Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

I thought we were having a reasonable discussion about the removal of content. However, I will shift to another argument I presented on one of these threads.

I don’t think this is a good statement because in current WoW everyone has access to everything. I am not a mythic raider, yet I can go buy mythic boss kills.

If the MT model represents an earned reward and that is what keeps you playing World of Warcraft, to keep getting “earned” rewards, why would you still play a game that doesn’t respect that?

You’re a raider, correct? You enjoy doing content and accomplishing a personal goal. Yet, is that goal not diminished when others are selling that same goal in trade chat for gold?

I’m just trying to understand the mindset that some folks have where they want the MT model to stay exclusive because it was a personal challenge and enjoy that about World of Warcraft, yet still actively play World of Warcraft when the concept of personal challenges have been tossed out the window due to the WoW token.

If the WoW token to you is not a big deal and you don’t care that others are free to go buy their way to the highest achievements in the game, then doesn’t that prove you don’t care what others have in-game? So if you don’t care what others have in-game, why are folks opposed to recolors? You don’t care what others have, right?

(You in this case is for the sake of argument, not you personally. Just others I have encountered throughout these threads stating they like the concept of personal rewards, yet continue to play a game that doesn’t respect that anymore).

So, your justification for adding more bad to the game is that there’s already some bad in the game.

Some sound logic in the posts of yours that I’ve read.

I though do not think the WoW token is bad for the game. My point was, folks who are obsessed with personal achievement, clearly don’t mind that World of Warcraft will now let me bypass that.

So I’m inquiring why they still continue to play World of Warcraft if personal achievement has been tossed out the window? Wouldn’t they move onto a different game?

I wasn’t referring to the wow token.

Your argument is that he shouldn’t care about time sensitive achievements because wow tokens enable people to buy them.

So, your argument is that time-sensitive achievements (good) mean nothing already because people buy carries (bad)

Your argument is that time-sensitive, a good thing in the game, should be removed (bad) because bad already exists in the game that devalues them. You’re arguing that more devaluation should occur because some devaluation already exists.

This is a bad argument.

But I don’t want them well mostly, I would like access to some sort of werebear form but I am perfectly okay with mage tower forms being unique.


No I’m asking them why they’re still playing a game that has already compromised their beliefs. It’s not respecting time-sensitive achievements because it bypasses them.

They care about time-sensitive achievements, yes? But they don’t care if someone can go buy those time-sensitive achievements? If they do care, why are they still playing?

Because it’s still fun. And the beliefs aren’t “compromised”. Carries have existed since the game’s inception. Blizzard just made them more generally accessible.

Regardless, while I don’t like carrying, you still have to carry at a specific period in time. As I’ve already said, you’re arguing for increased devaluation. You can’t earn gladiator season 12 in shadowlands season 2, nor should you be able to.

It’s very possible to maintain a sub even if there are some elements of the game that aren’t liked.

You need to get this whole concept of “why are people still playing” out of your arguments. It’s very elementary-level thinking.

You also need to understand you aren’t actually making a valid argument against time-sensitive achievements by discussing carries. Even if someone is carried, they still have to be carried at a particular moment in time

So you’ve devolved to insults? Folks only insults others when they’re running out of arguments.

I am asking for remodels of the MT appearances, not the exact appearances. They’ve done remodels in the past.

This is the mount you referenced. That’s cool, but there are other cloud serpents in the game. Heck, you can go buy the Heart of Aspects in the in-game shop right now and that has the same model, no?

They’ve done recolors hundreds of times. That’s what I’ve been asking for in these threads, recolors of the MT appearances that are accessible to everyone.

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No, it’s matter-of-fact. Asking why someone remains subbed simply because there’s an element of the game they don’t like is elementary. There’s dozens of things I don’t like about the game. I remain subbed because the good outweighs the bad. Unless your belief is that all of the current subs are 100% satisfied with the game and have no complaints. This belief, I would argue, is elementary.

