Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

lol yeah, I suppose so.

Wow wow wow wq are the best most funniest and hardest content in the game ok we deserve the bestest of all the rewards take your elitist attitude outta here us causals are the reason this game has done nothing but maintain 10s of millions of subscribers each xpac!

Hey, do you get mad when someone digging ditches and someone testing video games for a living makes the same money? If you want to raid for your gear, have at it. But ‘welfare epics’ have been part of this game for 12 years. And you know it. The model in BFA is nothing new at all. I’ve been reading people like you cry about it for over a decade. Move on with your life.

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Welfare gear equal to heroic raiding gear has never fell from the sky before until BfA.

How is this a response to what I said? You seem to be having issues unrelated to WoW.

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Exactly!!! Raiders are nothing but elitist jerks. If i can trace a circle i 100%%%%%% deserve that 400 ring or trinket!!! I pay 15 a month o deserve the rewards!!! Give me give me give me

I don’t understand why it is so hard to understand that RNG bad luck sucks.

I would be more than happy to get gear twice as slowly, hell even 3x more slowly, if only I didnt have to swallow getting the same 400ilevel 7th legion belt OVER AND OVER.

Why would it be so hard to give us currency that we can save up in order to buy a specific piece we need?

It would actually encourage raiding/mythics because you could potentially get drops in between upgrades from accumulating currency for gear.

ALSO —> You could ignore raiding/mythics and gear through PVP since there are plenty of us that HATE PVE.

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This entire post reads “Blizz give me best in slot because I logged in for an extremely small amount of time! Don’t allow people who actually put effort into grinding gear to have the best, because I matter more!”
OP strikes me as very entitled.

i read this as JOGGED for 35 minutes.

maybe i need to go to sleep.

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The thing about that is, it is super easy to outgear mythic dungeons (minus mythic +) and raids just by doing WQ/Warfronts and I think that is the bigger issue here.

The best place for higher end gear should ALWAYS be mythics/raids/higher end PvP.

I hope that no one has told the OP that in past expansions, there weren’t even caches that contained relevant gear, and that in order to gear up beyond a certain point, you either needed to raid or do high level PvP.

I also solo, having the same thing happen.

My ilevel is higher, but it still happens.


395 wrist, already have 400.

395 legs, already have 400.

385 is still my weapon, no luck with that ever.

Previous is correct, though. At least now we CAN do this stuff. I remember the “wonderful” Vanilla, where raiding was the only way.

The end of MoP, with Timeless Isle, was where I started to say, “Hey, Wow is finally for me too!” I got those epic sets on my 3 mains, including this one.

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Being mad RNG failed you, and then saying past expansions were better when you had zero opportunity to get gear outside of dungeons and raids is an interesting take.

Lol yeah you must not have the time or something if you complaining about just being on for 30mins and crying about your bad cashe drops. Why do you think each of your cashe needs to be an upgrade when you just did them in half an hour? Go do a raid or M+ then get on forums and complain about your drops. This is the laziness in WoW now that the Devs have to also appease sadly.

That’s funny, I seem to remember these things called Emblems and Valor and Justice and being able to do daily content to purchase very specific pieces of gear, including tier gear from raids. Wasn’t necessarily the best most perfectest gear in the game but it was close enough.

None of this looking at my 355 bracers on my Monk, waiting for a WQ that rewards bracers, or hoping that RNG won’t give me my 5th sidegrade Azerite helm of the day and 25th of the week business.

Well, I guess it’s convenient that you mentioned bracers. Since that was about the only slot that you could reliably expect to find on vendors like that. Good luck with everything else.

Getting gear has never been easier than it is in BfA. So the complaint that it’s not exactly the gear you want is pretty ridiculous.

Stop it. Get some help.


Gonna help myself to these wonderfully engaging wq oh ya ya ya!!!


Please take a break from the game.

Dailies have been in the game in one form or another since at least TBC. Where have you been…