Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

i agree with you 100% on that.

Wow was once known for their versatility. Now it is. Go do these 150 things, specifically in the order we tell you, while doing things you don’t want to do, then you may get lucky and get something.

Of course that is the point of raiding. But it doesn’t fix the over arcing problem of forced play, which leads to people doing nearly anything to get away from blizzards “way” of making players go down a certain path the past few expansions.


i’ve heard people say this over the years. I join a guild yet i don’t raid or do dungeons. I want to play solo and quest etc. Then in all fairness wtf are you playing an mmo for lol?

It’s like the division 2 is 4 player co-op. Anthem is co-op. Monster hunter is co-op,Fallout 76. If you play them solo, they get boring.

When i want a solo experience, i play Witcher or red dead redemption. I want co op I play co op games. it’s like if i buy mortal kombat 11 and say well i beat the campaign in 5 hours, I won’t play any online versus, game sucks I’m bored.

You do buy a fighter to fight other people.

You played for 35 whole minutes and the game didn’t give you cutting edge gear? Oh the inhumanity.


honestly how so? I haven’t felt forced to play any certain way in BFA. I can do the zones in any order i want. I can choose my talents, i can play azerite traits how i want. I can do any mythic dungeon i choose etc.

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Wow continual stream of time gated content has led people to play catch up, Drop off, play catch up, drop off, and so forth. Blizzard has attempted to put players into positions to catch up quickly. Especially since many players are leveling alts and new races and whatnot. They did this on purpose. They created the monster. Now they can deal with the consequences. Maybe they should focus on getting rid of time gating and allow for their patches to create fluidity rather than attempt to build a make up system for their bad development choices?

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an MMORPG is a massively multiplayer online role playing game. NOT a massively grouped player online role playing game. This means that players will have the choice to enter into role playing according to paths allowed by the game. Formerly, i.e. Vanilla, BC, WotLK there were multiple paths. In BC they created “dailies” which made people do chores for rewards. And then they moved onto achievements and so forth. Then they regressed and said. You know what. I think everyone should take this 1 path and then have to wait to take another path. They can’t get certain things that were granted to them before, some of which were reasons they loved the game, and now they have to wait. This way they can “experience” the game how we intended. But the point of an MMO, specifically wow, was that we can experience it how WE intended. Not to be forced in 1 direction.


Lets be real here I stopped playing ages ago expansion has so much work needing to be done I have not played since April.

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well BFA was released in August. It’s June now. I made a new Brewmaster Kul tiran. The gear has scaled, item levels have been raised and honestly if I make an alt I wouldn’t expect myself to spend the same time now as i did back in say September.

I mean you figure a WQ back in December wouldn’t or shouldn’t be giving you a 375 piece. I mean gearing up at the end of an expansion or dam near a year into it should be different than release I would think

Warmode; was created as an incentive to role play BFA’s theme. If you play it, you get a huge bonus. Even though majority of servers were PVE at that point and many hated randomly getting ganked or being drawn from what they were doing for hours for petty pvp action. A few love pvp, but overall most I have spoken with have largely been disappointed or even hate it.

Flying; the fact that there is no flying, is them forcing you to play a certain way. The fact that they put achievements on it and then time gate it is forcing you to do ALL of those things in order to get it.

Portals; they removed the old portals for the same reason as the first 2. To play their theme of BFA and to force you into “experiencing the content”.

Achievements; although players are largely moving around characters with allied and other alts, they have kept many achievements character locked. This pushes people into staying on one character longer instead of broadening their interests.

Gear; there is a clear “mostly” 1 path for gear. WQs, Weekly, Mythics, Raids, done. Lame, lame, lame, lame. There are many ways to skin a cat. Forcing 1 way = boredom.

I have 2-3 of each class at 111-120 (factions/allied). I have a hard time even logging on simply because I am overwhelmed. I cannot actually log on and have fun doing the same thing that they are forcing me to do in order to get “geared”. The system is terrible and needs to change. I am not saying that raiding should be inferior or that harder things should not be rewarded greater. Only that creating versatility in play for rewards is greater than the pretty much one path we have now.

At least in Classic you had master loot, and could give a piece of gear to someone that needed it. You actually ended up gearing faster that way, since it was shared.

yes and you still can. You can play solo and you can do WQ only. But the point of being in an online game is interacting with other people, hence the ONLINE aspect. Be it pvp or co-op.

If you want to play solo by all means do. However raiding requires patience and planning and mechanics. You can’t kill a raid boss solo. in BC you could still do dailies and get solo achvs. But if you weren’t raiding and killing Illidan you weren’t getting the best gear in the game.

So you can experience it how you want, but don’t expect to match people who raid.

ok and warmode is optional. You don’t have to do it. No one is forcing you to put it on. I have it on all the time and i rarely get ganked, i also realize if i want the extra 20% gold or resources it comes with a chance of fighting someone. That’s on me.

yeah flying should be earned. I mean again lol you don’t have to fly. Don’t punish those who put in the effort to getting said achievements because you just log on expecting to have it handed to you.

portals. They just made them better and i have yet to see anyone dislike them in stormwind.

Achvs: I mean if i play any other game am i suppose to create a new character and expect all the achvs be account bound? I make a character in say black desert and i do it as a sorceress, I’m probably going to do it again with a warr alt or witch.

But flying is account bound as well as mounts. it used to be if you get a mount on say your warr, you would need to get the same mount again on your warlock. it’s way more convienient then it used to be.

Gear: Um ok? Like you play and mmo and don’t want to do dungeons or raids. Then don’t play an mmo lol. WQ is 1, lfr is 2, weekly, pvp, mythics, raids. Also normal and heroic have different mechanics. Higher mythics have harder affixes.

If you’re not plan on raiding or or doing mythic pluses, then play Skyrim lol

As I’ve said multiple times: This isn’t about getting gifted high level gear. This is about PROGRESSION vs. RNG luck.

I’d rather spend 3-5 hours grinding currency to buy ONE PIECE OF GEAR as long as it was a piece THAT I ACTUALLY NEEDED.

There is no argument that you can make that will justify the experience of getting your 5th 390 ilevel 7th legion gloves when you already have a pair. It isn’t fun. It is stupid.

I’m not advocating for easy free gear. . . I want a CHANGE IN THE SYSTEM TO NOT GIVE USELESS RNG-GENERATED GEAR!!!

Why is that so hard to understand? Does everyone suck at reading comprehension?


Those are not the “real way” to gear. They are “ways” to gear. If he said he did M+, you could have just as easily replied that he should raid and call that the norm.

WoW has various activities which reward you towards progression. Each person has their own path to progression. If you funnel everybody into specific paths, there is no diversity and the game becomes linear.

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Mobs scale as you level, so by the time you are level 120 you are much weaker than you were at say, level 115 with your endgame legion gear. It is just the nature of how the numbers are scaled based on level.
So until you’re around ilvl 370 or so, you aren’t actually clearing those mobs at a reasonable rate.
My mage, Paladin, and DK are all around 388 to 395 ilvl and they weren’t killing mobs at a reasonable speed until after I became heroic raid level.
Considering the mobs will be stronger with the new patch, you do need that ilvl to be higher to continue completing questlines.

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Ah, true. I didn’t think of that. I forgot about how in 8.2 it takes heroic ilvl raid gear to complete most world quests. I’m happy we’re on the same page again. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Umm, then that’s a you problem. Mobs don’t scale as fast as the player. You can, and should, be clearing world quests are a good pace as low as 330

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Except that world mobs continue to scale with player item level much beyond 330 item level.

Did no one remember the issues people were having with world quests when stuff first started? People were removing their necklaces to take down mobs faster.