Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Source? Otherwise it still sounds like your just trying to get people to give up so you can get your way.

People like you: “Mage tower isn’t coming back, Blizzard promised just give up already!”
People who want it back: “No.”
Blizzard: “So we’re bring back MT during Legion timewalking…”


Source thats where those come from, and they’re not tied to M+, which is what the tweet was about that Muffinus replied too?


Whenever I ask them this they deny it, and then later they say it. They just keep going back and forth, I’d love for them to finally just admit its so they can rub it in people’s faces. As someone who has most of the appearances himself I don’t care if more people get it, I just want them to have the chance.

Sounds that way to me. They haven’t admitted it yet though.

Yes please. I’d love some vanilla Naxx items. Still never understood why that version of Naxx had to be removed, or the raid version of ZG. When SoD came out they didn’t remove WotLK Naxx because KT would be a boss in SoD.


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I’m not selfish - but how does it matter - the appearance is locked behind a time-sensitive achievement. Doesn’t make me selfish to say it should stay that way, like every other time-locked achievement.

Who here is asking to get exceptions to the rules. Not me.

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I except exclusivity tied to difficulty, not when people played, theres a big difference between the two.

Exclusivity would not be removed if the items were returned. It might be lessened since more people would get them, but so long as Blizzard makes the challenge appropriately challenging they’ll still be exclusive to only people who complete the challenge. We’re not asking for them to be mailed to us for logging in.

I wonder how much of that is due to it being removed vs the challenge involved. I wonder what % of the playerbase now played the the MT was a thing.


I’ve been checking lots of the people asking for this - so far, many of them were active through Legion. They didn’t do it. If someone comes along after, oh well. I came along later - missed out on a few things and a lot of things I didn’t try for - I’m not asking for them to bring it all back. Nor should you. Respect the game. Respect your fellow players. Respect history.

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Yup. Angry people are using that logic, and sadly for them, is a healthy one. Bring back old content to make the game bigger with cool things it already has sounds a very good idea for non-selfish players.


They’re bringing back the content, if you haven’t noticed. Or that’s the word on the street. New mogs to get. That’s not good enough for you?

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Yup. that’s exactly what I’m rooting for. Izake sounded like he’s ranting at it more than supporting it, hence my answer. I’m assuming you’re talking to me

I was active through all of Legion. I have every MT appearance I want. I just want others to be able to get it. Its not a special accommodation to me, its for EVERYONE who didn’t get the chance 4 years ago.

Yes you are, you want to remain special by having something that plenty of people who play today never even had the chance to get. If thats not special accommodation then I don’t know what is.

What rule? The “promise” (that still hasn’t been linked) that said they were never coming back? Link it, please.


Didn’t say you. I did check you by the way.

Why is this a bad thing? Other players having pixels offends you?

So many people seem to think we can’t ask for both.

Time-limited is horrible design.

There. I fixed it.

Give us both, then everyone has a reason to do that. Everyone gets something.


Let limited run content remain that way and encourage Blizzard to make more content like it instead.

Sometimes I wonder if the people begging for those mogs even realize that they primary reason they want them in the first place is because they were exclusive. Otherwise they’d just be a handful more neat weapon mogs on a heap of countless others.

It’s not selfish and it’s not gatekeeping to have a very minor amount of cosmetic items be limited run and unique to their particular expansion.


It’s been around since the beginning. If you’re so opposed to that - go find something else. You’ll have an easier time doing that than changing 17 years of precedents. Why even be here then if it’s all so offensive to your sense of justice???

Yes because wanting to keep shiny pixels exclusive to you and others purely based on when you did something and not the challenge that came with doing said thing is totally not entitlement. “I’m entitled to these things because I played a video game when you didn’t”.

I’m getting close to being 30, am I in the entitled generation? I personally think these appearances should be earned based on skill, not the time period. I don’t feel very entitled with that opinion.

I want it to be challenging to earn. You want it locked based on when you earned it. Big difference.

Yeah, wanting things in a video game to be rewarded based on skill rather than when it was rewarded means that they’ll totally fail at life. I think your reaching quite a bit.


Again, Blizzard has changed their stance over countless things over those 17 years. Asking never hurts.


Yes please. I don’t see why not.

This is coming from someone who has the WoD ones and 6 of the MoP ones (the only one I’d still want is druid).

Put them in timewalking.


Can you cite an example where a time-locked achievement was reversed?

A quick programming change could remedy this if its true. Not even sure it is. I thought the achievement was only if you earned every appearance for your entire class.

Achievements should stay time-locked. Cosmetics however should not. Keep your achievement. You can link it to people to show how special you are for having done the MT during Legion.

Theres a rule that Blizzard can’t bring back content? Because timewalking breaks that rule.

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The cosmetic you refer to is the reward for said time-locked achievement. So, you know, you do the math.