Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Please quote the post of someone throwing a fit over appearances in a video game because I haven’t seen a single one.

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You’ve been throwing a fit this whole time, everything from the challenges were lame, to we’re toxic, to throw out the whole system - I mean you’ve covered all the emotional bases of a disaffected 2 year old denied their noon-time snack.


Maybe because they know if they did and every guardian was a werebear and every kitty was a skittle then they would lose their appeal and people wouldn’t use it.

Instead of a prestigious reward that an increasingly smaller number of players have access to, it would be just another option on an ever growing pile and nobody would care anymore. If it stopped being scarce, it would lose its value. The value is why people want it.

Games today are developed more and more with psychology in mind. How do you create an obsession? How do you push the little dopamine receptor just enough to get players to notch up their spending one iota at a time?

Not going back on their word and not cratering the value of work already done are the good and right answers, but they aren’t the complete answers. There’s also the fact that it means threads like this exist. It gets people churned up, it gets them thinking about WoW and logging in and talking about it. Controversy is just free publicity, and we all learned how dangerously effective that can be.

When the controversy reaches a crescendo, they will cave. Not because they’ve changed their minds or their plans, but as a calculated, premeditated cashing in on all that free controversy. Those on the outside looking in might resub, might buy carries to be able to get it. They might go 2-5 tokens deep on consumables and gear and everything else. And then the guys with the original skins will be the ones stoking the fire of controversy and the cycle begins again.

I like to break it down line by line so its easier to understand. I also have the tendency to start rambling if I try to make a longer post, so its easier on me as well. I’m not sure what this has to do with anything though.

Yeah, my agenda is to make a better game for others.

We’re not asking to change how they work. They are still time locked to when Legion Timewalking is available and I’m asking for the MT to be challenging so that there is till some “prestige” to earning it. Depending on how well they scale it possibly even more prestige than earning it in 7.3 holds.

Because I want new players to have access to things so the game can thrive.

Only apathetic toward people holding this “prestigious super challenging thing” over other players heads. I’m saying that I personally don’t think your cool for having these things, so you trying to use that as your excuse for gatekeeping doesn’t work for me.

I do actually, thats why I’d want a MT timewalking to be hard (at least as “hard” as current MT was).

I think the same of yours. So far you just want it because it makes you feel better than other people, and that, to me, is a very weak argument.

I flexed by wearing something I earned, that they couldn’t? Funny you are the only one that seems to think that, including a 10 year old child.

How am I gate keeping by telling her “it was removed”? huh? Cause…yeah again you are the ones here crying for it back, she isn’t. She had a higher maturity level than you. Kinda sad to be in your shoes here.

You have been this entire post lol.

Considering she saw what I had to do to get it, she wouldn’t bother, she literally said so after.

Wanting something to be put in because you can’t get it anymore because you didn’t get it when you could, yeah is entitlement.

Maybe I am being unfair. My child is 13 now, so is it fair to call him less mature than a 10 year old she shes 13 now…no nevermind. He is just immature.

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If anything, you’ve essentially admitting to using quantity (not quality) of posts to push your agenda - I believe they call that spamming. Perhaps you need to be flagged for such.

My bad, I apologize, I mistook you for the other poster - I’m sooo sorry :frowning:

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Did you reply to the wrong person?

No worries.

Disagreeing and explaining why is not throwing a fit. Lol.

Here, I’ll show you what throwing a fit looks like.


There you go, whats what a tantrum looks like (kind of). That was honestly cringe to even type, but clearly no one here knows what a forum tantrum looks like.

Sigh, okay. Let’s try that again.

The issue is that the sparkle cat is the only meaningfully different feral druid form.

It should not have been a timed exclusive. That was a mistake.

It was like making an allied race a timed exclusive.

The owlcat is almost identical to the base cat form.

These 4 are the only feral form that is actually distinctly different from all the other forms at a distance.

Consider that other classes have hundreds, if not thousands of very distinct options.

Yes. They were a timed exclusive. It’s a ‘clear’ reason. That doesn’t make it a good reason.

It was tougher on some specs, but I broadly agree.

I have no issue with these things being gated behind skill, or dedication.

I have issues with these things being gated purely behind time. There are far too many sunset things in WoW right now, and I can promise you that new players are put off by the fact that a ton of nice stuff, especially for druids, is not obtainable now.

