Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

I have a bunch of them and I just don’t care. Let people earn them some how. Heck sell a scroll on the bmah that teaches it. It is just a random class and spec.

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definitely not healthy. fomo is a concept especially in regards to the solo content that MT was


Could you imagine the outrage if McDonalds never sold the McRib again?

“hurp durp they said the McRib was a limited-time thing sorry you missed out you snooze you lose I was there”


What if there was another way that didn’t involve negatively impacting people psychologically? Like making engaging content?


I’ll add to that: how about not removing content from a game that people pay box price for?


It explicitly ended with the expansion. They were very clear about that. They even stopped the build cycle and left the Tower up non-stop at the end to give everyone more time before its permanent removal.

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Where did I defend store items? Also everything in the game is a store item now that WoW Tokens exist, if you really want to argue against that your deluding yourself. You think all the players that pay for raid carries farm out all of that gold themselves?

You missed the point entirely. I understand PvP and PvE are different things, I don’t care. How can you say its fair for one part of the game to have its rewards earnable forever, while the other part only has its rewards available for a limited amount of time. If you truly think thats fair then we have nothing further to discuss.

Why does this matter? Unless your suggesting that hitting 1800 rating in pvp is harder than full clearing a mythic raid current content, because spoilers it isn’t.

If you truly believe that no one buys gladiator then boy do I have news for you, they do, all the time. And the best part is they do it with wow tokens, which they buy from the store, effectively making Glad a store purchase. If your talking about the elite glad title for the season then fine, yeah most people can’t buy that, but the same can be said hall of fame. We’re talking about mogs/mounts here, and anyone with a credit card and stable income can buy both of these things, so why one is time sensitive and the other is not is dumb.

Again, if you truly believe that people aren’t buying Gladiator then your only deluding yourself, it happens all the time. Feel free to google and find the websites that I won’t list here for fear of a forum vacation, or just look at the pvp group finder and see how many people are selling Glad for “gold”.

This has literally nothing to do with what I said. A pve mob also does not care about your feelings, a company that makes a game for a playerbase however should.

It did, look at any character who bought CE, Glad, CM/MT appearances etc. Look at the BMAH.

I managed to get guardian druid done when I had legit never even specced guardian before then, much less played it, and I did it with an artifact that was missing one of its relics. It was easy. It took nearly no skill for most of the appearances by the time 7.3 came around and we had unlimited ap. I got it on several specs I had either never played or hadn’t played in multiple exapansions (I hadn’t played ret since WotLK) with ease.

Once the dps check was trivialized in the tanking one all you had to look out for was the debuff in p1, and then the ground effect/int in p2. I did it on my warrior in 1 try when I hadn’t specced prot since Cata, because I mindlessly spammed buttons and just watched the floor/boss cast. If you think moving out of a big ground effect or interrupting a spell is hard enough to say you earned something exclusive then honestly I don’t even have words lol.

My idea of exclusivity is earning something while it was current and using it then. I tend to use mythic raid mogs when its still current expansion, I used my mage tower appearances up until 7.3 when it was made trivial, etc. I’ve never seen the need to make things exclusive forever. I feel like an achievement for getting it while it was current, ex: green warlock fire, is enough and that content should remain open for everyone to do whenever they want to do it. Whenever I see someone with a MT appearance I have no indication of if they earned it in 7.1.5 or 7.3, so it does not impress me in the slightest. If I see MoP/WoD cm appearances I have no way of knowing if they earned it legit or paid for carries, so I’m not impressed there either.

I remember back in MoP I went back and got my Firelands meta mount because I thought it was cool and had no real desire to do the Alysrazor achievement twice during current content to earn it (It bugged the first time and gms refused to do anything about it). While I was riding it around some dude I guess had inspected me and noticed I had just recently gotten the achievement and proceeded to make fun of me for riding a meta achievement mount when it wasn’t current content. Why he/she cared was always beyond me, but a lot of you posting in this forum are reminding me of them.

I know they don’t farm it themselves. Check a few of my posts. I hate tokens.

Lost faith in prestige of rewards (and really anything) when I saw people getting 2400/KSM/azshara kill with boosts (tokens) to get Azeroth’s Champion that as far as I checked like only 1500 (database is larger now cause duplicates from server transfers) characters across EU, NA/OCE, KR, and TW got. Maybe only 2k as an extreme upper guess excluding whatever China has.

When Blood Elves wanted exclusivity with customization, people turned on them.

We can’t cherry pick what’s exclusive. I agree that it’s time that appearances and customizations be unlocked since apparently, Blizzard is done with having boundaries anymore.

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Having exclusive and time sensitive rewards in the game is fine. If you earned it when it was available then good, if you didn’t that’s okay. There’s more to earn in the future. There’s plenty I haven’t gotten and there’s a lot that I did, I don’t make threads about every item I haven’t gotten demanding it be re-released. Some things being time sensitive is fine, it’s a very small portion of items in each expansion. Especially when they made it clear these items would be removed and are time sensitive. But again, it’s a small portion of items in each expansion. If you got it then good, if you didn’t then aim for future items.

People trying to call others “snowflakes” for liking time exclusive rewards is kind of ironic honestly.

You missed it, it passed you by, it’s gone.

I do not want it, how dare anyone speak for me, and the vast majority of the players not here whining about their wants and needs.

Peace :fox_face:

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Then why would it matter if they brought back MT appearances and put them behind an updated MT for Timewalking? Would it be as hard to get as it was in 7.1.5? Probably not, but I’d bet it would be harder to do than it was in 7.3, and at least then it’d be earnable.

