Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Your opinion literally has to force itself onto others to exist. Your opinion is that others shouldn’t have something and Blizzard shouldn’t let them earn it. If Blizzard doesn’t give them the chance to earn it then your opinion is forced on them.

Before you even say it, yes, I suppose you could try and make the same argument about my opinion. Blizzard would force you to have to accept that people are allowed to try and get the appearances again. I think its a little bit different in the context of what each side has to give up, which makes it at least far less toxic, as if Blizzard does what I want nothing is lost and only something is gained, whereas if they do what you want nothing is lost or gained and everything remains the same. So I’ll offer you a slight apology.

What value do your shiny pixels hold outside of you like them? Having them time sensitive only adds to enjoyment based on others not being able to get them, and I personally disagree with that.

How does seeing someone else with something affect you? I have never understood this argument.

If you say so.

Um yeah, everyone does that. No one champions a cause they do not think should exist.

At least I didn’t tell you to go play in traffic. Apologies for name calling though, perhaps I jumped the gun. Your not a toxic person, you just have a toxic opinion. There. :heart:

Not sure if I fully understand what you’re trying to say. I’ll reply based on what I’m understanding. I do not think it is unreasonable for people to want old content unlocked when there are transmogs and mounts that were much harder to obtain during current content than the MT and whatever other challenge modes in the past. Killing an end tier Mythic boss is not an easy feat, and people are perfectly fine going back to obtain those cool transmogs and mounts simply because they want them. When you bring out transmogs in a limited time event and make some of them LITERALLY the best ones to exist for some of those specs, new players, and old players who maybe took a break from the game and chose to come back later on are obviously going to feel upset.


The argument “you shouldn’t care what other people look like in game or have!!!” Is insane to me. We play an MMORPG, I see tons of players every day. You’re seriously going to tell me I’m evil because I inspect people and look at peoples characters? That seeing gear that I can’t get anymore on other peoples characters is cool to me because it’s rare? Honestly this is insane to me.

You don’t get to tell me I “shouldn’t care” what other people have or wear in a multiplayer game like this. Of course I do, I don’t close my eyes when playing with people. I enjoy seeing what people have and what they’re transmogging to. Rare and unobtainable items even more so. Trying to paint that as evil and pathetic is absolutely hilarious to me.

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So they went away, hence why they haven’t been available for 4 years. Where did they say they were never coming back? Its been over a day and still no post of that promise or premise or whatever you want to call it.

Still not a good argument to keep it gone.

I do, doesn’t mean I don’t want those other things as well.

I haven’t seen a single person crying they don’t have it. I have seen some people crying that others may be able to get it though.

As was stated, your happiness does not depend on what others can and can not get.

who said you are evil for inspecting people? if anything people are saying you shouldn’t want to deprive others from obtaining certain appearances just because it’s going to hurt your ego if they get it.

I feel differently, I feel that if there is a reward attached to a time-locked achievement then players who earned that achievement should be able to enjoy it and that includes the fact it’s exclusive. I don’t feel it fair to them, nor do I feel I deserve, to return to old content and face roll it to earn that unique item meant to reward those players that managed it when it was current. And as I said, most items, mounts, mogs, toys are all open to get now freely - but those rewards tied to time-locked achievements are not.

It doesn’t hurt my ego, you realize I’m talking from the perspective of someone who is missing probably 80% of the unobtainable items in the game right? Hence why I’m saying “when I see people with…” and not “when I use…”

I -enjoy- seeing people with rare or unobtainable items. I always inspect people and see what everyone’s transmogged to. I like doing that, it’s a social game so checking out what other people have shouldn’t be painted as something that’s “pathetic” just because I like seeing time limited rewards the most. There is absolutely value behind time limited rewards, people can’t get those items anymore (likely including myself) and that’s okay! The items are very rare so seeing people with them is cool. Nothing about that is pathetic to me and I will never see it that way.

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If you look at the protection paladin or protection warrior MT appearance, it is a unique weapon model, a flail.

No deathknight will ever be able to use a flail in World of Warcraft right now, because they haven’t made any other weapons that are flails.

It think it’d be pretty cool to have a deathknight with flails. So why can Blizzard not just make a new flail weapon? It can be a green item.


