Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Why do we need to spend dev time on mythic raiding when only like 10% of the playerbase will ever even kill the first boss? What about dev time into pvp content when so many players don’t participate? You can use this argument for anything.

I notice the character your posting on has killed no boss in SoD, and only a few bosses in lfr CN, is raid design a waste of dev time too?

Literally nobody is saying that


That is your opinion, but I disagree. Legion offers ferals 28 unique appearances, which is fantastic. I actually enjoy the nightmare forms the best. All the forms are unique - there’s there owlcat ones also, and the fire cat - and of all 28 only 4 were locked behind a tower. Well technically one, which gives access to gaining the other 3 through other achievements.

I feel that new forms would be better here. Heavy metal forms, a smokey black cat form, I wouldn’t mind some of the KT forms also, some I thought were pretty neat - and I wouldn’t mind if we could symbiosis or other such ritual with certain creatures in the real world to add their forms to our repertoire.

I don’t agree, however, with back-tracking on a company’s promise to its customers, or back-tracking on a time limited item. Yes those forms are a bit rarer than others, and there are clear reasons why that is.

give me a break. i have 12 of the artifact skins and mage tower was a joke by the time we had antorus gear at the end of legion.


If something is easy for you doesn’t mean its easy for others. That’s called Anecdotal evidence.

Sing it loud and proud for the back people!

anecdotal evidence isn’t actually evidence and other people have different experiences

It may well have been a joke for you, but when I got it I did not have any Antorus gear - I was barely geared enough to be in there and as a cat, the Luffa Legendary (bracers I believe) never dropped for me, which added a significant boost to my aoe - and aoe was something I needed to get done in there. I also didn’t do it pre-exploit fix. So while I appreciate you taking the helm and speaking arbitrarily for everyone there, as some omnipotent being intimately aware of everybody’s personal experience, I’d rather you didn’t.

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Except players who didn’t play Legion. Except players who didn’t have every class at max level. But yeah, other than those people, everyone.


I wouldn’t mind if they were to be honest. Would have been cool to get achievement for killing KT in Classic that allowed you to mog a replica version of Corrupted Ashbringer.

No, I do read, but you miss points. My point in saying it was trivialized even when current is that theres no reason to keep it away from new or returning players. There is no prestige in having something that was so easily cheesable to the point of mindlessly spamming an aoe and watching everything die around you from potion procs.

If you honestly think that the MT wasn’t trivialized by the time 7.3 had been out for awhile vs when they were first released then we have nothing further to discuss. Your artifact had trillions of ap vs millions. Thats a pretty huge difference. Not to mention the ilvl increase.

Again, getting 5 out of 6 tank challenges completed clearly means I did know what I was doing. By 7.3 the eyes died in a single hit, so they practically stopped existing.

If Krull jumped on them it was your fault for standing on them. If Kruul melee’d them it was your fault for losing aggro. Something that any tank would know.

If you couldn’t do it in heroic Antorus gear with the trillions of ap your weapon had then you didn’t deserve it at the time. That has nothing to do with being for or against bringing the mage tower back however.

No, because those players were bad plain and simple. In Legion I was a clicker, got 28/36 appearances. Still in favor of bringing it back, content should never be removed from a game.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. People wanting them back don’t want them because they are prestigious, they want them because they’re cool/unique. People who earned them in Legion have had plenty of time to flex their epeens while using them. No reason to keep others from getting them anymore other than epeen, which a lot pf people don’t care about.

Yes, exactly. I don’t care how big you think your epeen is because you think you did something hard when in reality you did not.

First, arbitrary to you maybe, not to everyone. People care about how cool their character looks in an mmo.

Second they could always give you some sort of meta achievement like they do with 99% of content you do while its current. Warlock green fire, AotC, CE, Hall of Fame, etc.

So your best argument is that Blizzard said it was going away? Not an actual justifiable reason behind that decision?

Yeah the people who started playing WoW after Legion or who skipped Legion had a year to do the thing, lmao.

Yeah, and from what I’ve heard many people hate it. Not sure why you defend it but if thats what you wanna do then be my guest.


