Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

They can be taught that they can change the world. No?

If you had a job, would you leave because you think someone else is better for it? Sure, that makes ALL the sense lol.

No, it shouldn’t come back either. I never have thought it should. I missed out on it, and would love it, but its gone, and should stay gone.

I couldn’t care less if they just added the mage tower back and it was a faceroll joke for our current max level

I got the ones I want, even leveled a druid just to unlock the feral/guardian appearances, and I never used them again, hell I’d sell them if I could

I still have no clue what this has to do with an appearance in a video game. Obviously if only 1 of something exists in the world it can only have 1 owner. You can’t have it unless he sells it, correct. But the MT is not something that only 1 person in the world has and can sell, so I fail to see the correlation.

In this case it would be exactly like timewalking then, because it would only be available for a small window of time. No one is asking for it to be available all year, just during timewalking.

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What does your desire to remain in a certain position have to do with it, if this position is appointed?

You can teach them “if you don’t like it change it” but do not teach a kid that this is how it is, when it isn’t. Those are two entirely different things.

Can I inquire why you think it is appropriate, relevant or helpful to belabor the other poster’s job situation? How does that impact the conversation?

No because again, Blizz removed it after saying they removed it. I used examples of where other businesses and entities are restricting my access to things I want, and it doesn’t matter, much like the MT.

For failing something they never had the chance to even try? Lol. All of my arguments are reasons for success. I’m not asking the MT to be a trivial piece of content, I want it just as hard to do as it was in Legion. I want it to be earned. I just want people to have the chance to earn it.

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The point is I do more work, and the person I responded to, and you seemed to miss, said that equal effort means equal reward, and I pointed out where it doesn’t.

The second part of the phrase, after the “but”: “Don’t teach your child what is not true,” right?

I do not know. It seemed like there was some idea, but I forgot it.

So in short the world just works the way it does and we should never try to change it. I’m glad people thought differently about women’s rights in the 1910’s leading to 1920 when they were finally allowed to vote. I’m also glad that people stopped accepting slavery in 1865 and even fought a war over it (somewhat), I’m aware there were other reasons.

Oh a druid cosmetic skin is now equivalent to the suffrage movement. Awesome.

no point arguing with gd people. this has been sought after for years and it’s never gonna happen. time to move on lol.

i forgot to get the outlaw mt appearance, but you dont see me crying about it. the selfishness of you people is surreal, yet hilarious at the same time.

Then, I would side with locking the goodies when the expansion expires. There are expansion goodies that should only be available exclusively for such expansion.

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No just that people overcoming challenges should be the object of one’s pride, not when that challenge was overcome.

Someone else overcoming the same challenge as you in a different period of time should not diminish your happiness.

It’s bizarre behavior.

We pushed for Warlock Green Fire for 11 years before it happened.

High Elf people have been pushing for 13 years before it happened.

Welcome to Warcraft.

It’s a thank you to those loyal customers that paid for the game then, and played it. Nothing wrong with honoring it.

I’m still waiting for a link to them promising it would never come back.

Most of your examples fail though because you only lack access temporarily. McDonalds has never gotten rid of their McRib completely. The governemnt has never stopped you from earning money forever. Your example about the 1 of a kind car is a stretch at best.

You have been spamming this thread for sometime with that same quote, I am asking you to politely stop - write something original, do not spam the same quote over and over, it’s not productive or helpful.


Never said it was, but his view of how the world is and that we should just teach our children to accept it is pretty cringe, which is the post I was referring to if you scroll up and read.