I’ve been asked several times on my paladin, who has MoP/WoD cm appearances as well as 2 of the mage tower appearances (I’ve never played Holy), where I got my cool mog. I feel bad every time I have to tell them “Sorry, but you can’t get it anymore because it was an exclusive thing that existed before you ever played.” If I was in that person’s shoes it would just demotivate me, seeing something really cool that I would never be able to get because I wasn’t playing the game when it was made available, no matter how long I continued playing or how skilled I became at the game. Its the same as original Naxx gear for me. I can never earn the Corrupted Ashbringer unless they add it back into the game. I’ve always wanted an item named “Replica Corrupted Ashbringer” to be put behind some achievement in the game, and to give players who have the original their own unique achievement. That way the people who have the original feel special, and the people who get the replica have to live with it saying “replica” whenever someone inspects them to see their transmog. I think thats more than fair.

Why does that have to be demotivating? I have some time sensitive items like MoP CM sets, a few pvp elite sets etc. however I missed out on a few things like WoD CM weapons and pvp elite sets prior to bfa. None of that is demotivating, I just know that if I want something that’s time sensitive in the future I should probably go for it. It’s not demotivating to find out someone has something I don’t, I’m not sure why you assume that’s how people will think. They’ll probably just move on and find stuff that they can get themselves in the current content.

That argument of people being “sad” they can’t get something after whispering someone about it comes up from a lot of the same people around here. There’s time sensitive things that people can get right now (m+ mount, pvp set, etc), focus on that. Don’t stress out about stuff you didn’t get, focus on what you can get


Because as a new player I have no way of getting something that I think looks really cool.

To you maybe. I’m not speaking for anyone but myself.

I’m saying how it would make me feel, not how it makes everyone feel. But everytime I have had to tell people that they couldn’t get it they always respond with something along the lines of “Wow that sucks :(”

What if I look at the current time sensitive stuff and don’t like how it looks, but I look at the older time sensitive stuff and think wow that looks really cool. I’ve never cared about exclusivity, because to me that term died a long time ago in this game anyway. I just care about what I think looks cool.

This is the same argument the devs used to use for being against transmoggable legendaries. “You wouldn’t feel special running around with Thunderfury or Warglaives if everybody could use them.” Yes, yes I would. I don’t give two craps what other people are using, I only care about how cool I think my own character looks.

First off mage tower came in 7.2 and the first round of it was April 3/4.

But wait wait wait.

I think we got off on the wrong foot here.

So you’re saying that you would be in favor of said mage tower challenge to return (provided as best to facsimile recreate it and player power but obviously not during the weapon steroid time)?

Then yes I agree with you, the game needs more living museums. My point about the MoP collector’s edition was that people getting in a fuss over a good that could be bought via a digital store and thus having no limit to supply, should not be getting upset. Why? Because said items do not have value and especially if it just takes a swipe, same goes for BMAH stuff. Like just recently I bought my very first thing off there, tusk’s of mannoroth, when blizz forcibly put them up. 1.3m. Sure they are cool and I have mogged them and I am glad cause now I won’t be scared to loot them on mythic when running SoO on anything but plate. But do I feel attached to them? No, cause to me they feel no different from a store mount.

But for things that require effort and time to get (even if they can be boosted like almost everything), those things feel better. And more of them should be in the game even it means bringing back old stuff that used to trigger those feelings.

Tl;dr yes bring back MT stuff but no don’t put it on BMAH, recreate the challenges by giving the old spellIDs back and let people go at them.

And yes it has sucked telling people something they couldn’t get most often being the werebear skin. Later and later, I don’t even get a reply back saying how bummed out they are.

Well I guess we just differ in opinions then. I actually do like seeing what other people are wearing. When I see someone with gladiator pvp mounts from other expansions or corrupted ashbringer or anything like that I absolutely inspect them and check it out. I’ll even do that for some WoD CM weapons that I think look cool. I like seeing other people having things that i didn’t get, it’s cool that they have it and it’s awesome to see people running around with items from the past you could only get during that expansion.

Maybe I’m weird but I like that. Again, I have no gladiator mounts, missing a ton of pvp elite sets, I don’t have the cm weapons, etc. However when I see people with things like that I check it out. I don’t feel bad, I just look and think it’s cool. They got it during the time it was available and that’s awesome. This happens a lot with some of the older elite pvp sets specifically, I’ll see someone wearing it and check it out because it’s cool. I don’t want it back in the game now though, it’s cool because they got it when it was around and had to play for it. I’m not going to account for boosting, no way to really tell.

If people like the older stuff over the current stuff then they’ll have to wait until something they like comes out. There’s new sets every patch. People focus too hard on what they don’t have and not what they can currently get. In a few years people will complain about m+ only mounts that need to be available again even though it’s available right now.


Then I think we agree about the MT stuff. But its more than just that for me, its elite pvp sets, glad mounts, vanilla naxx items, etc that I want to be made available. If I earn 1800 rating in pvp right now then I believe I should earn every elite pvp set that has come before it as well. I did something to earn it afterall. In my case if they were to implement this I would have every elite pvp set for DK up until BfA season 1.

They could also bring in vanilla naxx timewalking. Or better yet they should have had cross game transmog available through achievements when they launched classic. If I looted a Corrupted Ashbringer in classic I should earn an achievement in retail that adds it to my appearance collection. I’d have earned it by doing the same thing that people who have it now did to earn it. Nothing more fair than that.

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And then looking often enough you start to see many people got them in the final months of the expansion all on the same day or week (not saying getting them at the end means nothing but the combination of both those factors, tells you the obvious truth). Then you realize that they mean nothing at all.

And if since they mean nothing cause those people didn’t care to earn then honorably then why are people in such a fuss for those of us wanting to earn them legitimately?

Like I would have azeroth’s champion if I paid for a boost for my last essence. But I didn’t cause it was scummy and a sad to do so. I’d rather fail instead of getting propped up with false success.

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