Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

No. I just want to play a game for fun and get cool things in it. I also want everyone the chance to get those cool things in it.

You are demonstrating a toxic fatal flaw. Wanting things to be hard or unfair for others, because you had them difficult. You should want things to be better for others than they were for you. Thats just being a decent person.

Calling that childish and stupid… is in a childish statement in itself. Again this is a video game that people pay to play and have fun in. I really fail to comprehend the false bravado you are attempting to demonstrate.

Wanting blizzard to protect people from life getting in the way? Sure. Why not? WoW is a game that has been going for 15+ years. They are doing this exact thing in a very large way right now. Classic and TBC classic. They put in a huge amount of effort to not just bring back content, but to actually attempt to recreate the experience that players missed out on.

Are you against Classic and TBC Classic as they are allowing players who missed out on that era of gaming, an option to experience it? I know its not a direct correlation, but it is similar.

I was not able to obtain the Mage tower xmog, and I do not think I deserve to have it. It was a rough adventure to attempt, and the people that were able to obtain them deserve them. If you want to play “other” games that have no exclusive content, please, by all means, go play it. This is WoW, and special snowflakes are getting ridiculous here.

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My point was that it was far easier to do at the end of the xpac vs the beginning, but good job missing the point entirely.

Yeah, I guess getting 5 tank challenges done (DK, Paladin, DH, Warrior, Druid) meant I had no clue what I was doing.

They could die to aggro I guess, which isn’t even a mage tower only thing, thats a tanking thing. You know, the main thing a tank should concern themselves with, aggro.

If someone with literally 0 experience with 3 of the tank specs could do it then so could anyone else if they tried even a little.

My point was that these are not prestigious. They should not be something to show off people’s epeen with. There is no reason they shouldn’t come back into the game.


He probably had to walk to school uphill both ways in the snow all year long too.

I had a guy in my guild at the time get super mad at me because I told people you could use the stacking potion glitch, among many other items, in the Imp Mother challenge, which trivialized it. Only thing I could think of was that he was mad because he did it the hard way and that people were now able to do it easier than he was. It was really sad. He had an actual meltdown over it and ended up gquitting.

Found the screenshots.
Guy arguing with me is the blacked out name, I’m the brown.

I unfortunately do not have the screenshots of the conversation up until that point. But my potion had done 96M damage when I used the glitch and he insisted that the glitch wasn’t real. So I had another guildie try with just 1 potion and it did 7M damage. He still wanted to argue and ended up quitting. I screenshot the conversation so that he and his mother in the guild couldn’t try to say later that I was bullying him or something.

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Its a freaking games, let other enjoy stuff we could enjoy for years … there is no valid reason to prevent them from bringing them back other than having to do so for other things …


But they need something to flex their epeen with. What will they do unless they can show off how cool and elite they are for doing something that was trivialized by the end of the expansion?


You should be advocating for new things instead.

Why not both?

You know as well as I do the second that happens we witness one of three scenarios.

  1. They do new skins and people are screeching they wanted the Legion one more. Namely druids.
  2. We get reskins and a chunk of the playerbase gains nothing from it while the dealing with a massive forum rage from people over how lazy Blizzard is.
  3. Some are literal reskins, some are new things because the old appearance wasn’t good enough for some classes to justify using. The people getting reskins will complain they didn’t get a new toy like the other kids.

It really is best to just leave it as it is. Bringing it back to try and cater to these people is going to piss more people off in the long run because you can’t guarantee the challenge being intact.

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Not every bit of content has to be for everyone. If you got them current content cool, if not its a way to get them again. Put a title or something for doing it in the new revamped version, and award the title to the people who are new to it as well. Easy.

So why do we need to spend dev time reworking a bit of content some people missed on?


There is, its called a promise. The promise was mage tower was legion only, and we were told as soon as broken shores patch hit. You missed something, get over it. Your not getting mage tower content back. Your not getting wod’s challenge mode weapon back. Your not getting pandaria’s cape back…etc etc. It’s all gone.

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Making the avatar you really want to is a big part of the fantasy of playing an MMO. I can guarantee you that it’s a pretty big deal for new players, particularly druids, to have the only significantly different model for one of their forms completely unobtainable.

This isn’t like other classes, where they have hundreds of mogs to choose from for each slot.

Feral druid forms are all essentially the same, except for one. The MT one.


I’m not against a few timed exclusives, but the sheer amount of sunset content in this game right now is incredible. And I can definitely see the perspective of a new player who comes into WoW and leaves in frustration, when they realize that basically all the stuff they want to earn is no longer gettable.

And I say this because I’ve quit other MMOs for the same reason.