Or you know they just don’t like that a really cool cosmetic can no longer be obtained.


No one is asking for them for free, at least not that I can see. They just want the MT added back into the game, challenge included.

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I’m for freeing up the mage tower, but I maintain that the challenge mode sets should be locked to those who earned it at the time.

HOWEVER, the people who did it on one class should have access to the others. Like with WoD.

As in all time-locked achievements, those not present at the party did not take home a party favor. It has been like that for a very long time. You don’t agree with that premise in the first place and advocating for the removal of all restrictions to any prestige item (though I believe you could hardly care about anything else other than the coveted MT appearances, so your argument is one of self-interest obviously).

And to this, I disagree. The element of prestige is powerful in games such as these. It would hardly be fair now, would it, to all those people who earned those items to have it opened up again to everybody, effectively erasing that prestige.

I don’t think what your proposing is fair or reasonable.

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I had mostly armor token gear, didn’t even have a 3rd relic in my artifact.

By 7.3 you could buy specific legendaries. So that was no longer an excuse.

I don’t remember them ever fixing the many exploits in that one. And I didn’t get feral done until prepatch for BFA had almost hit.

I’m not sure if you have issues with reading, I said that I didn’t have the Luffas WHEN I did it. Is that somehow difficult for you to understand, I guess that means I got it before 7.3.

As someone who earned 6 MoP cm sets I would be fine if they could timewalk those as well. Same with the WoD weapons. Who cares if someone is able to earn a mog that you’ve had “exclusive” access to for years now?

No see, they HAD the chance to play the game then too. EVERYONE had the CHANCE, they just did other things. That was a choice, and blizz shouldn’t protect them for making a choice

No there is, because while it was easy for YOU, it wasn’t easy for others, and because you have no value on the thing, doesn’t mean others don’t. It really does suck for people that chose to do other things, but thats life.

Again thats why people were struggling up until they rang the bell to get their appearances, because it was trivialized

Krull sets ground pounds all around you, velen stupidly pops a orb by him, and you gotta run by him to heal. Yeah sure, tahts the persons fault.

and if you couldn’t be bothered to play the game at that time, you don’t deserve it either. See we agree now.

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And you’re the self-appointed speaker for everyone? I understand you don’t care, because it serves your agenda. But you sir, I’m afraid, are not the voice of the people. I dare say many do actually care. Prestige is an element built into MMORPGs. Some may agree with you but I’d say more would not.

You also said you didn’t do it before they fixed the exploits, which were in until at least a few weeks prior to BFA’s prepatch (I honestly don’t remember them ever being removed). So which is it, did you do it pre 7.3 or after 7.3, I’m confused.

Never said I was. Just like to tear down these toxic epeen flexers that can never come up with a better reason than “It makes me cooler then you that I played a game at a different time than you haha”.

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There was something that people could do early on to cheese it that I couldn’t do when I got to it. And if it was all so marvelously easy for you, why didn’t you get the feral appearances when they were there? You’re truly quite unbelievable.

You were ‘toxic e-peen flexing’ above - denigrating everybody’s achievement as joke because it was all so easy, you know, according to you. What do you call that? Do you have any standards at all in how you conduct yourself?

Not sure how someone else also working to earn the thing that you worked to earn makes it less valuable to you. All this seems to boil down to is you having something someone else doesn’t and wanting to shove it in their face.

I’m pretty sure I said they were struggling because they were bad. If a clicker with 0 experience playing a spec can do it in lfr gear that everyone has access to and 2/3 relics in their artifact then everyone could. If people were too terrible to earn it back then I’m not sure why you have a problem with it being brought back, because spoilers they won’t be good enough now either unless they’ve improved.

He jumps directly on you, unless he is aggro’d to someone else.

Yeah, the rng of that could be rough when it first came out. By the time 7.3 war around my Warrior killed him in about 45 seconds with lfr antorus gear. Poor guy got deleted. I also had 1 infernal from pushing phase 1 so fast. Again, on a spec I hadn’t played since Cata (which was also only 1 time) and a clicker.

No, we don’t. But okay.

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