Just let the non flying crowd zone and play with themselves in a server

They think it requires discipline, which it does. Discipline is harder than any skill based challenge. So yes, it is hard.

Everything you say shows a lot about you.

I’ve been playing since WC3. You don’t have to create a back story and talk like NPCs in order to enjoy the game.

You also don’t need to create a backstory and talk like npcs to be an RP player. It’s kinda like most things in life, you’ve got extreme RP, and then casual RP, and everything in between.

Discipline? Man you’re reaching.

Warmode, no warmode, flying, no flying, that spits the playing base by a potential of 4, no thanks. I’d rather walk than see even less people around.

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I dispute it. Show some proof.


Okay? Man you’re whinging.

And you also have a majority of players that don’t take part in any RP at all. How many RP servers are there vs normal servers?

Those people are just as big of fans of the game as you. Stop trying to gatekeep wow.

I’m whinging? What’s that?

Boat rides, zeppelin rides, no portals and no flight are all here for you in Classic. The genie is out of the bottle in retail though, and why these developers continue to use flight as their hill to die on is absurd. Literally, cost them millions of players and their $15 per month to stick it to their players w a pointless power move.

I play on a normal server, I still consider myself a RP oriented player. I never talk in character, it’s impossible to see from the outside, but my experience for me, is that of an RP player. It’s very open ended, you seem to think it’s like, only one way. But you don’ thave to go all out just to immerse yourself in the role. You can do a little,or a lot. It’s up to you. You choose to do zero, so it makes me wonder why you’re even playing an mmoRPG. Let alone complaining about the direction they chose for the mmoRPG. You’re an outsider. Stay quiet and appreciate it for what it is, if you can’t do that, leave. WoW is not hurting for your subscription. You are a minority as someone who doesn’t engage in RP in any measure. Your opinion is detrimental to the core experience of WoW as an RPG. You’re free to express it, but you sound like an entitled troll.

We do not lose anyone. The players are still there for the instanced content goodness we love and can opt into whatever they want. The bigger factional divide is not allowing cross play between factions. Flying is a poor scapegoat of the real issue.

What do you consider RP? I like to make race/class combos that makes sense. I enjoy the story and the world. I like the lore around races and classes. I don’t consider any of that “engaging in RP”.

Flying at max level for 5 million gold, per toon. Sounds about right to me. All for it, let get on it Ion.

I am 100% fine with not flying, but here’s the thing - There’s nothing in the game stopping me from choosing not to fly in any area I decide not to fly. Other people flying around me doesn’t impact what I want to do at all. If you don’t want to fly, then don’t fly. Don’t get Pathfinder. Don’t get on that mount with wings. Stay grounded by your own choice. I do when I want to. Let other people enjoy the things they enjoy, too. In general PvE content, you have the freedom to stay on the ground as long as you want. Changing Pathfinder or releasing it earlier would not change that. It isn’t anyone else’s problem if you don’t have the self control to play the way you’d prefer to play.

*There are other arguments for warmode, I get that, but I won’t speak to it as it’s not a mode I really play.


I do not want this either. Who asked for this? OH yea the extremist non flying crowd to make fun of the flying crowd.

More people favor having PF1 unlock flying or gold as duel options. But PF1 gives acct wide.


Ridiculous anti-flying comment.

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Getting into the character as you are playing them. Pretending you are the avatar that is on your screen while they are on your screen. That’s all.

You’re right that all of the stuff you listed is not RP. What you listed is just setting up the conditions, it has nothing to do with actually role PLAYING. So yeah. You’re right. I get that it can be embarrassing to pretend you’re the person on your screen and that everything is real, I get that imagination is something kids do, but that’s what an RPG experience is. If you want to create an environment that makes it harder to get into that imaginative immersive state, for the sake of “fun” and avoiding a grind, I don’t want you to be playing the game.

edit: Also, every race class combo makes sense, or else it wouldn’t be a race/class combo. You do realize there is a lore reason behind every combination right?

We lose them in outdoor content like we currently do with warmode. So yes you will end up seeing less players if you give more options to split the playing base.

Unless they fix some things like being able to see all your party at the summoning stone, because you will end up with 4 people on different shards at one point or another.

But the main thing is outside major cities could potentially be even more empty, less people to quest with, help with tough rares and outdoor bosses. How many times have you joined a group and found they were a different WM setting than you?

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Except that flying doesn’t negatively impact any of that. At all.

In the alliance story Taelia saves you and Flyn multiple times on a flying mount. All that does is reinforce flying there but players can’t fly because of “reasons”.

Once you do everything in pathfinder part 1 there is no value to be grounded. All zones explored, all story quests done, along with a multitude of over the top requirements like 100 WQs done and revered with the expansion’s factions. It becomes tedious and not fun.