And I don’t disagree with you. I’m perfectly fine with the game having time-locked transmogs/mounts etc. But you can’t tell me that Mythic sets and mounts should not also be locked, and the fact that they are not locked but others are is simply insane.

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And I agree - why not make new items that are cool, desirable for people to strive for. And that means bi-pedal bears and flails.


I support that. 100 percent. More customization is good. New avenues to explore. That’s why I don’t understand these threads. Instead of revamping the Mage Tower they could work on new, cooler cosmetics. Because lets be honest, the people who have been complaining about the Mage Tower don’t want the Mage Tower back for the sake of it, they want those artifact appearances. It’d be much cooler if they just recolored or re-purposed them somehow imo.

I guess I don’t see who called you pathetic for doing so.

There’s many posts in this thread calling people pathetic for enjoying time limited rewards or seeing people with them out and about. It’s just an insult being thrown around because it attempts to give their opinion a higher level of importance by “not being pathetic” but I think that’s ridiculous. Like I said, I enjoy seeing very rare unobtainable items out and about when I’m playing with people. I don’t care if I have them, there’s so much I missed but the value behind those items is how rare they are so it’s cool when I see them and I like that.

That’s nasty.

Why? How does what someone else have affect you? There are people who own mansions when I live in a 1 bedroom apartment and barely scrape by. It doesn’t make me hate those people. Those people have never told me I shouldn’t have the chance to be able to earn what they have either.

No. I’m not saying your evil either. I am however saying that if you agree with telling a new player, “sorry, but you should not even be given that chance to earn this thing you want in a video game” that you are toxic. Everyone should have equal opportunity. You don’t tell people they can’t have something simply because you got it before them.

If its only cool to you because others can no longer get it then thats a problem. It should be cool because you like it, not because others don’t have it.

I mean, I don’t get to, I’ll just never understand why you do. Them having it doesn’t affect you.

Cool, no one is saying you can’t.

I’m sorry that your fun in a video game is determined by something that someone doesn’t even have a chance to get anymore. That just sounds really sad to me. I’m glad that as someone who raids mythic current content I don’t think the same way, or I’d be mad all the time at people I play with using mogs they didn’t earn when they were current.


Let’s see, we’re jealous, spiteful, elitist, pathetic, hmmm what else, we’re selfish (that’s a given), we’re lame, we’re gatekeepers. I’m sure there’s more insults I’m missing.


I’m saying that a lot of the “do this now” and a lot of the rush to get them was, yes, because of it being time sensitive. If something is gonna be around forever, a lot of people will work towards it slowly, not quickly. Everyone wanted them, but again time sensitive kicks people into gear a lot faster than you’d think or expect. That’s precisely why when you go to the store and there’s usually a ‘time sensitive’ item it ends up being sold out quickly. People want things even more when it’s time sensitive.

It’s not catering to selfish, it’s keeping it as it was intended, TIME SENSITIVE, and going away. Again, Mage Tower was sold on the premise that it was not coming back. Not “maybe next expansion or some other time” but a literal being removed and not coming back. That’s what drove everyone who wanted it to do it, besides the cool factor, it was going to go away.

Time sensitive kicks everything into high gear. Keeping it the way it was intended is what should be done.

Again, people keep missing this entire thing. STOP ASKING FOR EXACTLY MAGE TOWER AND ASK FOR SOMETHING ELSE THIS EXPANSION THAT’S SIMILAR. Stop making them repeat the past and instead have them come up with something fun and rewarding just like Mage Tower. It can give you the same skins with a different color, but same model, that way it keeps Mage Tower skins the way they are and limited while also giving people their own time sensitive crap to go do.

Yes, exactly, which is why the grocery store example works. People want limited time items. If they see it’s a limited time, you’ll see it ordered 500% more than when it’s not.

It’s not, people are just big babies about it.


Yeah, that’s basically what I’m seeing. They’ll throw insults out like candy and then say our views are “toxic”.

I guess I’m problematic because I get a bit of enjoyment from seeing people with rare unobtainable items out and about when I’m playing the game. I’m an awful human being I guess? Apparently that’s an extremely sad way of living as well.

A link to where Blizzard said this. I beg of you. I’ve been asking for over a day, the wait is killing me, please.