Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

That’s not true at all. I mean sure, some people boosted for it but a lot of them didn’t. I actually check achievements for boosts sometimes but most of the time it’s earned over time. I was honor farming today and ran into a bunch of current glads/past glads with elite pvp sets from MoP and checked them out. Was really cool to see and it does mean something (to me at least). It’s cool they got it back then, it’s a relic from that time. I don’t want them back in the game now at all, I’ll just check out what they have for a few seconds and then move on. You can’t say “it doesn’t mean anything at all” for everyone, most people probably don’t boost. Everyone I’ve run into so far mostly earned their items by playing the game (ie their achievements were earned over time, not all at once at the end of the expac).

The argument “because people boost, all of those time sensitive items should be brought back” is so faulty to me. Plenty of people earned them by playing the content, I earned what I have by playing the content. Just because people boost doesn’t invalidate that.

And I would also rather fail than pay for a boost. Hence why I don’t have WoD cms or any elite sets prior to Bfa. I came back at the end of WoD and could’ve paid for a boost but I didn’t because it wouldn’t have been legit. So now I just check out the weapons if I want to when I see someone using them and that’s cool. I don’t want them re-released to me though.

Not my experience and I have checked probably 300+ profiles since I first started to care. And it’s not like a great deal many of those accounts play these days anyways. I had an achievementcheck addon that I made with a macro for both golds for mop/wod. Been using it since legion, and I would be lucky to get maybe 2-3% of players across all my groups (random rares, normal/heroic raid pugs, BGs, streamer runs (which do have a higher count), etc).

Alot of the time it really is people getting MoP CMs that summer 2014 and then for WoD around March-June of 2016.

People boosting invalidate anything, cause if you let one thing slip by how can you be sure of the authenticity of the rest?

Like the RMT of MoP CMs is literally the chief reason why they even made the token. People were making actually decent wages with that, and even boost groups now (with leaders in world first guilds) got their operations started in MoP.

Our experiences just differ then. That’s alright. So far a lot of the people I’ve inspected have been legit.

Like I said, I am completely fine with time sensitive rewards. It’s a small portion of items every expansion. I even enjoy seeing people wearing things that I never got, I think it’s cool to see. I do wish I could’ve earned a few of the legion elite pvp sets but I didn’t and that’s my fault. I don’t want it re-released because I missed out. People that earned it should be happy they got it and that’s that, I’ll focus on what I can get in the future.

Our opinions might differ here and that’s okay. I don’t think boosting invalidates anyone’s personal achievements at all, people do it and it happens, that’s alright. Plenty of people earned their items legit and boosting doesn’t invalidate that nor is it a good reason to bring back previous time sensitive rewards imo. One of my guildies put a ton of effort into champion of Azeroth, even for a mythic raider it was a good amount of work and he did it. Other people boosting for it doesn’t invalidate his achievement or effort imo.

I know people like to use the argument “who cares what other people have or wear” but I actually do. Maybe I’m weird that’s fine but I really enjoy seeing people wearing things like old elite sets from expansions ago, it’s just cool to see. I’ve been playing since 08, I missed out on every elite set from then until BFA, so there’s a lot. But again that is completely fine, I don’t want them back. It’s cool to see other players (rarely) with those items and it’s fine that I didn’t get them.

I’m curious how inspecting someone tells you if they earned something legit or not. Date has nothing to do with it. I personally bought a WoD cm carry shortly after the expansion launched because I couldn’t be bothered pugging cms again after some of the horrible groups I experienced in MoP. So if your going by date my WoD cm achievements might look legitimate. Theres no way to tell if someone bought a carry or not unless you played with them when they earned it, plain and simple.

Usually boosts will have you getting all of the CM achievements right around the exact same date. If someone did it legit, the achievements being completed usually span a few months whereas a boost only spans a couple days if that. That’s the method I use at least but again it doesn’t really matter to me because I’m of the belief that boosting does not invalidate what someone else has earned. If you boosted for WoD cms that’s fine, doesn’t take away from others who did it legit at all imo. Be happy that you have those items and focus on future items. If I saw you with the WoD cm shields I might inspect you, think it’s cool you have them and that’s it. I don’t get sad or jealous, I don’t immediately think your items are invalid, i just look and think it’s cool. That’s all.

