Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

I don’t think it’s a sad reason at all but sure? I think having things other people can’t get is completely fine. Showing off that gear is also completely fine. I’m not sure why that upsets you so much but it certainly isn’t toxic, that’s a massive over exaggeration. Showing off what you’ve earned from past achievements or current achievements encompasses video games and real life, that’s just how it is. Time sensitive content isn’t toxic, it allows players to show off something they got during a specific time playing the game. There is no problem with that.

I also never said that’s the only way I can get enjoyment lol. I just said that’s one of the reasons I enjoy time sensitive content. Your comments are very underhanded and extremely defensive. You attacked me almost immediately for expressing enjoyment from time sensitive rewards which I have plenty of good reason for even if you disagree. Talk about “toxic” huh?

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You know, it’s kinda weird that they don’t offer that bipedal bear more - I mean the sparkley cat is just disco and glitter - but the bear form is unique rigging and there are only 4 like it, all locked behind the tower. I totally get why people say hey, that’s not right. No, it’s not right, that model should be reoffered up in some way - a new challenge perhaps or quest, whatever, it’s weird they put just that rig behind the tower.

You seem to be very new. I wish you all the best in your adventures in Azeroth. I hope as a Druid you can earn as many unique forms as you can, if you want to battle tag me - I don’t mind helping you along in that endeavour when I can.

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Disagree. 99% of what they’ve argued is toxic. And toxicity is wrong. Sorry.

I mean there are a lot of opinions that I won’t even cite here that some people of the world have because it’d probably get me a forum vacation. But I’d be willing to bet you’d tell those people they are wrong and not say well they’re entitled to that opinion so theres nothing wrong with it.

Yeah, some people even tell others that disagree to go get run over by a car. I haven’t seen anyone on my side say anything remotely close to that though.

Wait, did you just say toxicity is wrong in this post but called me pathetic in your last post for liking time sensitive content because people can’t get it anymore? Talk about hypocritical.

You want all unobtainable stuff back including mage tower. I find that unreasonable and think you should’ve done it back then (and if you did already that’s great!). You jumped right to calling me toxic and pathetic just for liking time sensitive content. I think that’s ridiculous and the fact you’re trying to champion against toxicity but respond that way is hilarious. I completely disagree with your reasons for wanting these rewards back but I haven’t called you toxic or pathetic, yet you’ve done that to me but think you can say you’re against toxicity? I guess your only against toxicity if it works against you.

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So your saying that you don’t want others to have something because it was challenging. What if this new MT is just as challenging, would you still say people doesn’t deserve it if they complete it? Cuz if so you’ve moved your own goal posts.

Same. Things should be earned, not given freely. But that has not been the argument in this entire thread. Unless you wanna link me one, its possible I’ve missed it in the close to now 1900 posts in this thread.

Yes, toxic people are pathetic. Saying so does not make me toxic. This is the “no you” argument. Its not a good one.

I did. I want others to have a chance at it as long as there is challenge involved and see nothing wrong with that.

No, you can like it all you want. I called you toxic for saying that your view should be forced onto others by never bring those things back. Funny thing is they’re still be time sensitive. Legion timewalking will not be active at all time. Once every 4 to 5 months. For a week.

It could be 100x more challenging and I still don’t think you should get those rewards.

So your only argument is you played a game when someone else didn’t. Wow, such a compelling argument.

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You say insignificant, but yet here you are making sure new players or players who were not able to farm all of it during Legion don’t have a chance to obtain any appearance.


Here’s everyone’s semi-regular reminder:

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Oh hell no. Screw everything that is BMAH. Just restore the content and not prop up by proxy wowtokens with BMAH stuff.

I never said my view should be forced onto others. Quote that for me please? Don’t put words in my mouth, that’s toxic man.

Yes, my view is that time limited rewards should not be brought back into the game. I think time limited rewards have value. Not a lot of rewards are time limited, so having a few every expansion is okay. Seeing people with stuff from expansions ago that is no longer obtainable is much different than seeing people with gear you can get from facerolling Blackwing Descent. However, you can have a different view and that’s fine, I never said anyone needs to think the way I do.

Just based off of my recent conversations with you, you honestly seem like a massive hypocrite. You don’t champion against toxicity, you are toxic. You only champion against it if it doesn’t suite your views. I never said my opinion should be anyone else’s opinion. I just said I like time limited rewards, they have value to me. Nothing about that is toxic, you just use that word to try and belittle the argument used against you. And you jumped straight to name calling as well, lol.

“But my pixels waah” “Stop being selfish by wanting to be able to earn the same thing as me waah” “I’m not the selfish one for wanting to keep things to MYSELF, your the selfish one for wanting EVERYONE to have a chance at it waah”

Sums up some of these people quite well I’d say


Don’t be disingenuous. My entire stance from the beginning is that they said those appearances were going away. So yea, you not being around sucks for you. I’m sorry. But I do hope you get cool stuff you like and rare drops that make you happy going forward.

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And I don’t have a chance at anything before 2008 (or 2009 whenever) and I don’t have a chance at TC mounts, or AoTC mounts and I’m a universe away from getting any Glad mount. People earned these things, they were here and did the work, respect their achievements - don’t denigrate people for enjoying what they’ve earned. You’ve said repeatedly people who want to preserve the status of their achievements are selfish. I would say it’s rather selfish of you to demand that the 2% of rewards you cannot obtain be opened to you.

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“But muhhhhh pixels I don’t have that you have THAT I WANT!!! POOOOOOOOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”

Sums up some of y’all.


Hi lol. :slight_smile:

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Is a Mythic raid set or a Mythic mount not an achievement, and was it not earned by those players who actually earned them during current content? It’s literally the same… but yet anybody can go farm Nighthold, TOS, Antorus or whatever old raid you want.


Well there are plenty of achievements to be had and lucky for you and me and everybody most of it is freely obtainable. People are somehow trying to say how hard done by they are because 2% of the rewards are retired behind time-locked achievements. Is that really reasonable?

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