Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

What’s your issue with people playing catchup 4 months after the raid tier releases?


I dont have a issue oh wow wow wow i traced a circle give me my 400 ring ya ya ya oh boi!!! So engaging so challenging look at me good ya ya ya im so good!!!

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You’ve been playing this game for 15 years and you haven’t figured out yet that chasing ilvl is a bad idea?


smh@u OP

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Yea op dont worry about gear infact wq are even more fun with less gear yay!!! I mean they are alrdy super engaging an challenging content but they get even more challenging with less gear!!! Its amazing so many times i failed to trace a circle when i was sub 400 an so much engagment i couldnt peel my eyes away for even a second!!!



Yup, totally nothing except bracers there. Totally.

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Are you one of those people that gets aggravated that you don’t have shiny toys anymore?

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I log on for about 2-3 hours at night. After that it gets a bit burnt out

Esp. since my Necklace is at 50, i used to do WQ’s to progress it, I just want some type of currency besides 2k on a bonus roll

Anyways tho, WoW will always be my fav game and i really don’t play any others. I just lack motivation to sign on nowdays

What are you talking about i have wq the shiniest of toys, they give me everything i want, no longer do i need to do stupid boring ez mode heroic raids now i can do the engaging super fun and challenging wq they are the future raids are dumb all group content is the past let wq rain i love wq!!!

But daddy Ion is so kind that even with the amazing engaging content that wq are sweet daddy Ion gave on WARFRONTS. OMG warfronts are rhe second shinest toy they are even morr insanely challenging i no i was scared to try them at first too. But omg everyone is nice in them. Big daddy Ion let me put follow on someone my first time an 20 minutes later i had a 400 weapon OMG I WAS SO SO SO SO HAPPY it was so so so so fun an so so so so engaging omg i honestly cant believe we won the warfront it sure was a close one but we did it yay!!!

Edgy edge of edgelordiness



Why are you elitist jerks always trying to rain on my parade, just let me have my super duper fun content, i pay the same 15 a month you do i deserve the rewards!!! So many entitled mean people

You’re the type of guy to get mad about a game he bought being discounted 4 months after its release.

Your typing also drains one of their spirit, please talk like a regular human being, and not a petulant child who thinks his infantile behavior is endearing.


Why are you elitist so mean, just let me do my wq my occasional warfront ( they are still kinda scary)

I dont tell you how to play so leave me an my wq alone meanie

You have legitimate issues. Troll or not this is just sad. You’re also complaining about things that have been in game for over 12 years. Might just want to move on from WoW if it’s bothering you that much.


Of course im complaining, but i understand i just wish blizzard could do something about you mean elitist pkayers always trying to belittle me an telling me to git gud just leave me an my super duper fun world quest alone

I can just imagine you hammering your keyboard full of impotent rage, screaming into the void pointlessly over problems that exist only in your head. Its not good for your blood pressure.


You elitist jerks dont exist in my head youre real youre right here telling trying to take away my wq just leave me alone you entitled meanie go do you big bad lfr idc if you can raid big deal wq are the future they are the real deal an i deserve to be rewarded for how challenging they are no matter what you say!

lol BFA where the end game is world quests ROFL

Hey you watch youself wq are an engaging and challenging end game

you could have looked at what rewards the seperate WQs offer rings and trinkets come maily from the turtle quests not to mention the random WQ for a slot you listed sounds like you just did the first 4 WQ in the zone and left.

I think I understand the source of his psychosis. His raiding group benched him after they found a demon hunter who could apply chaos brand without making the group hate life.