Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Mmmk so if we have reached a point where your sole argument is “what other people think is stupid therefore it’s irrelevant” then we’ve reached the end of any constructive discussion.

Conversely no one is hurt by them staying exclusive either. Two way streets and all…

Eh. If they make something exclusive, fine. If they bring it back, fine. There are a lot of people on both sides of the fence. Those who feel entitled to everything and demand they give them access, and those who gatekeep everything and demand nobody have access to their precious.

Both groups are annoying.

Some mounts and achievements should stay exclusive, but have a headpat emoji popup when you mouseover them. This, for example, or the old school R14 titles. You should pity those people, not envy them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Only if you’re going to put words in my mouth. I never said that what other people think is stupid. I just said that some people thinking an item should be scarce doesn’t mean that item has innate value due to its scarcity.

And the people who are hurt by the items remaining unobtainable are the people who want them to customize their character. But how can an item’s “value” in scarcity be harmed when all those people don’t actually see any value in scarcity?

Not to mention, once again, these items aren’t tradable, and you don’t own them. There’s no real value to them. They are desired by certain people. But in real life, when you have an item that is desired by others, it gains a value because a person is willing to spend X amount of money on it. An item created by an artisan has value because of the investment that went into creating it and the price tag people who want it are willing to pay for it. Who’s buying Mage Tower skins? No one.

It’s again more about the fact that Mage Tower was about that expansion and it going away afterwards. It’s not about “I got this you can’t have it.” It’s about the premise, again, that MT was going away. They didn’t say “it may return again in another expansion” or people would not have an issue with this. It was, again, based on a promise it was going away and would be gone. People worked to get it because of this premise, this idea. Not some bull of “I got this you can’t get it” kind of idea. It would literally cheapen the effort of those who did MT based on this premise.

This is the main reason a lot of people are against bringing it back and why it shouldn’t be brought back. What should be done, again, that people are NOT understanding is that people should be asking for things this expansion related to it. A different one but similar to Mage Tower for this expansion, not bringing back THE Mage Tower itself, even during Timewalking.

The fact that if blizzard brings this back literally just means the new dev team can’t fathom coming up with a new Mage Tower for this expansion, alone, that rivals the concept of Mage Tower in Legion. Then again, we all already knew this so I guess people like myself are to blame for thinking blizz devs could come up with something similar.

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I think there is also a problem for taking out content experiences like this (especially with Chromie Time being a thing now) is that…

Some of the new players to the game are YOUNGER THAN THE GAME


The more content the game offers, the better!

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And that Blizzard is struggling to attract and keep these younger players partly because of gatekeeping and discarding of old content that only satisfies the NIMBY Boomers


So those people only “worked to get it” because it was a shiny they thought nobody else could get? Are you saying if they had an infinite amount of time to get it they wouldn’t bother at all because they don’t really care about the appearances? That sounds like a good argument for bringing back “time sensitive” rewards for everyone to earn then, because the people who would do it are those who actually value the item and not just hoarders who want to sit on things they don’t even like just because someone else can’t have it. Catering to selfish, gatekeeping elitists who represent a minority of players is bad for the game.


The opposite is true - exclusivity is a powerful incentive. Moreover, since it’s been a component of game play since the beginning, removing it now would create far more problems than it would solve, particularly if it was a retroactive removal.

As for the elitism and all that - I think 30% of players got appearances in MT - that’s not a small clique. And as for hurting the game, the number of items that are not obtainable now pale in comparison the vast array of items that are, remain and will be attainable for all. I don’t think that is hurting the game in a fundamental way, it’s hyperbolic to suggest that in my view.

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To a minority of players. For the type of player that makes up the majority of this game, having a bunch of content unavailable to them isn’t fun. Especially new players. How many people do you think want to even begin playing a game that’s new to them only to realize no matter how much time, effort or skill they put in, they can never earn a lot of the cool stuff they see other people with?

Nothing has an innate value. All value is subjective.

They aren’t hurt. Not getting what you want is not the same thing as harm.

Because for the umpteenth time value is not objective and does not have to be agreed upon. Really not sure why you have such a hard time with those two concepts.

And once again value isn’t monetary nor is strict ownership required. I don’t own my car as I lease it from the bank but it still has value.

Blah blah, repeating for the millionth time yadda yadda, doesn’t have to be monetary.

It’s not a “bunch” of unavailable content. You’re free to do most content, the vast majority, and of all the things say available in Antorus, you can achieve most of it, get 99% of the items offered - you can’t get the AoTC mount now but that’s it. The mount, the title. Is that really a bunch of items contrasted to allllll the stuff you can still get. The list of unobtainable items is really small, and it’s not game breaking or unfair.

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Can you link your poll?

As someone that did ALL 36 they better bring back Challenge mode than cause its not right i farmed all of them when it was current. and will have nothing but the date of the achievements to show for it.

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108 unobtainable weapon skins isn’t exactly a small amount.

… So? Nobody actually cares that you did it. A person’s opinion of you isn’t going to change based on when you got MT artifact skins.

Again, you were active throughout legion - you want it all opened up as a special accommodation to YOU. I’m not looking for special favors here, I accept how it works - you’re looking to be treated special as in, the rules are changed to suit you. I just don’t think that’s fair. It’s that simple. I just don’t.

I wasn’t active throughout Legion, actually. But that’s really besides the point, because it shouldn’t even matter.

I don’t agree with removing content from the game. I never have, and I never will, so I will absolutely fight to get content that was removed put back into the game. I’m not looking to be “treated special”. I think removing content from the game is a dumb paradigm and we need more evergreen content, less FOMO.


I apologize to you, I confused you with another poster.

The MT is coming back, so you get the content back (if the datamining is true) but the reward from the original achievement does not appear to be coming back.

And yes, who wouldn’t want more evergreen content. But if a company markets something as time-limited, get it now before its too late - and you do it, I think bringing it back later, especially just for the MT appearances - is wrong.

I’d personally view it as a “We realize we made a mistake removing it, and we’re sorry. So here, it’s back.” I don’t think admitting mistakes is wrong at all.

FWIW, I recognize neither of us are going to convince each other of our desired stances. xD I hold no ill will toward you, and I really hope that whatever cosmetics we get from the returning Mage Tower are A) really awesome and B) not removed forever from the game after the 2 week event!


While we are at it, may as well bring back Naxx 40 so people can get T3, Corrupted Ashbringer, then Scarab Lord Title, The mount. Do you see how this would start? The answer is for Blizzard to create and introduce new challenges and new rewards consistently. There is nothing wrong with limited-time rewards that reward a player’s effort.

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