Rebalancing the Mage Tower wouldn’t be too much work at all. It would also create a lot of goodwill, and probably bring some players down off the fence.

Nobody is saying make it easier. They are just saying that arbitrarily timegating really meaningful character customization options is a silly idea. It’s like timegating an allied race.

Bingo. Blizzard is in desperate need of some good will right now, and a hook to bring players back in.

Giving people who missed legion a shot at what is for certain specs essentially your only real different transmog option would accomplish this.

Where, exactly, is this promise?

Well, yes. If you play feral, you have exactly one transmog option that looks moderately different.

Making that single option arbitrarily time sensitive was a bad idea.

They would gain new skins.

You do realize that the druid forms are already reskins, right?

This is little more than concern trolling.

Know how long druids have been asking for new things?

Over a decade.

Know how many new forms we got?

One upgrade, a handful of forms for Guardian, and exactly one form for feral that is significantly visually different from the base form.

Yeah, I’d love for Blizzard to give druids some more skins that aren’t cosmetic travel form stuff, but that ain’t happening. Because artifacts are gone, meaning they would need to make a different skin for every form of every druid race.

Ding ding ding!

Beyond some nebulous claims of ‘well, Blizzard promised!’ there is no reason not to bring this content back to the game. Hell, scale it up if you want players to have to earn it.

Otherwise, the only objection amounts to ‘well, I got something because I played when you didn’t, and I can’t enjoy what I have unless you can’t’. It’s little more than spite.


They really shouldn’t remove anything in the game.

There’s nothing more annoying than knowing you have to do certain things before a deadline in a game or lose something forever. Takes a lot of the fun out of the game and causes a lot of burnout. If you absolutely want some exclusivity, make getting something by a certain date a feat of strength. Give people mega ‘feat of strength’ specialized achievement points.

And while we’re at it, can we bring back the vanilla professions recipes that are still missing from the game?

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Everyone HAD a chance.

Funny, considering thats not what I have said. I have often said on this subject, make new rewards. Make new challenges, just do not take pre-existing ones others worked for and reimplement them for people crying about it. Everyone had the same chance to do the MT, as long as they were alive at the point.

and none of those things in TBC are brought over to retail…

and its a separate entity, unable to carry over to retail. You want a Legion classic? Cool, wait because yeah, it’ll happen eventually.

That could be why throughout this thread I have said the imp mother was the only one that could be cheesed…almost like you don’t read.

No, it was said to be trivilized, which it fundamentally wasn’t for MANY classes and specs

Apparently so since you seem to forgot one important mechanic on it.

No…they died when you know…krull jumped and hit where they stood…

That is why again there were MANY people up until the day it closed trying to accomplish it, and even high end guildies doing heroic antorus on farm, and starting mythic, couldn’t do their challenge. Why, because blizz doesn’t specialize in solo content and people weren’t used to do things alone that had a challenge.

but they are, or others wouldn’t be crying for them constantly on the forums.

Then nothing ever should be either then, because you start making arbitrary reasons to bring things back, then why should anyone ever push to do something when its never going away…

Yeah, there is. Blizz told everyone MT was going away. They had over a year to do the thing, and if they chose not to listen to blizz saying “guys this is going away” even with them super charging the artifacts, and making the MT up 24/7, then thats on them for not doing it, not on blizz to go back on their word and protect them from their decisions because they missed out on it. FOMO is a thing, and everyone here crying about bringing the tower back, just doesn’t like that they missed out.


Of course they should. Both BfA pre-expansion mounts are regular faction mounts which cannot be accessed.

We had to grind rep, quests, run dungeons and gather legendaries for over a year just to get into the mage tower to do the bosses. No way should anyone get the skins for free.


Things you will never get in FF14…

  1. Legacy rewards from playing 1.0
  2. Preorder bonuses / promotional rewards / bonus codes from merch buys
  3. Some crossover events that have expired (typically non-Square Enix crossovers with other properties).

Stop making FF14 sound like it doesn’t have any exclusive items to it, because it does, just like WoW. Just like every single flipping MMO on the market does. MMOs before WoW even existed had these sort of things, MMOs after WoW have these things. There are even some non MMO games that have exclusive items to them.

Hell there are even a ton of real life items you will never lay a finger on because of limited time exclusivity.


Sorry just a moment, (adjusts tie and clears throat)…no. There are very few exclusive items in this game and I’d like to keep the very few things I got that way.

You can’t even get the Sword of a thousand truths anymore…


Then those that wanted the form should have done the challenge while it was up. They have access to every single other form but werebear and sparkle cat. There are PLENTY of options. Just not the ones you want. Because you didn’t earn them when they were available.