Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

get out of normal and do higher content lol

Sometimes I still daydream about the old days when we had to earn the level of gear we had, man, those were the days.

I think in 8.2 I’m going to make me a new welfare character, I’m going to log in every day and complete every single possible route for welfare gear without touching anything over LFR and heroic dungeons just to see how long it takes me to be equally ilvl geared as my heroic raiding characters. I’m guessing my welfare character won’t be much beyond 3 weeks or so.

This is how I wish gearing went.

  1. Your ilvl is 320 but some of your gear is below 320
  2. When you get a random gear reward it checks to see what you have that matches or is better then your ilvl
  3. Anything not at or above ilvl is included in the roll. So if you have gloves, boots and belt below that ilvl then the roll only rolls one of those three.
  4. Next random it will only roll one of the two left and finally the third random will roll whatever is left.
  5. This will start all over again when your ilvl gets higher.
  6. To stop players from gearing in one day these types of quests are offered less often. Or your ilvl goes up in smaller increments so it takes longer.
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1.) You hit max level and grind normal dungeons.

2.) You get your ilvl high enough to grind some heroic dungeons.

3.) You get your gear decent enough to do some mythic dungeons.

4a.) You get your gear up enough to do a normal raid.
4b.) You get your gear up enough to do some low keys.

5a.) You get your gear up enough to do a heroic raid.
5b.) You push high keys.

6a.) You are content farming heroic raids.
6b.) You are content pushing higher keys.
6c.) You try to start mythic raiding.


Holy crap that actually makes sense!

I made that list all by myself without any help from anyone, you guys are welcome.

No, I don’t want a job at Blizzard, Ion, I already have an amazing career.

Come to think of it you forgot getting 425 gear from afking lfr, then whining about it not being for the slot you wanted.

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If that character is in Azshara at the start I’d say one week he will be more geared than your main

It’s literally the same system we have now it’s just that people skip steps and go right from heroic dungeons to +10 keys at the start of the expansion

Yeah but I was taking into consideration the player base that fit into this thread.

I think I have a stalker or a secret admirer, keep getting likes on multiple threads over and over lol.

I meant in 8.2 have my regular characters who will be raiding but also have one side character for only welfare, just to see how far it stays behind my legit characters.

As a noob to BFA
 can someone explain those caches to me? How do I get them? I’ve been WQing on my druid but I never get caches :frowning:

1: It’s ma’am.

2: Riddle me this, Batman: Why do Mythic+ people DESERVE 420 gear? Judging by your profile, you’re a casual raider at best and mostly do Mythic+. Mythic+ people click their buttons less than raiders do.

By your attitude, you shouldn’t get gear that high either. I bet you’ve never have had to actually do any kind of call outs in a raid setting. I think trying to get 20 people to get their proverbial you know what together is much more deserving of 420 gear.

That goes for ALL aspects here.

I personally don’t think that Mythic+ people deserve 420 gear. I personally feel that it needs to cap out at normal mode levels at best (in my ideal world, I’d call for it to cap at the highest LFR WF you could get).

While I personally feel this way: guess what? I don’t demand that Bliz change the gear situation to fit my personal opinion on the subject.

Why? Because I understand the flipping point of gear progression in this game.

What I do agree on is that WQ gear should cap out on LFR ilvl: instead of having it start at 370, say it starts at 365. The highest it would go is to whatever LFR would cap out at.

But I don’t sit here and outright insult a part of the player base that didn’t ask Bliz to do this thing they do with gear. What I have heard from casuals over the many, many years I have been on these forums, is for them to have a way to progress in gear instead of having to do LFR.

Personally, I never asked Bliz to implement this system. Not all of us casuals agreed that there should be a skip LFR and have ways to get gear higher than we really need.

It’s the anti-LFR crowd that asked for that (my guess is you’ve probably got a beef against LFR). Well, those people got what they wanted but are still screaming about casuals getting gear.

Who’s the Emo now, Picklez? (Yes, I am using puns with your name.)

(I think I went on a rant.)

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raiding is interesting as long as its not lfr. Im alliance, when has PvP in the last 5 years ever been good for alliance?

You forget the whole expansion of WoD?

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Welcome to Boredom for All, where the lottery (not skill and effort) determines your character’s gear progression.

Depends on what you mean by good for Alliance. Because you mean like 2 years of WoD which PvP was fine for me personally. The realm we played on had World PvP and I had no issues getting into Rated PvP. Legion and BFA PvP has been terrible for pretty much everyone.

Because I don’t. It’s that simple cupcake. My account hasn’t been active for months. Maybe if you could read and interpret, you would know that. Keep slogging through this game though. I’ll play something worth my while.

Yeah I read that you stopped playing, I would if all I was capable of doing was world quests and correcting grammar and trolling through forums of a game I no longer play.