Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

ahhhh why do you guys compare real life to a video game? What is wrong with y’all? The whole point of a video game is to get away from real life, not to bring real life into it… it’s a fantasy game. Play for fun, let people enjoy the content your developers created without denying it from players after a limited time… it’s not hard.


M … Are you sure that the 70s and 90s is a good example? More precisely … Do you want to get something from this time period and live like in the 70s and 80s?

You did not get the appearance by earning the achievement, you got the achievement by earning the appearance. There is a huge difference there. Add new achievements to the timewalking MT. There you go. Keep your old achievements to feel special, no one can see them unless you link them or they scroll through your list.

I can totally understand folks who busted their butts to get as many appearances as they could within the timeframe being upset at Blizzard essentially saying “sike!” at them. We were warned well in advance that they’d be leaving.

To be fair we don’t know this yet. The MT stuff has been datamined, we don’t know the full details of what that includes just yet.

For starters - access to the entire story. War of Thorns and all that.

no… just no… it’s a game… it’s not real life… let people enjoy the content that these developers created. Stop defending people who simply just want to feel special over an appearance because they got it 5 years ago. They’ve had their time to feel special… nothing wrong with the work of these developers to be available to everyone.


No, no it wasn’t it was the other way around. I love how you keep trying to argue your wrong point after ignoring me though. Your acting like those children who stick their fingers in their ear and scream when they hear something they don’t like.

Ok but I’m really excited to those new recolors of the tier sets. They look amazing. The priest one would look great on a Draenei.

So if those are tied to the mage tower, I hope it’s not limited because I’d like to try for as many as I can get.

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I got a belly laugh out of this one. Oh my goodness. You guys are messing with me, right? Please tell me this is just an elaborate troll job.

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Says you. Still waiting on that Blizzard link, but at this point I’m thinking I’ll be waiting for something thats never coming because it never existed in the first place.

You seem like a good player, you have loads of achievements, you got some of the MT stuff - I think you’re right, let players enjoy - but that includes players enjoying rewards that not every one did or can get. I see no reason a solid mage such as yourself could get everything on offer from here on out.

I said no such thing.

During the notes for the prepatch as a list of things going away.

No, I actually wouldn’t care. I would still say “no, it’s not” and still be doing the same thing I’m doing now, telling people who missed out that it sucks for them.

Because games are made in the way of the actual world,too in that there’s rewards and there’s consequences for things. No, their enjoyment ruins mine, so it’s a clash because people like you want everything and people like me don’t want people to be able to do everything.

I want things to be prestigious and to have to work towards them, not be given just because it’s a game. I want things to have to earn, not be given just because it’s a game. If you can’t handle that, then that’s on you. If you missed out on things, that’s again, on you.

Time sensitive things should honor them being just that, time sensitive, and not be brought back because “I want”

Frankly, there have always been rewards that were limited-availability. Elite pvp sets, glad mounts, ksm everything, aotc, ce, promotional freebies from real world tie-ins like blizzcon or the warcraft film. The challenge modes that they started with mop timed heroics, then wod timed mythics, then mage tower were ALWAYS designed to have limited-availability rewards.

Just because you weren’t playing when the limited reward was available doesn’t mean you were treated unjustly. Just because you’d prefer to have a reward from an event that happened 6 years ago doesn’t mean you’re owed that reward when the entire design was based around single-expansion power levels, systems, and strategies.

Nobody needs cosmetics, there are plenty of variants of the artifact weapons already available. It’s simply bad business to take something that everyone was aware had limited-availability and decide to give it back because any amount of people who didn’t get it (for whatever reason) want it.

There are facets of the game that are rewards for long-time or high-end players. Period.

Taking away exclusivity is an insult to the people who put in all the effort and would do it again for new rewards. If they bring back challenges in timewalking, there should be new rewards so that the people who WERE playing and DID put in the effort for time-sensitive rewards don’t feel like they were lied to when told they had limited access to the rewards and then newly shafted by already having anything exciting from the “new” version.


Good. I need the whole list though. Be extremely thorough. Ion just texted back and asked if he should wrap it and what color you like.

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LOL I just read that - chicken before the egg or …?

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Write “All”. Although … What post at Activision Blizzard allows you to manage everything and everyone?

WTF does this even mean bro…? You say work towards them and given as if we wouldn’t have to work towards them now. You make no sense… the appearances are not gonna appear in anyone’s log overnight. They will have to work for them just as you did. Stop exaggerating to try to prove your point. It’s silly.


The egg is always earlier.

Ion just wrote, “cool, got a GM working on it, does he have enough gold too?”

I’ll be more specific; time limited things should honor being time limited. If you can’t grasp that, then pick up a book.