Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

No, they want it because its cool. Its been said over 50 times, how have you missed it?

We do care, we want there to be challenge. Do I need more quotes or?

Haven’t seen a single post like that yet. Can you quote one please? I already did the work to rebut your previous statement, surely you can find the post that supports yours.


We’re not talking about that at all. You having a shot at it again when it was sold as a time limited thing when 3.0 dropped (unless you had the unshareable quest), devalues the effort people did back then because practically everyone is expected to do it in order to play tbc.

No different from the battle tank. Simply playing it all on an official blizzard server devalues the prior version, all because of extra years of optimization being applied to it and the undoubtedly way extra time people have to play games vs back then (not even counting covid).

Returned content has no exceptions or caveats. If it comes back whether or not it is a re-released game then it is returned content.

I’m just going to reply to this thread. I was wrong about the PVP titles, I am going to admit that now.

I was looking through old blue posts (Bluetrackergg) and did find a blue post from the EU forums back in 2006! That stated, they’d look for a way to reintroduce those titles in the future. (Three years in the future).

After the Expansion, the old Honor system will be completely removed and players who achieved ranks in the old Honour system will be able to choose to display their highest gained Rank as a title. We are interested in reintroducing these titles in the future but we have no specific plans in place yet.

Welp, time for a new argument. :slight_smile:

There are many many examples of something being advertised and then not delivered. Blizzard can change their mind.

Vanilla having DHs on the box, WotLK dance studio, Cataclysm path of the titans system, WoD scenarios, garrison placement/customization, 3 cut zones from launch, no capital cities (WoD had a lot of cut content that was advertised), etc.

Keep your achievement. Let it show your cool kid status for doing something 4 years ago as opposed to now, no one is asking for the achievements back. They can add new ones.

Not a good argument. “That sucks too bad so sad”. You sound like a parent talking to their child, its pretty condescending.

Can have both, never settle for one of the other.

So add the remaining 2%, its such a small amount afterall.

Not even close to the point.


Well, I do use it all the time - it’s not going to show as gear, is a barbershop option.

I’m sorry, but I just have to put you on ignore - I hate to do that, but we’re not getting anywhere productive for either party at this point and I don’t want to derail a thread more with this same back and forth, retreading the same tired material that’s been talked to death.

I’m not sure if you still do but they might still have to own Legion. If not then its a welcome change. Also they have to currently own SLs to do Legion timewalking, so this argument doesn’t hold water.

Subscribed to the game to be able to do the new version, so another invalid argument.

Play during Legion timewalking weeks

Add them back. Why not.

Might still have to. We don’t know.

Wait for Legion timewalking week. Which will be one week once every 4 to 5 months with current cycle, so if anything it’d be up even less often so your not helping your argument.

Proper scaling and tuning. Fixed.

They’d still need to in the timewalking version.

If defending horrible and parasitic game design is the hill you want to die on then by all means, don’t let us stop you. Hopefully Blizzard knows better, and so far it looks like they’re going in the right direction. Now I just hope they don’t veer off and crash into a ditch.


so was there not one for earning 2/3? If not then what achievement did I earn to unlock the second appearance? Sounds to me like I’m correct and the appearances were not tied to getting the achievements, there were just 2 achievements tied to having already gotten the appearances.

Exclusive items is still achievable in other ways so the mage tower stuff shouldn’t be an exception to the rule.

Please cite one past time-locked achievement reward you can get today.

Except it’s only available in classic.
Where everyone else in classic, has a chance to get it.
If they somehow manage to release MoP classic then the challenge mode dungeon appearances are fair game, because they are only available in MoP classic.

Retail is past that point.

There will be folks defending FOMO practices until this game dies. Game is on a decline, has been for a while, not my opinion, data shows that.

The 9.1.5 changes are happening because the game is on a decline. With how current WoW is, Blizzard is making more money per subscriber than previously and that’s their model. 2006, you could spend $15 a month on the game, maybe a bit more with server transfers. But it’d be a challenge to spend money on WoW. So you’re spending $180 a year on WoW in 2006?

Nowdays, a player can spend $400 a week on just tokens. So if a player was so inclined, they could spend $1600 a month on WoW with just tokens.

There reason I’m saying this is that blizzard has way more incentive to keep people around. I doubt anyone will quit if they reintroduce stuff into the game. Lots of folks will say they’ll quit, but if they quit, they’ll lose the exclusive stuff. :confused:


Nope no 2/3 achievement. Cause nothing popped up when I completed the 2nd challenge and those were the only achievements in legion (made for patch 7.2) that refer to mage tower appearances.

They were marketed as going away. They went away. Now they can come back. See how that works? They’d also be going away once Legion timewalking week was over, and then back again once it was up again.

Another person claiming we can’t have both. Why can’t we have both, please enlighten me.


I don’t think 4 mogs from 28 given in Legion is what’s destroying the game, so let’s put that trope to rest. I also don’t think you can argue convincingly about “content” since now we all but know for sure the MT is returning, it’s done little to placate the people complaining about MT. (So it’s about the mog).

As for the game’s decline, I think that has far more to do with the state of the open world, the systems, the rng, the time gating and pvp situation. Four mogs aren’t going to fix that.

I believe, because I was looking this up the other day, the achievement “A Challenging Appearance” is what you earn when you unlock the transmog, there are others related to unlocking the other options related to that style.

Its so special and important to them and no one can have it yet they don’t use it. With how they act you’d think they would never not use it.

Then what do you refer to the situation for grand marshall/high warlord/the battle tank/atiesh/corrupted ashbringer for classic fresh?

The game is still classic do those being redelivered to the populace not devalue the effort people did throughout 2019-2021? Cause it is the same game.

Not saying it’s going to fix it.

Now is the absolute best time to ask for stuff. Hate to say it, but Blizzard is showcasing good will right now due to their recent PR disaster and them losing players. They’re listening to player feedback and watching the forums.

They may listen to some folks’s request, they may not. I don’t know the future. But, it’d be silly not to make a request at this time.

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