Forums 101.

Any feedback you agree with is genius and needs to be implemented immediately.

Any feedback you don’t agree with is pointless whining, and should probably result in a forum ban.

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Yeah, kinda like how it felt playing a Blood elf, and now we gotta bunch of blood elf clones running around despite Blizzard stating that it wasn’t going to happen. Time and time again Blizzard has caved to the “loud” majority and ignored those who want distinction to make an important staple in the game.

I respect the idea behind it, but if my race is going to get shafted because a vocal group of people “really want it” then why should it matter? In the end it makes no difference how rational your stance is, if enough people ask Blizzard will eventually give in. We’ve reached the stage where blizzard is willing to break any emergency glass to get their numbers back up.

By saying it shouldn’t be added back. Which has been your entire argument. Thats called gatekeeping.

I am still waiting on you to quote a post of someone actually crying. Because disagreeing with you or Blizzard =/= crying, sorry to burst your bubble.

By disagreeing with you? Everyone that disagrees with you on something is equitable to throwing a tantrum and crying now huh? Hilarious.

Thats not what I asked, but okay.

Except as I said, I probably wouldn’t even do it. This has nothing to do with me getting something. Its about other people having a chance to earn it. I don’t care to re-earn what I already have. But it would be fun to do the MT challenge again just to see if I could.

The rigging is largely the same for all the cat forms. All you’re going to get is different skins overlain on them. The MT cat form has some added effects (the glowing effect and the trail) but the nightmare forms also have aesthetic effects, with dark smoke emanating from their mane.

Sometimes more is never enough for some people. I’m sorry you can’t be happy with the many options currently open to you. I think you would be better served not in obsessing with what you cannot have, but what new forms you can pursue in the future.

You raise an excellent point, and I don’t agree with what’s going on over on the velf/helf camp - because with the options now, they are clones. What’s the point of that except to service a small vociferous group. I’m not sure they ever promised one thing or the other on that front.

I don’t think that more backtracking is the answer. I think when they make a promise they should keep it in good faith.

I guarantee you that your daughter would be happy at the chance of having the ability to challenge herself and get a sparkle kitty as a reward, actually.

You’re weird dude.

It’s not about “caving in to a group”

It’s about a fundamental shift in design philosophy and retrofitting the enormous treasure trove of content to be evergreen.

Is it worth keeping a promise if the long-term benefit from breaking the promise will be higher (probably) than from keeping it?


I’ve never seen Blizzard promise anything. Ever.

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Funny, despite having the sparkle cat, I like KT cat form much more. Seconded by the tree cat. Maybe…its just your opinion its better?

So is every single cat form…they are all functionally the same, except the sparkle effect…

No…they aren’t. You see ANY cat from a distance and you generally know its a druid…Otherwise, please tell me what other class can turn into a cat. Also, really soul shape looks much better than even the sparkle cat.

In your opinion. Sucks you do not agree, but thems the breaks.

You have come up with nothing but “its gatekeeping” and other irrational, purely emotional and anecdotal evidence to back up you having less maturity than a 10 year old girl dude. You have been crying.

Its HOW you do it, and if you continue to do it with no factual basis aside from “it obviously pushes people away” without…facts. Please though, show us where people have stopped playing the game because they couldn’t still get a MT apperance.

Fine, lets put in the MT, with either NEW rewards, or no reward. You wanna do the challenge? Cool, go for it. I couldn’t care fathomly less than I do now about you doing it. ITs the reward they took away after telling they took away, that matters.

I just have little faith in the integrity of Blizzard’s words at this point, even when they know what they’re doing is going to upset people they do it anyway and act like they did nothing wrong. What’s the point in trying to fighting a hopeless cause when Blizzards just going to do what makes them money in the end anyway?

I wasn’t even playing when the Mage tower was released, so what do I have to lose? If everyone is going to take what they want regardless of how it effects others why should I, or anyone just stand by and stick to our “morals” if it only ends with us getting the short end of the stick? Again I understand, and even agree with your stance but I just don’t think it really matters to me anymore.

See you even admit right there, you don’t know if it will. I can guarantee you if you do include it, it will make people mad that did spend the time on it, because literally anything blizz does makes people mad now, but if they keep it removed, only people that are mad are people staying anyways.

WTB cited authoritative sources where Blizzard makes promises. PST