I’d be willing to bet it’d be harder in timewalking than in 7.3 since you couldn’t outgear it thanks to how timewalking scales your character.
I’d be okay with new pirzes being added. But theres no reason the old ones can’t be in it as well.
I’d be willing to bet it’d be harder in timewalking than in 7.3 since you couldn’t outgear it thanks to how timewalking scales your character.
I’d be okay with new pirzes being added. But theres no reason the old ones can’t be in it as well.
When he leaves, sure I can. Until then, when the opportunity is there, then we can get it. Though as of now the opportunity is gone, so I can’t cry about it on forums until I get it, unlike how people seem to think they can for other things lol
Probability, not guarantee. You want to teach the kids, per your own words
But, that isn’t how ANYTHING works. The same effort doesn’t mean the same reward, EVER. Even testing doesn’t mean if you put in effort you get results. Kids with learning disabilities could put in far more work than someone like me who slept in class during the study sessions for those standardized tests, but made high A’s on everything. Those kids, didn’t. So how does that effort = reward for you lol.
Hell, I made a 90 on the asvab, out of HS for years, and didn’t study, VS my friend who spend DAYS studying for it, and made a 50. That effort sure got him the same result too huh?
I specifically said new combat forms, and no - I didn’t include allied races, because, again - that’s silly.
Would she? I still don’t know and neither do you because you haven’t asked. Also keep name calling if that makes you feel correct on the issue, it doesn’t, but if it makes you feel better than feel free.
Money isn’t exclusive. The government doesn’t tell you that you can never earn money again.
The McRib comes back every year, unlike the MT, so another bad comparison.
You can buy a Lexus if you can afford it, just like you could earn the MT if you were skilled enough and they brought it into the game again.
Its funny that nothing you tried to compare the MT to has only been available once and never again though.
Congratulations, so I presume you supported your friend in retaking the exam, perhaps the following year or some time thereafter, because you want your friend to also succeed in the challenge you faced?
Or does his taking the test again, and maybe scoring better than you later, make you upset?
This game system design promotes the idea of exclusivity based on time period that feeds into sunk cost fallacy.
It needs to undo that and make the systems that are celebrated evergreen.
Your pride should not be dependent on when you faced a challenge but on overcoming the challenge itself.
I’m glad that you could link a picture, any actual argument you wanna bring to the table or do you just wanna further add to the point that people against it being brought back are just toxic trolls?
During those times, you need a Legion gear to beat a Legion Challenge and you get the Legion reward. That is fair and just.
Now, what you want is an overgeared Shadowlands toon to beat old Legion Challenge to receive the awesome Legion reward. Why did you wait for Shadowlands to beat an old Legion Challenge? Becoz you’re toon is a joke back then. Up to now, you’re toon is still a joke? You want to overgear everything to play it?
Hey, there’s a current challenge on the current Expansion. Beat it and get its rewards now. Are you waiting for the next 2 expansions to overgear it and get the current rewards?
What’s more is with 64 posts on that character, we know it’s not his posting main since level 3 requires a lot of posting, likes given, and likes received, and that character simply doesn’t have it.
In fact, I wonder how many of the replies on this thread are alts.
Nobody has said this, as is clarified below:
Do try to read
Moving on to my beloved “madness”.
If you delete all of the Ahn’Qiraj Scarab Owners’ Accounts, can it be reintroduced?
What are the reasons for your boss to leave the position?
are they, or are they not new forms? Because last I checked, Zanda and KT are new forms, that were never available before. You may dislike how the races look in general, but you did not specify new forms any druid race could use…
And what about
The rarest car in the world is Ferrari 250 Grand Turismo Omologato , a rare diamond designed and cared for by Enzo Ferrari in personam
One exists only, and he doesn’t want to sell it. I can’t have it no matter what, even if I have the money. Who is to stop me from having it? Oh someone else. Kind of like how life is.
I said I wanted it year long, not when they say I get it, but I have to go by them because guess what…thats how life is. I don’t get to cry until big daddy blizz gives me it, unlike what you think.
Funny, I had a year of trying to get the MT appearances. It wasn’t a one time event that with a very small limiting time. It was over a year. See, your analogy response is bad, because after enough attempts, or at a certain age, you can’t take the asvab anymore. Is that unfair? No…That is how life is. The claim, from you, was that we teach kids same effort = same rewards, when it doesn’t. It never does, and never has.
Do you not know how timewalking works? It scales your character to be appropriate to the content your doing, so it would quite literally not be possible to outgear it.
Because they didn’t play Legion? Because that character wasn’t max level in Legion?
Again, you don’t understand how timewalking works.
A lot of people do that yes. Plenty of people will come back multiple expansions from now to farm mog/mounts/titles etc.
There are many reasons anyone leaves a job…but the point being…the position isn’t availble, and wont be for some time, but doesn’t mean I get the same pay despite putting in even more effort, as what was said to be taught by Cpt. Quotes himself every 5 seconds
No actually, that isn’t how life is universally, but rather how life is for a certain sect of society.
We should improve WoW’s design philosophy
All I’m getting from you is excuses for failure, what I want to hear are reasons for success.
for what is available. Not for everything…and those people realize if they do it that way they miss out. I can name 3 mounts off the top of my head that are gone forever in similar fasion. ACtually, can name more if you want to count M+/ challenge mounts
and that sucks for them, but isn’t an excuse to reimplement something you want that was taken out…
M … Among the reasons for your boss’s departure is “his bosses saw a better candidate for this position”?
Oh yes. So what about the Ahn’Qiraj scarab?
They aren’t limited time, just covenant locked.
So we should teach our kids to believe the world works a different way than it does currently, and set them up for failure. Sure. That makes sense…
Dude, the more you quote yourself the more you just look like someone trying to get a new phrase to take off, even when it won’t. You want to be the Jerry of your friend group, cool, whatever champ.
And all we’re hearing from you, repeatedly, is you are a self-identified casual player who doesn’t do PVE or PVP in any “high end” sense and that you firmly believe anyone being able to access the challenge as a challenge today to get the MT appearances would somehow diminish your personal happiness.
You should unlearn this behavior.
It is a psychological product of the system design of this game, and is part of the final point in my correct list