That’s what I do for everything that’s time sensitive in the game that I don’t have and there’s a lot of stuff. Like I said even just today, checking out a couple people with elite pvp sets from mop was cool. I can’t get them but they have them and that’s great. It’s a relic of that time and it’s fine that I don’t have it. I don’t want it back, leave it in that time and focus on the new stuff. There is value behind having things you can’t get anymore and I like that. There’s so much I don’t have and that is absolutely okay.

If theyre going to invest time to rebalance the content so it can be done again then they might as well add rewards that are incentive for everyone. If mage tower comes back then it should posses either new models or new colour variations. This way everyone can potentially be happy.

Also gives me reason to go and do the mage tower again because I absolutely loved the hell out of it. Doing the tank challenge when it first came out at the bare minimum Ilvl was a really fun challenge. MoP challenge modes were an absolute blast doing with friends - though I DEMAND they give me flameweaver back. WoD challenge modes were also super fun. Removing content like this is silly, they have scaling systems in game and they can’t - or won’t - figure out a way to make them fun still.

All that being said I do not condone any methods Blizzard may implement that trivializes the content. Challenge modes should not be soloable in any capacity. Mage tower should take multiple attempts and strategies to work - though I concede some challenges were easy but the tank remained very difficult throughout. I want fun challenges.


I think having a new mage tower or upgraded version of it with new cosmetic rewards is the best way to go. Leave the legion rewards in legion, make new ones and that’s it. Mage tower will be played again and we’ll have new cosmetics to get. I think that’s a good option. I guess I’ll leave it at that, I disagree pretty heavily with bringing back old stuff that was time sensitive but a new mage tower with new cosmetics would be cool.

You mean like how originally WoD Garrisons were supposed to be racially themed but got downgraded to ‘mini orgrimar’ and ‘mini stormwind’?

The biggest problem is: it’s not just appearances but some entire quest lines got the axe for ‘exclusive content’ like the MoP legendary cloak line which wraps up the main story for Pandaria and also grants you access to the fire dude shrine on timeless isle

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I really never understood the reason for gatekeeping artificial stuff from the game. Just make it available on the wow store. These items would actually make sense to be there.

Who played back then got it for free, the rest has to pay. I think this is a good solution and would also secure the running servers for longer.


No, stop crying about Magetowers, stop crying about MOP/WOD CM.

Just stop crying, and try to get SL exclusive titles/items if any.

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Giving opinions on something you don’t like or think is unfair is not crying.

I have a few of the Shadowlands ones, KSM season 1 and 2. I also have mage tower and cm appearances. Would still love to see an end to “exclusive” items and see ones from the past make a return. I don’t care about what other people use for mog/mounts unlike quite a few people in this forum.

When I am on my paladin and I see another paladin in the MoP cm set as well it does not make me feel any less cool while wearing it myself. Same with transmogging legendaries.


You will never find a gaming community more advocating of the removal of content than the WoW community.


ye lol bro

Exclusive content is good. It has always been good. The Mage Tower was incredibly fun because we were earning something worthwhile.

We simply need more Mage Tower, like Mage Tower 2.0

The idea of allowing everyone to get these skins ruins the game even more. Let’s not do that.


Newcomers should not be punished for wanting either to spend money on unavailable content or simply wanting to engage in it. Exclusivity means nothing in this game when the server goes down, you do not own anything you achieve.


False dichotomy. Minus 50 DKP.

Nobody is saying ‘bring back all exclusives’. Because that would be a ludicrous proposition and likely impossible for technical reasons.

They are saying that - particularly for druids - the MT rewards should be brought back in some form or the other. Do a recolor or what have you.

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Amazingly enough, points were made both about the topic and you. I multitask. Not surprising that the actual points sailed over your head though

I’d be all for them bringing back the mage tower challenges (scaling them up for max level so they are of a similar difficulty as they were in Legion). I don’t think they should just give them out though, but giving people the opportunity to earn them going forward would be nice.

It would also be one more optional thing for people to do/work on in game and more options is a good thing.