Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

That’s precisely why the burden of proof is on the ones making the claim.

Perhaps I should not have said “promise”.

Regardless, here’s a link from blizzard stating that “time is running out to unlock them”

I don’t know about you, but in my opinion, “time is running out” is blizzard-speak for “time-sensitive”.

If you want to argue I shouldn’t have said “promise”, I accept that.

If you want to argue blizzard has not indicated that these artifact appearances are limited and only attainable for a particular period, you’d be wrong.

They have used similar wording for cutting edge and gladiator achievements.

Once again, do your own research when something is in fact common knowledge.

We done here?


We’re half-done. The promise thing is what I hounded you about.

Now I’m moving to the limited time argument. Blizzard has used the limited-time language in the past and has walked back on that. For example:


“Downing the Firelord will earn you an Achievement and a special Core Hound mount reward (fireproof leg armor not included).”

“These events and rewards will only be available for a limited time”

I wasn’t there, yet I have the core hound mount courtesy of BMAH.

I’m just trying to convey that Blizzard can and does make “limited-time” items/whatever available again in the future if they so choose to do so, and they avoid the “will never come back” language.

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They have. What I and many people will argue is that that is a bad thing.

No one here is going to argue blizzard hasn’t gone back on their word. What I’m saying, in my opinion, is that they shouldn’t

Understood on your opinion.

Many in either this thread or others have said “if Blizzard starts offering limited-time things again, they need to offer them all”, and to that I provide the core hound mount as an example of them already offering limited-time things after the fact and even when they stated the items were limited-time. It sounds like those people are saying Blizz should go ahead and open the floodgates then, and who am I to argue that? :slight_smile:

Myself and you are on the same page though - disagreeing, but I understand what you’re saying.

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I agree, they shouldn’t. I think the remaking the MT is way too much of a waste to do. Hence the recolors. That’d be far easier to do and folks who have the MT appearance can still feel a sense of accomplishment because they’ll be different.

Like if you take someone with the orderhall set and the challenge mode set, clearly the challenge mode set person will look immensely cooler. Yet the person with the order hall set can still get that cool look, just not as cool.

No, Leave mage tower in the past, if they want to create something new with similar forms im ok with it otherwise…

I’m all about it, but leave the legion mage tower alone, in the past.


Shouldn’t the item itself be desirable or cool, and not be desirable or cool because it’s exclusive? I mean that sort of thing kind of removes the value from it and boiling it down to “is it limited or not?” as a valid point of the item’s quality. Especially since you can no longer get it which just further diminishes it. Why care if you can’t get it? That’s kind of the inherent issue with exclusivity with something like that, that it plays more off of FOMO then genuine desire of the item itself.

I disagree. My self-worth is derived from simply existing and being alive. As long as I exist, I have worth. My personal struggle is not heroic, it is annoying. Fewer obstacles in my path is better.

I am never happy for anyone who is faced with difficulty. Life is difficult enough. I am an advocate for all cool things being made available as low-effort rewards for dedicated, daily play.

Tedious attempt at trolling from someone whose reply history indicates they are proud of being misogynistic and other idiotic concepts.

We should be happy for other players to experience the challenges we faced.

We should desire and want an evergreen game.

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This is obvious trolling in a thread where much of the discussion has been reasonable.

Go away.


I assure you that this is not trolling. I have been a gamer for 33 years now, and since the first Game Genie came out for the NES, I have played every game I could with cheat codes, exploits, and hacks to reduce the difficulty. In World of WarCraft, I am most proud of my Realm First fishing achievement and I spend my time doing archaeology, leveling alts, doing professions, exploring, fishing, questing, and collecting.

I do not raid. At all. I do not do dungeons. At all. I avoid group content, and I do not seek challenges, nor do I challenge myself. I hate being challenged and I don’t understand the obsession some people have with challenging content.

My idea of impressive play is logging in every day and working towards an extremely long-term goal. Not overcoming a tricky 6-minute encounter through the “power of teamwork.” I can’t even type “the power of teamwork” with a straight face.

Funny. I can’t read this with a straight face.

You’re welcome to play the way you want.

Just don’t expect to earn all the cosmetics and titles of those who do decide to push themselves. I think this is more than reasonable.

If I don’t expect to earn fishing related achievements because I’m not willing to put in that work, I believe you shouldn’t expect to earn high skill achievements or cosmetics if you’re not willing to put in the work.

Perhaps I’m not being clear.

