Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

So like i said you don’t know how HARD it was to obtain, I don’t agree with you lol.

I agree there could a similar instances with similar reward ideas, as in new skins for classes. Lol if you say so, Blizzard doesn’t take “Change” very well, as it’s been noted over Many years.

So? doesn’t mean it’s an good idea to add it to the cash store , sheesh.

Lol you’re the one whining in every Mage tower thread, bring back the “Forms” whaa"

We’re going in loops, this won’t end soon I’m done.

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Internet rule #145

Any feedback that I agree with is genius. Any feedback that I disagree with is whining.

One can only hope.

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Way to go, act like an child that’s not a good look.

Anyhow have a Good day& Good-bye. :slight_smile:

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Yes, and trying to sneak in the last word with a petty little insult is the absolute height of maturity…

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I earned my mage tower appearances (on the classes I play) during legion, including the druid forms. I totally support more people being glitter kitties and werebears. If people really care about “exclusivity” the. Blizzard can make new colors separate from the original colors and leave the original colors as exclusive

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  1. WoW is currently hemorrhaging players for a lot of reasons
  2. WoW struggles and has been struggling for a while to keep new players
  3. A lot of new players I’m encountering (am an in-game guide mentor person) regularly ask about many things and I am forced to mention “Oh no, that is inaccessible past content”, which makes them naturally feel excluded.
  4. The game’s core philosophy has always been Work = Rewards, and thus maintaining the challenge would maintain this philosophy even if made ever-green.
  5. Making Mage Tower accessible and a proper challenge would incentivize new players to challenge themselves, make them feel less excluded for simply not playing in the past, and also incentivize players who have abandoned the game to return to it.
  6. This would be a first step in hopefully a fundamental change in Blizzard’s design philosophy of total abandonment of past content that the playerbase enjoyed.
  7. This would also be a first step in changing the community’s culture that is produced by the nature of the systems.

Wrong. What would help the game however is making a NEW VERSION of the Mage Tower and adding NEW appearances for people to get. There is no reason to spend time and resources rehashing old content to make it a challenge. Make new content that is a challenge and bring with it new rewards that benefit EVERYONE.


What about pre-patch content? Should it be exclusive or not? Or should it be partially exclusive (exclusive items, accessible story)?
With a story good for the Story forum, “the average player is not interested in the story.” Clothes? M … In the story of the pre-patch, there was no grandiose test, just a reference to time?

You only want the appearances because you do not have them. Once you have them you do not care nor would use them either. Stop being this petty and voice for new appearances and not old ones.

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What an absurd statement. Just because they both go away does not mean the two are even REMOTELY similar. Please, how can I believe any of your arguments are in any way good faith when you drop insane garbage like that?


I’m saying they’re both forgotten content. Content that was made and tossed away after the current expansion. We’re they not or am I still using my artifact in shadowlands?

That’s what I was arguing is a poor system. Making stuff and then tossing it away after the expansion is over. In that way they are similar.

FF14 Community: “Welcome new players, do you like these amazing appearances? Complete the challenge over there and you too can have them!”

WoW Community: “Welcome new players. You want what we have? You can’t because you weren’t here years ago. Nananana booboo”

Which one of these is a better look?

Which reminds me, hope I finally won more than the consolation from cactpot this week :smiley:


I don’t think it matters which one looks better. WoW needs to do something because aren’t they slipping? Said it before, 9.1.5 is them giving us stuff peopled asked for for ages.

Game is being held up by token sales instead of regular subs. I mean, I’ve purchased tokens this month. I’m actively inflating the MAU numbers because people who may not have paid for the product paid me gold for access to the product.

They need to do something and if you have the models and can provide new and interesting tasks to get a color variant, I see no reason why not to.

At least I’m not asking them to just throw them on the cash shop, which many other games would gladly do and give absolute zero care about achievements.

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One similarity does not mean they are the same. Grass and peas are both green, and just because I like eating peas doesn’t mean I haveto like eating grass. Your argument is about as ridiculous as that.

Because I enjoy exclusive, limited time rewards does not mean I need to like infinite grinds that get tossed out the window after two years. To make the claim that they’re the same is garbage.

You like them removing content from the game. That’s fine. Some folks enjoy games that do that, I think it’s pointless, but to each their own.

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Do you want to have a reasonable discussion, or do you want to play these stupid games? I’ve made my stance pretty clear, and you’re twisting my words to make me seem ridiculous. Exclusive rewards good, borrowed power bad.

If everyone has everything, noone has anything to strive for. Don’t miss the next limited time rewards and there will be no problem.


I really dont care i wouldnt try to get them cause they werent really nice.

But in my opinion time limitied content has no place in a monthly paid game.If it was free it would be diferent cause its a tactic to bring people. But in this case we all pay so i just think its bad taste


Nope, WoW’s game design of wasting resources for content they’re going to abandon is unsustainable

Content needs to be made accessible for new players.

It’s one of the things everyone who has jumped to FF14 has enjoyed the most.

It’s one of the things the FF14 devs realized WoW lacked when playing WoW while remaking their game

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WoW’s community is a toxic cesspit due to a combination of two decades worth of lack of moderation in-game and systems that encourage a culture centered on self worth being derived on exclusion of others and scarcity, in turn allowing toxic players the most agency since they’re “right”.

Your self worth should be derived from your personal struggle in overcoming an obstacle.

You should be happy and excited to allow other players to experience the difficult content you lived through for the same rewards.

The culture of this game needs to change and in this particular case, the inherent system design is clearly behind this toxic mindset.


This is the most absurd logic.

Wanna know a key word in “borrowed power systems?

Hint: I put it in bold lettering for you.

Borrowed power systems affect player power.

I don’t remember the mage tower affecting player power.

Having a gladiator mount or title doesn’t affect your power. It’s an achievement and a mount which showcase that you did something at a time when it was available.

That’s what makes time-sensitive rewards special and worth pursuing.