I can assure you, I am not running out of arguments. In reality, your bad arguments are providing my supply. As long as you’re replying, I’ll have an argument.

I don’t see why we need remodels of a legion-specific weapon. The artifacts are done.
I’d argue it’s far more beneficial to ask blizzard to come up with current cosmetics as inspirational as what they did in the past than dwell in nostalgia. Nostalgia is a crutch. Stop asking for recolors. Ask for better current cosmetics.

There are white cloud serpents, sure. And you can go back to get them because they weren’t sold as being time-sensitive. The mage tower was.

And I’ll repeat what I said - we don’t need recolors. Legion is done. If you were there, you earned it. If not, oh well. Ask for a new mage tower with new challenges that provides thematically-current cosmetics.


What’s wrong with recolors? They’ve done recolors plenty of times. It’s very easy for them to do, heck the new TW mount is a recolor.

Right now i’m looking at someone in the challenge mode set transmog in the AH of A52. You can get a recolor of that set from the class order hall, can you not? So, they’ve do it before. :confused:

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When people isolate one thing of the many I’ve said, I get bored and move along. Still, I’ve already answered this question.

Recoloring is a waste of time and talent. I don’t want legion recolors because I’m not playing legion. I want the art team to focus on shadowlands colors because that’s the game I’m playing. I’m not dwelling in the past.

It was a time-sensitive achievement and it was sold as such. Let it remain so.

You can, and they shouldn’t have done that. Once again, I’ll say that arguing for more bad by citing bad is not a good argument.

If I’m not in favor of legion recolors in SL, I would clearly not be in favor of mop recolors in legion.


Challenge mode sets were as well, were they not? Yet they recolored those. So there is precedence for this request.

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All the best!

Can you show me why it’s bad? If it was bad, why did they do it? I think Blizzard thought it was a good idea, very few folks actually got the challenge mode sets at the time, so clearly they saw no issue with the recolor.

Luuni, I’m not sure how to tell you this but this has literally been the subject of this entire conversation. Scroll up. I have given my opinion and explained it thoroughly.

In my opinion, it’s bad. Obviously. It’s what I’ve been saying in the last ten posts give or take.

Just like covenants and conduit energy and azerite powers and random legendaries in Legion and lots of other stuff blizzard has done they thought was a good idea, right?

Point being, blizzard thinking something is good does not automatically qualify it as good. Obviously.

I think with an actual regression in conversation I’m gonna have to head out. Deuces!


This has not been the entire subject, this thread has been littered with various viewpoints from bringing MT back entirely to recolors through MT to them adding different things.

Can you back your opinion up with anything? I can do it for you, here.

If you wish to make this argument, showcase what led you to this argument to support it.

As spotted by MassivelyOP, Blizzard’s monthly active users fell from 29 million in February (Q4 2020) to 27 million in this quarter’s results. The outlet notes that this is part of a steady trend for Blizzard, which has lost 11 million players in the last three years—a 29% drop in players across all titles.” - PCGamer (I am unable to link articles due to my trust level falling from inactivity from the forums, however you can google it and it’s the first result.)

There, I showed some evidence that Blizzard is losing players due to their choices. It says all titles, so it’s not all World of Warcraft, yet some players leaving are from World of Warcraft. And that financial report may be a reason as to why they are making these changes.

I do not think recolors are going to affect that game or be a bad idea, because I don’t think folks are going to leave in droves over it.

This is true. I have never said time limited items is a good design. What I did say was it is a waste of resources to bring them back. If you are spending the time and resources anyway, why bring back content only a fraction of the player-base would find new or fun. Use them in order to make a new version of the Mage Tower with new appearances that all players could benefit from.

Had this in the PTR thread but it makes sense here too - thought more about how something like this can work and be fair and yada yada, here it is:


It isn’t because it would be the first serious step in a new design philosophy of making evergreen beloved systems instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater every expansion.


Can’t open one can of worms without it affecting all of them, that’s all I have to say. If they ever bring mage tower back it’ll definitely affect every other timed exclusives.