Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

The Vender on the Vindicator in Legion was a nice compromise between RNG and player choice and we should bring that style vender back for gearing.



Okay mr level 13 bank toon with the fragile ego. Everyone is superman on their alt. You could be rank 1, world first, and on the m+ invitational, and I would still make fun of you. But you’re none of that. Hell, you can’t even post on your main because you don’t want everyone to see your progress. So I am willing to believe you really aren’t that progressed.

Prove me wrong hun.

I don’t need to nor do I feel like I have to prove my self to someone way down there where the other 90% of the community sits, let alone to someone that doesn’t play anymore and is actually a waste of space to troll games they no longer have interest in playing.

Lets see I bet I can beat that I log in for 30 minutes do the world quests for the emissary then log out and go play Diablo 3.

ITT: Raiders complain non-raiders get gear that is a little worse than the gear they get.
People who do WQ’s only complain they aren’t getting gear they want.

Everyone i unhappy but can’t let anyone else play the game as they please.

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I don’t have a problem to be honest but I do think they went overboard when it comes to the titanforging system. It devalues mythic raiding when you can do other content and get mythic ilvl or higher gear.

Yeah there’s no winning anymore. Blizz can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube and take away all the gear we’re flooded with now.

People want gear to feel exciting again and matter.

People don’t want the gear that’s raining from the sky to stop.

People don’t realize they can’t have both.

Classic will open peoples eyes when it comes to gear or stuff that they take for granted.

I believe op was asking for gear they need instead of getting gear that’s not beneficial to him/her.

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They don’t need heroic ilvl gear to do world quests.

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A lot of us have put the game on hold until 8.2. Whenever that happens to be released.

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Sup guildy :smiley:

Yeah no one really plays BFA anymore, it’s a ghost town

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im in discord with some guildies. we all laughed hard at this haha


lol, didn’t have to wait for all the elitists that make up the majority of wow these days. “you got free gear, why complain” “bye then” “u mad bro” “why don’t you do all the things you hate to do to get better gear” “30 minutes of play omg, n00b”.

You elitist people are why wow is at an all time low. Casuals are what made wow thrive and the lack of them are now why numbers are so low. No one wants to play with you. All the crap you think is worth it like the time gates and other restrictions are why everyone left. I know, I know, good riddance.

Draiygo, I 100% agree. Gearing, feels like garbage. You know what else feels like garbage? The azerite system. The warmode system. The time gate systems. The game play. The game sucks. The may have lost 5 million subs, but they still have a million. They will keep their marketers making decisions and their game designers making pets and mounts.


but i also agree that it’s not being elitist expecting to have the same gear as people who dungeons, raids, pvp. It’s beyond silly and flat out lazy and self entitled to expect constant upgrades doing WQ.

They are meant to get you into the real content. Most WQ take 2-3 mins? Lol.

Classic was garbage. It will open people’s eyes alright. To how much it sucked. Do you honestly think it will be real classic? NO. It won’t. Because if it was Paladins would be one shotting world bosses and rogues would sap/combo combo/gauche/combo combo/blind/stealth/combo combo/vanish/sap repeat everyone. Everyone would ninja again. 1000s of lost souls will be stuck in Westfall dying as 1 lone hunter kites outdoor bosses to kill n00bs. Do you think the hordes (pun intended) of entitled brats are going to grind in silithus for the guild leader to get the epic mount in AQ? People will actually have to run again and no one even likes to ride at 100% let alone walk. No one will understand the world dragon bosses, no one will ever attempt to see Maws. No one cares. Vanilla was trash and if they release it as it was, will remain trash. If they don’t fix it, OP undead rogues will run loose on everyone. My will of the forsaken will be restored, and you will be crying all day.

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I’m with you, I’m going to corpse camp everyone for hours on end tbh. But I do think its going to flop.

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You guys are taking him too literal. That is the issue of typing versus actually sitting there and talking to someone. He said he didn’t like the reward system and that compared with previous systems, this one is lame. Yeah
it is lame. I get that he shouldn’t expect to get good gear without equivalent effort. But that’s the issue. We have 1 way to do things. Go grind horrible dungeons, OR go grind horrible dungeons. Then everyone is all pissy that this dude doesn’t want to log in to grind horrible dungeons. LOL

but that’s the point of raiding? I mean you grind gear to be able to get into a raid. That hasn’t changed in any expansion and that won’t change in any mmo. Hell i played destiny on xbox.

They had a light level. You weren’t getting into raids without grinding instances with 3 people to get a higher light level lol. But also people can’t tell if someone is being literal or not.

Some people are actually that serious lol.

Raiders want to be the most elite. They have a pathetic ego that is not much to brag about. All they can say is "I can move out of fire
when my gear isn’t good enough, why can’t you? People who don’t raid want any other system besides crappy dungeon/raid grinds to get gear. It’s boring. The story sucks. The dungeons suck, and at least there are options with WQs, unlike the horrible instances the past few expansions.