Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

Uh. . .no.

I used to be able to accumulate currency to buy gear from a vendor. Arena Points, Honor Points, conquest points, valor points, etc. . .

I don’t have the SLIGHTEST problem with having to take much MUCH longer to earn gear. I don’t have the SLIGHTEST problem with needing to do higher tier content and having to try hard.

What sucks is doing 5-6 WQ, getting 3 faction caches, Opening your weekly Cache, Earning your 500 conquest reward, Getting 4-6 rewards from doing arenas, AND doing the Warfront quest. . . ONLY to receive no upgrades because 4 of those items are belts, and the rest are the same or 5 ilevel lower than what I already have. . . all while I can’t get a trinket/bracer upgrade to save my life.

I would rather spend ALL OF THAT TIME to earn some currency to get ONE PIECE OF GEAR that I can use (instead of 8 that are useless to me).


Psh raiding thats for elitist jerks i dont want no part of that ez mode content thats dumb an boring how many times i have to tell you. You elitist jerks are all the same you never listen to a true WOW pkayer when they talk ok buddy im the reason you even have raids.

You haven’t even finished a normal raid and you want to complain to me about a bunch of casuals playing catch-up a month before a new patch releases?


Exaclty raids are for elitist jerks i dont want any part of that, wq are the future why are you being so mean just leave us causals alone you elitist can have you raids but remember us causals are the reason you have them you big meanie

Who wants to bet that not a single developer will respond to this?

Why would they?

Hold on a minute. I need to put my tinfoil hat on.

I stand by the main idea motivating my post, but not my mocking tone… ludicrous expectations for a return-on-WQ-investment or not, there’s no reason for me to be a jerk about it. Also, fundamentally, the OP and I agree that the gearing in BfA feels bad.

On the offchance the OP reads this far and cares, my apologies for the surly mocking tone… just woke up and all that.

why would they? its a dumb complaint from the lazy side of WoW.

Why do people call it a “catch up” system when they aren’t going to use the gear in the “catch up” system to actually do anything in the game? All these people decked out in “catch up” gear equal to heroic raid gear ilvl and still haven’t even finished all the dungeons on normal difficulty or touched a normal raid, and they surely aren’t doing any rated pvp.

What exactly are they “catching up” to or for?

Call it what it is -
Welfare gear.

Well that is nice of you.

It isn’t the return that I was referring to. . . it was the useless gear.

I’d gladly trade the time it takes to get 10-15 pieces of gear for a chance to use a currency/vendor system to get the specific gear item that I need. How many 400 ilevel 7th legion belts can one get before they’ve simply had it?

Remember. . . we are talking mostly about gearing ALTs after one’s main is nearly fully geared.

Hell, take away WQ gear all together. Make it so that you can only get gear from doing Raids or Arenas (depending on your preference). Raid gear drops from boss loot tables and PvP gear is purchased through currency/vendor. . . . EVERYONE WANTS THIS. I wouldn’t mind having to do hundreds upon hundreds of arenas to accumulate currency before getting gear. . . as long as everything felt like it meant something.

How is it even remotely fun to do the weekly 500 conquest and get multiple drops from arenas over the course of doing hundreds of games and get ZERO upgrades (it has happened)? HOW is that fun?

At least in raids if you don’t get gear drops, SOMEONE in your guild does. PvP gearing and RAID gearing will never be able to be the same. . . they are fundamentally different systems.

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Yeah it actually is. If you need me to sum up:

You aren’t guaranteed a win. You need to prepare yourself to lose (money/gear/thing), or best case, break even. To get disgusted with the whole system because you didn’t win is incredibly silly. If you aren’t prepared to lose, don’t play.

To take this a bit further, gear is so ridiculously easy to get currently, that to complain about it actually comes across as being incredibly petty. The game will literally gear you up to somewhere between 390 and 400, filling in the slots you need if you play basic PvE content regularly.

Source? I’ve taken thirteen toons up to about 390 so far. WQ, Emissaries, Warfronts, and the “campaign” to it’s conclusion. Most of these toons have done no dungeons and have run LFR once per boss for the acheive. Average time to this ilvl? About a day and a half (35 hours) after dinging 120, per toon.

OP’s “story” of the horrible gear-up process isn’t enough data to build a case on. I could flip a quarter four times and get heads each time; that doesn’t mean tails doesn’t exist. If OP keeps playing, they will gear up, even if they don’t try.

So, in retrospect, maybe you are right - the lottery is a bad analogy because you could theoretically play that your entire life and never win, even on scratchers. WoW isn’t like that… if you keep playing for a reasonable amount of time, you will get the gear.

I really wish Blizzard would crack down on people being able to post without a subscription.

They’re catching up to everyone else who plays the game for raiding, dungeons and PVP. So they’re not left behind for the next patch when 400 becomes the new baseline mythic dungeon gear. Also, it’s blizzard saying: “Gear up your alts for the next patch!”

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I don’t know how many times it needs to be said that no one is advocating for making gear “easier” to get. I’d be cool with it taking 10x longer to get a piece of gear as long as there was a feeling of progression.

The current system isn’t about “easy” or “hard”. . . it is one that is so hugely RNG that you can conceivably gear out in a few days or spend weeks waiting to upgrade specific gear.

I guess everyone is so quick to assume what someone is saying that they don’t even read. yOu wAnT WElfArE ePiCS LOLZ!!! – give me a break.

Personally, I think that LFR should drop basic blue gear. It shouldn’t be the best, but not the worst. Give people an opportunity through questing and playing to be able to upgrade them to some of the best blue gear through effort and time.

Not adding tokens and coins is a bad idea. Vendors were a god send for people that didn’t get good drops in BC. At least they could work toward something if they had bad rolls. BC’s token system was one of the best things they ever made.

I’m okay with the mythic system, but I don’t like the idea of speeding through dungeons. We should need to plan our way through a dungeon… not rush through it. Increase the damage of mythic mobs and remove the timer, that way CC and careful thinking is prioritized.

Making gear worth it again would give me more reason to play. Also, remove item level scaling mobs so all gear upgrades make you feel stronger.

If you’re implying I don’t have a subscription you’re dead wrong, I actually have 3 active subs right now.

Nice try though.

My dad works at Blizzard too.


Because we are their customers and businesses that want to succeed dialog and relate to the needs and concerns of their customers. It is basic business that you will learn about when you get to high school.

Hopefully none of this stuff happens on your list.


You really think they’re going to waste their time replying to a thread with someone expecting major upgrades on every single attempt, and the rest of the thread being ‘non raiders dont deserve anything higher than 340?’ First of all, there are 75 threads exactly like this up 24/7, and two, nothing worthwhile would come of it. What do you expect, Ion to come in and say either ‘hey, now every single WQ is going to give you a massive upgrade’, or ‘hey, now the only people allowed to get gear beyond 340 are raiders and M+ runners’? Nothing they can say is going to change anything. Like I said, replying to this is a waste of their time.