Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Put it behind something similar in difficulty to beating Garrosh during MoP and thats fine.

Yeah, everyone would win, your right. Thanks for admitting it finally. :heart:

But it’s a game, and it’s just one of many draws offered to entice people. It doesn’t represent a very high percentage of the rewards, but it exists. I don’t begrudge others that have them where I do not.

It was removed. Your proof is the prepatch transition from 7.3 into 8.0, when you could no longer obtain it.

Even the article quoted them, too. Again, it was removed, and they would not put articles out saying “permanently removed” unless blizzard, themselves, said it would be.

Articles are written with sources on the inside confirming things. If you want to be skeptic about it, I could literally care less, as tinfoil hat I care not for.

It’s not a me problem, you are the one who cannot accept it, not me. I am the one saying it happened, it got removed, it was sold on the premise of being there for the expansion and not coming back.

No. Time limited is again, time limited. If they missed out because of reason A, B, C, or Z, it doesn’t matter.

This is literally about an achievement with a reward attached to it. My goodness.

Yes. To the Abyss, the Tower of Mages, if only there was a way to get the necessary gear. Lighter, harder, faster, longer - what’s the difference as long as there is a way to get what you want?

But the appearance was the reward for the achievement, which was time locked and as you can see expressly advertised as being “permanently” removed.

No one is envying anyone for having things… we just want to obtain appearances we enjoy ourselves? Why does it have to be that I envy someone else? Why can’t I simply find the appearance appealing and just want to have it?


And at prepatch it was unobtainable. But did they say it was never coming back?

Both would be cool.

I’m texting Ion right now explaining that he should personally mail you all the stuff you want. I hope to report good news soon.

No dont let everyone get the mage tower appearances

Why Personal Issue? Better automated and indifferent. Clothes for everyone.

You’re right, the reasons of individuals not being able to achieve it when it was current cannot be taken into account - to do that would be to abandon the concept of time-locked achievements. It’s not unfair, it’s just the way of the world.

Yes, there will be a sample. Anyone who can pass the prescribed test.

You can just want to have it, but have it you should not be. It was, again, time limited. If you and the others missed out then that sucks, but you missed out. I missed out on the 1970s, and 80s, doesn’t mean I get to experience them.

Stop, it’s not coming back. End of story.


So the world needs to be changed.

“the way of the world”… it’s a game… it’s supposed to be fun… instead it’s frustrating and causes chaos between players because of “time-locked” appearances and mounts…

I asked for when they said you could never get it again or that the MT was never coming back. Removal can be temporary.

Did… did you just admit that I was right and that Blizzard never said it would be permanently removed?

Your the one using it as a point for your argument. If I said “Blizzard promised it would come back and we’d be able to earn them again” and then did the same thing as you when you asked me for proof, you’d call me out on it as well.

LOL good luck with that. I’m not going to argue that one!

No, I’m explaining to him personally that you and a couple of the others are making awesome points about how you should have access to rewards he retired years ago. Can you type me a list of all the stuff you want so we can make sure you get everything?

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The way of the World (of Warcraft) :wink: