Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

I did every mage tower back in Legion all 36, and I don’t really care if they bring back the Mage Tower with the same rewards personally, but I think a recoloured mage tower appearance would be preferable, in my opinion.

That way people that did them already can get something new, too. But at the end of the day, I’m not bothered.

Though I can see why other people in my situation or similar wouldn’t want them to come back.


I didn’t get the mage tower appearances, but i hope they don’t bring back the originals.

new tints/rewards however, that’s cool :slight_smile:

Returning the Mage tower with the skins provides more content than returning it with recolors of a tier set.

Original Artifact Skins: 3 per class (2 for DH and 4 for Druid), with each one having an additional 3 color variants besides the one it came with to unlock as well. With 4 color options, it gives the most likely chance someone will like at least one version while also having activities to do to unlock them in the first place.

T20 Recolor: 1 per class, with only 1 color. Not only is it a tier set that some may not like the look of, it having only 1 color means some will likely refuse to do it simply because they either don’t like the set at all or because the color of it isn’t what they fancy.


Just imagine if blizzard did this for druids epic flight form when originally bc was out and only could get it if you did the quest for it? This is JUST A GAME if people epeen depends on it they need to seek help.

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the same can be said of the people who are asking for time limited things to be brought back.


Disney does it all the time with movies .

on the contrary. Disney says “This is going away to the vault, and won’t be released again for 20 years”

then they don’t release it again for 20 years. because that’s what they said they were going to do.

they don’t pull a blizz and come back 5 years later and be all “haha just kidding”

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Disney did just that, what?

Disney used to say this. Now I pay the mouse like $8 a month and I can watch anything I want.


that’s good point! the vault only applies to physical media.

If Disney can do it why not wow . People will still have to do the runs to get it not like they give it away.

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out of all the appearances I think the bear form is the one that could enhance peoples playing experience. I don’t think the mage tower looks should be available, but there could be a druid quest chain to unlock a similar/or same look with a different color.

Pretty much. Arguably the most entitled generation in history. They want everything handed to them on a silver platter because they grew up with participation trophies and safe spaces.

They’re in for a pretty rude awakening when they enter the real world and see it’s nothing like their little twittersphere.

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Yeah, you’ve made up your mind on it no matter what. Its honestly sad when people come to forums and post while be unwilling to have discussions.




I think I’ve seen 2 whole people saying they’d quit over this. I’ve met more people in game who have been upset that the MT was ever removed than that. I’d also like a source to this promise you speak of, been waiting over 24 hours, haven’t seen one yet.


I’m sure that has absolutely nothing to do with having SLs systems and class design being completely different from Legion.

They nerfed a handful of the challenges, but of course players were going to get more gear as the expansion went on, I don’t count that as nerfing mage tower challenges. Thats like saying Nighthold was nerfed because Antorus came out and people got gear from there.

I also remember before the Mage Tower came out when people were saying Blizzard doesn’t know how to make hard content and since it was a solo thing it would be faceroll, then you had some of the best pve players in the world try it when it first released and they got completely dunked on by the challenge.

Its not out yet, so actually no one knows that yet.

Says the dude posting on his level 40 alt. Whats your M+ score? Raid progress? PvP rating? Because I don’t even show you as having any Shadowlands raid achievements as of yet, so you don’t seem to have much ground to stand on with this statement. Arena achievement from 8 years ago, RBG from 10. No dungeon achievements past WoD. Etc.

Well how about those Draenor and Mist appearances that are not longer obtainable?

If everyone’s getting Mage tower appearances I think it would be only fair to apply this to all expansions.

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She is.

I didn’t.

I did neither. She heard me laughing (at how you can’t read and don’t understand anything your talking about), came over my computer to read some of the stuff, laughed at how dumb you sound with your projecting about ex girlfriends and lack of understanding on anything I said, and decided to get involved.

You have an odd fixation on being manly. And with cheating girls named Kathy.

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It actually looks like the armor sets are tied to M+, that was what the tweet about them suggested anyway. Still waiting to see though, we don’t know what the reward is.

I don’t think you know what “win/win” means. People want the old appearances, so if they don’t get them thats not a win for them, only you. But your the type of guy to think himself=everyone.

They’re not coming back. But you’re welcome to do the MT again and obtain the new sporty recolours of T20.

I’ve seen a lot of people go back and forth on this. They say it was about the time period, which is never a good argument, because so many things in this game are old and still obtainable. Then they go to the “it wouldn’t be the same challenge” argument. Is it about the challenge or just the time period you earned it? If its about the time period then why are we allowed to do other old content in the game? Does someone doing something after you diminish their achievement? Does it diminish yours? The answer is an obvious no. If its about the challenge that just requires proper tuning to achieve, no one I’ve seen has been asking for things for free. Also, the “they said MT was going away” argument is ridiculous too, it did go away, they never said it can’t come back.

They didn’t say “it will never return” either if we’re arguing semantics.

Still waiting on the source of this mystical promise. Its been about 30 hours now and still nothing.

Still waiting on that link to this “promise”.

Literally every argument against bringing it back from the people who have it. “But I earned it and you didn’t so its mine not yours reeee”.

First off, it would cheapen nothing. Second, there is no premise, still no link to said promise.

Source to more people being against than for? Seems like theres a handful more in the forum and the WoWhead comments who want it back instead of being against it.

No, because its for LEGION timewalking. This isn’t a Shadowlands version of the MT, its a timewalking version of the LEGION one.

Sorry to burst your bubble, its the Legion one, not a new one.

It doesn’t mean that. At all. It just means is they figure it can be added into Legion timewalking along with them adding the M+ dungeons rom Legion as well. It doesn’t mean they can’t make a Shadowlands version as well.

Blizzard will never come up with anything cool and challenging ever again. Lol.

They still can. Maybe instead of being such a pessimist and giving up keep asking them for it until they listen.

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