Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Okay. Well then if its challenging (as it should be) then they might not earn it now either. Or ever. If they’re not skilled enough to you’ll see no complaints from me.

Yeah. Sorry person who played after Legion, you don’t “deserve” this thing you want.

“But what if I were to overcome something just as challenging?”

“No, because I played Legion and you didn’t”

“But if I overcame a similar if not harder challenge would that not mean I earned it as well?”


“Why not?”


“Because why?”

“Because I feel less special by you having it.”

Thats basically this entire thread.


From where I’m standing, it looks more like. “I want that thing because they have that thing. I don’t care how and I don’t care about what the other player did. I want it. I want it. I deserve - gimme now”

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I’m not saying you did say me. Just saying that as someone who was active and earned the appearances I see no reason why people can’t earn them again.

Because you’re reading it the way you want to. Folks supporting the return of the challenges for the appearances are clamoring for allowing others to have the same chance at that thing you did, not to have that thing freely.


Because they were advertised, marketed, announced as time-locked. The achievement itself was timelocked. I know it sucks for people that weren’t here then - but that’s the breaks. New stuff is a’coming and there will be plenty of cool things to earn. And not to belabour the point, but 98% of the things a person could want, a person can just get. That list of time-locked goodies is pretty darn small.

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No, time limited content is such horrible game design. Putting effort into something that a year or two down the road people can never do again is not good long term design.

Somehow you know why other people want them. I wanted them because they looked cool. Blizzard tried to make this same argument when they said legendaries would never be moggable. Thunderfury wouldn’t be cool if you saw it all the time. They were wrong and so are you. If you only think something is cool because other people don’t have it thats on you, not everyone else.

I have the MoP cm set, a time exclusive set. I don’t mog it all the time though, some stuff I find cooler personally. I also have the WoD cm weapons. Rarely use those either. If you look at what I do currently use its the normal version of the SoD plate set. Its something far more people have access to as compared to cm sets/weapons, yet I’m using it instead. Weird.

Do you know what selfish and gatekeeping means? I don’t think you do.

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If they wanted the same chance, they needed to have paid for Legion, subscribed to Legion, played throughout Legion - did the quest lines - earned the resources to build the tower, wait for the tower (every third week) and grind out the currency to step into the tower. And they would have needed to do that with the talent / power set up available at the time.

Edit: and also, of course, beaten the tower.


M … But the last generation is always brought up by the previous one, right? So, in the previous generation there was a defect of unbridled love for titles and achievements, right?

What has? Naxx. No, it was there at the end of Vanilla and removed during the WotLK prepatch. I didn’t even start playing until about 2 weeks before said prepatch.

I mean yeah, I’m obviously using a different mog. But while we’re on the subject why is it okay to have the t3 sets on the bmah? Thats from vanilla Naxx you know.

If everything was easy then nothing would be worth having. I’ll advocate for the return of items I and others want until I quit or I’m dead. You can’t make me give up just because you disagree, sorry.

Sense of justice lol. Its a video game, calm down. I just want everything to be fair, but you think thats far too much to ask. Your special pixels must be very important to you. Is gatekeeping really such an important thing to you that you feel the need to champion it so?


You have your soapbox, I have mine. You’re looking for change, I’m looking to respect the established status quo. So good luck in your endeavours.

Oh good, I’m so glad someone who isn’t me has told me the “real” reason why I want the skins! Thank you so much! Now I realize that the reason I’ve been basing all of my desires on is false. I definitely don’t just want the skins because they’re cool and unique and I love spending time working on completing collections of things.

That was sarcasm, by the way.


A time locked “achievement” never. Time locked content however we see that everytime a new expansion comes out or a new patch, everything from before is still there with the exception of the handful of things we’re asking be brought back.

In patch prior to the release of Burning Crusade.

Before this patch dropped, in order to purchase the rank 14 epic PVP honor set, you needed to be rank 14 and you had exactly one week upon hitting rank 14 to purchase that set. After the honor calculations went through the next week, the new rank 14 player(s) would be able to purchase it. (This may include older rank 14 players, but regardless, the timer started again).

This was a time locked purchase as you could only purchase those items when you held the rank of high warlord of grand marshal.

In the pre-patch of the burning crusade, Blizzard allowed anyone regardless of rank to go purchase the rank 14 gear. It was no longer locked to you being rank 14.

Thus, from BC onward, only the titles were a relic of the old honor system as the gear you could still get. But now, you can get the titles from RBG.

“If they wanted the same chance, they needed to have paid for vanilla, subscribed to vanilla, played through vanilla -play those 12+ hour days- earn the honor every week to keep climbing the ladder, deal with people trolling you. And they would have needed to do that against all the other people playing 12+ hours a day at the same time”.

There, I just used your words to describe the absolute gauntlet that was the pre 2.0 honor system. Blizzard retired that system and for good reason. Yet…


I don’t remember getting an achievement every time I did the mage tower. Can you tell me the achievement name so I can look for it please?

“A Challenging look” and “Fighting with style: challenging”

Look under legacy and expansion features.

The former was given for doing it once on that character and the latter for getting all for that class. Ironically though you could get the “all” achievement if you did not do the acquisition questline to get all your artifacts and then the game flagged you as being “done” with all you had.

They were marketed as time exclusive they should stay unavailable.
End of story.

Instead of trying to remove the prestige from them Blizz should be regularly making new rewards, either time sensitive or not, that are on par with the mage tower appearances.

Says the 2021 champion of the naaru player.

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I would like to go on the record as being someone who has a ton of exclusive items who thinks that exclusivity is dumb and they should bring back everything.

Why bother making anything exclusive when the game is designed to reward you for earning the shinny hot newness? A lot of those old appearances don’t get seen anymore keeping things exclusive just so people who got the shinny newness a long time ago can feel special isn’t a good reason to keep things exclusive. Not when the crowd of people high-end content caters to are also the people who are going to earn the NEWEST new-ness and show off the new thing because it’s relevant now.


This would make sense if unlocking the title on classic gave it to me on retail but since it doesn’t…
You saying that is just stupid.

I’ve been checking a lot of the people arguing against the tower artifact appearances being made available for everyone again and none of you are even bothering to use one in your mog. :roll_eyes:

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