against world scaling.

But it is objectively true that you scale faster than mobs, and to have an easy time with WQs you do not need higher than dungeon gear. You certainly don’t need 370+, and you sure as hell do not need heroic gear.

I don’t care what ilvl WQs only casual get, I’m not arguing any point other than you do not need that gear to clear the content you are doing

Welcome to World of Warcraft, people have been getting higher than “Necessary” gear for clearing World Quests / Dailies since BC.

The only difference is blizzard for whatever reason injected item level scaling into mobs to make it “take longer” because over geared raiders complained world quests were too easy for them.

Which is just straight up annoying.


Pacing may be subjective, the ilvl isn’t though, because to reach the same level of stats to previous expansions requires that high an ilvl.
Of course, I generally am always used to being higher gear level so i may be biased.

then again you can scrap said gear and also disenchant it for materials. I have yet to see any enchanter who doesn’t need more mats and now that I’m leveling inscription, where does expulsom come from? I’m only going to get this stuff scrapping gear

Sorry for your bad luck OP. however;

I don’t have big expectations from getting gear out of a non-raid or heroic/mythic setting. I can’t do raids due to time constraints, but once I ding 120 I’ll start grinding out WQ to get 350+ gear and I’ll stsrt doing heroics most likely, and maybe push into mythic dungeons if I want. Most are 20 minutes with a good group, and I’m willing to try and see if I have what it takes to keep up or learn how.

So just jump into some heroics or mythics. As long as you avoid the AOE effects of the bosses/instance, you’ll prob do ok. Heck I can do it…anyone can.

Which means they scale to a higher difficulty at ilvl 400 than they are scaled at 330. Do you not understand how this works?

No, that’s not actually the case. The Item level scaling has a cap, but it’s cap is supposedly around 370.

It’s not infinite scaling, but it scales enough to be annoying.

There is no cap.

I doubt that.


Absolutely no indication, anywhere, of any sort of cap.

If that’s the case, then the scaling is worse than I thought.

Scaling is dumb as hell.

I assumed scaling capped off around 370, because mobs stopped seeming to keep up with me once my characters passed that point.

You kinda do when you’re taking shots at someone’s progress. But I wouldn’t expect you to get that. Being level 13 and all. Go level little buddy! Enjoy the game.

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You scale faster than the mobs do.

Like, literally read the article. You begin to rapidly outpace mobs as low as 330.

You’re complaining about an issue that doesn’t exist because you don’t like it

I didn’t start outpacing mobs until 370.

Which is exactly what I was under the impression that’s where the scaling ended.

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