I don’t want your specific rewards. I want all reward types to have recolor variants that allow people to obtain at least some version of them through whatever our preferred end-game activity happens to be.

Druids should be able to quest up a werebear recolor without a lot of effort, but the color belonging to the mage tower should be exclusive to the mage tower.

I’m not against you being rewarded for overcoming challenges. I’m against equivalent rewards not being made available for non-challenging content, because I do not believe that your love of challenges makes you any better or more deserving of cool rewards than those of us who prefer other content.

What I want is to see Blizzard implement equivalent rewards into every activity a person can do, and to designate ways to demonstrate dedication and excellence in that particular play style so that the reward fits the effort expended.

It does though. Is a gladiator better than a Rival? Yes. And the rewards are likewise better.

If blizzard introduces content and claims it will be difficult, but that the rewards will be commensurate with that difficulty, the good players who want to put in effort will earn it.

I’ve no issue with fishing awarding a particular mount or cosmetic for the effort put into fishing. I think that’s a great idea. Time and effort committed to any particular segment of the game should be rewarded.

If your argument is the reward for mythic raiding should be available to a fisherman, you’re trolling or wildly out of touch with MMORPG design. Mythic raiding rewards should not be recolored or modified for a casual player. There should simply be rewards for the casual player in and of themselves.

This is a fundamental disagreement that prevents us from ever seeing eye-to-eye on anything. The notion that any being can be superior to another is so wrong-headed that I refuse to subject myself further to anyone who holds such a misguided opinion. It sickens me, but that isn’t your problem. I wish you well, but I don’t want to interact with you in any capacity whatsoever.

This will be the last thing I ever say to you.

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This has to be trolling. Either that or it’s a blatant straw-man.

I never said a human has more worth than another human. I said a gladiator is a better pvp’er and a rival. A mythic raider is a better raider than a normal difficulty raider.

Like. Really? Lmfao.

Straw-man someone and then walk away. Brilliant trolling strategy. 10/10


He’s trolling. As I said, his posting history speaks for itself, you sadly fell for it in earnest.


Abandoning celebrated systems is incoherent design and a net waste in resources.

WoW is hemorrhaging players for many reasons and has historically failed to keep new players for many reasons.

One of those reasons is that the “Cool stuff that was obtainable via challenging content that was part of the Borrowed Power System” mountain is enormous and new players get tired of being told they cannot access things.

WoW needs more evergreen systems, and it makes perfect sense to work on past celebrated systems to make them evergreen.

We could for example:

  • Open Mage Tower again, equally challenging to how it was in Legion, so all players who have the MT appearances have pride because they personally overcame the challenges
  • If a player has beaten original Mage Tower, Blizzard could (and should have) added a “BFA” affix with some Nzoth/Naga/Pirate stuff thrown into the encounter, and then each artifact weapon has the BFA-Legion-Legendary Appearance. This would be harder than original mage tower.
  • If a player has beaten BFA Mage Tower Affix, this unlocks Shadowlands Mage Tower Affix, where all the Artifact weapons are given yet another appearance, one per weapon, based on a “fitting” covenant. Example: Ulthalesh the Dreadwind Harvester (Affliction Warlock Scythe) is a Dreadlord in a scythe, so add an artifact appearance that is Super Revendreth. Another example: Xalatath’s lore is that she was discovered by Natalie Seline in an Orc Necrolyte (Necromancer) camp, so add an artifact appearance that is Xalatath But Maldraxxus.

Thus we shift the playerbase culture from this mentality of Scarcity/Exclusion to one of Personal Achievement From Challenge and establish an evergreen content fountain.

In MMO terms generally speaking those are the same. You are likely right that Blizzard never said the exact words ‘never will return’ but by that same logic they likely never said that about Challenge Mode appearances and yet they have not returned 7-9 years later. When something is listed as time-sensitive or is foretold it will ‘cease to exist’ it means it will be going away for good 99.99% of the time and I am sure that was Blizzards intention here.

Recolors and slight alterations. I am 100% OK with recolors and slightly altered MT appearances making their way into our game via current content.

I think the folks asking for a fully fleshed out MT is pointless. They should just do recolors and throw them somewhere else. Some folks in these threads are not ok with recolors.

There are no real uniform fronts on these topics. Some are asking for full return of MT challenges. Others are asking for new recolors in lieu of the original appears which can be acquired in other ways. Some are fine with recolors but no return of MT and some want none of the above.