Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

There is no achievement for mage tower associated with unlocking the color variants.

It’s not like the other appearances where you get an achievement for having all 4 of the base model.

Only just “a challenging look” and “fighting with style: challenging”. With the conditions to having earned them as I said a bit ago.

Here is the list of legacy achievements for expansion features: https://www.wowhead.com/achievements/character-achievements/legacy/expansion-features

There is no FoS category for expansion feature.

All those achievements in that list were in the earnable portion of the achievement panel and then moved when bfa started.


Oh well, guess that means you’ll never post a link to that “promise” you kept bringing up. But I guess if ignoring is the only option you have after realizing you lost and have nothing left to argue so be it. Don’t care when a toxic person ignores me anyway.

Anyway good luck with your crusade to keep content from being enjoyed by others.

I thought there was - sorry, I guess it has to do with fitting out the full set of a particular style of appearance, because I have some of those achievements. And the original MT was an achievement and the reward was unlocking the artifact appearance.

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Yeah that’s pretty much it.

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Mage tower artifact appearances should not return or be brought back into the game.

New appearances (like the tier 20 recolors or something else) should be the new rewards for mage tower when it returns. Earning something new is much better than bringing back old appearances. Time limited items are exactly that, time limited. People will always cry if they missed something but there’s a lot I don’t have and it doesn’t upset me, just get the new stuff. Either way, mage tower appearances for artifacts should not return.


Yeah I didn’t think so. A certain druid who ignored me after I shut down all her arguments tried to say the appearances were tied to the achievement when I knew they weren’t. Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

Yes, I agree. Someone mentioned a new solo challenge with a cool reward similar to the mage tower but with current themes, that’s fresh content and fresh rewards - which would be very nice.

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You made posts trying to say that people quit over the artifact appearances or “claimed” that they did so. Honestly we’ve gotten along just fine despite differing stances on this but I think you lost a lot of credit for doing that. You don’t get to call someone out for being wrong on information when you made multiple posts trying to get your point to higher ground by saying people “claimed” to have quit over the appearances.

Claiming and actually doing are two different things. Like I said before, I can claim having the appearances unobtainable is what keeps a ton of people subbed to the game regardless of truth apparently. I hope you aren’t still saying that.

I still like a fresh new updated model of the MT appearances. I think that’d be fair. It’s what their doing with the T20 gear.

Just one new remodel of the appearances, with no ability to get the four? (I don’t know how many recolors they are currently). That way the current MT appearance holders would have 5 different colors to choose from and someone who is doing legion TW, would only have one.

Then these threads would disappear forever and everyone would get something new.

We can’t have both because some people like to keep time sensitive items as time sensitive. It’s as simple as that. You can disagree but it’s clear plenty of people want time sensitive items to remain that way. It’s not just prestige but being able to enjoy what other people are wearing from years ago that nobody can get anymore is cool. I like that even though there is plenty I haven’t obtained.

I kind of hope they bring back the artifact appearances and make them only attainable via Black Market containers. That way all y’all be throwing all your gold at containers then cry when you get a pet or pattern worth 1 gold. But hey, they brought 'em back.

Yeah, because people have told me as such. Did they actually end up doing it? Who knows. Holds no more weight than the people claiming they’d quit if the mage tower returned though, which it is, so I wonder if we’ll never hear from them again since they’re supposedly quitting.

Stating what people have told me loses me credit? Okay then, ignore that and tell me whats wrong with literally anything else I’ve said.

When theirs can be proven wrong I can. You cannot prove or disprove that people have told me they quite over it though.

No one is arguing that.

I feel like some people might actually think thats true given how vehemently they defend not bringing the mage tower back, which Blizzard obviously disagrees with. Now they’ve moved goalposts to putting new rewards behind it instead though.

I feel like I mentioned people quitting because of time locked content once or twice in my what must now be getting close to two or three hundred posts in this thread.

No, on the contrary, all we would see is more posts with people demanding a reversal of more things using this reversal as a precedent.

If they provided very cool new flashy mogs (especially for druids where I think most of the consternation emanates) then I think the wailing and gnashing of teeth will die down.

There is already a precedent - the green Flame of warlocks.

That would be horrible. Just buy a time-locked achievement. I don’t think so. I think the best hope is for amazing new mogs.

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Nothing is wrong with what you’ve said. Nothing is wrong with what people who disagree with you have said. All of this is based on opinions so nobody is really wrong here.

I don’t want time limited rewards to be returned to the game. You do. Nothing wrong with either of those opinions, I’ve given my reasons for not wanting those rewards to come back and that’s it really.

People get very aggressive defending their opinions, that’s the only problem but there’s no solution for that it’s just going to happen.

What was the wording? “Will the Tower of Mages be gone” or “Will the Tower of Mages rewards be gone?”

I’ll agree with that.

I think it’s the fact that the Druid form (let’s be honest, most of this stems over that form), is so unique. If it was just another bear that stands on four legs, not many would care.

We can if Blizzard decides we can. Those people just wanna flex to new players, so I don’t really care what they want, I won’t support such toxic behavior.

I know, they want to show off, its really is simple, I don’t know why they keep arguing it.

And plenty of people want it back. I’m saying that the argument of time sensitive is not a good one. If you wanna argue for challenge then we can agree, but playing a game at a different time than another player does not make you special.

If you only enjoy it because other people can’t get it anymore then thats a pretty sad reason to enjoy something. Your entitled to feel that way, and I’m entitled to think its pathetic.

People worked kinda hard to get those. So, I vote no. Tough cookies. And Im someone that didnt unlock many at all. Plus, I hate the “gimmie” crowd.