Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

I do. They tell me I’m a cool guy. Perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with me…

Who’s obsessed?

You should lead marketing and sales with that pitch. “World of Warcraft: Where you can’t get everything you want and are ridiculed for asking to have a shot.”

No wonder the game falls apart at the seams, if this is representative of the community overall.

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The argument of exclusivity is objectively good and that’s on you to live with and cry yourself to sleep over

You had an (exceedingly generous) timeframe to get them, that’s part of the challenge.

Deal with it.

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Many games have unobtainable items in some way or another.

LoL for example have legacy skins which can no longer be obtainable.

People just have to deal with it…

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I’m not sure what you’re looking for. If you want a wish fulfillment game, play a single player game and use cheat codes.

What you’ll probably find, though, is what most game designers already know: it gets boring really fast when you can just give yourself everything you want by clicking a button or typing a command.

Do you think a time-limited-event-within-a-time-limited-event is healthy for a video game, at all?

People for some reason tend to forget that MT was not always up. Not by a long shot.

Lots of people say “You had a year to get it!”…no, you didn’t, you had far less time than that.


To give players a chance. Hope. That’s pretty clearly spelled out.

Mage Tower is not Scarab Lord or Gladiator. And in the removal, I don’t remember any guarantee that it would be gone forever–just going away.


Careful, I made this argument before and was lambasted for it.


good point. they should bring back scarab lord too! everyone should be able to get it


Fair enough. With everything that happened at Blizzard the past few months, the “nobody will trust them again” argument seems paper thin too.

Yes it is, it brings a sensation of challenge and hard work when the content is out. If mage tower wasn’t a limited event it wouldn’t have felt the same.

It doesn’t even only happen in games but also in life. Just deal with it.

Also mage tower was so popular that it has a high chance to come back in later expansions, so you have that.

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Agreed 100%.

As a seasonal event where players compete for drops and the grind, I would agree actually. It’s still pretty exclusive. I wouldn’t be able to get it even if it were unlocked.

Let me make sure I’m clear on this…

“Here’s a feature we’re introducing. It’s going away in a year. Oh, and btw, you can only access this feature about 1/3 of the time within that period on no set-schedule. Have fun!”

You honestly think that’s healthy?


No I didn’t lol.

Quit with the sour grapes. That’s your answer … to tell everybody it was trivial that what they took time to do was meaningless? Because you didn’t get it? What are you - 5 years old. Buzz off.

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You say this as though I don’t understand the concept. I do. I’ve stated I have these transmogs (and many others) and am entirely familiar with the sense of authenticity they provide. But I stand by the principle of the matter: If it can be done now, it should yield the same reward.

I want to see WoW thrive again. I want to see new blood. When a newbie joins the game and I befriend them (I’ve had this exact thing happen), I want to be able to tell them HOW to get the thing they desire, NOT that it’s gone, too bad, so sad, GG, my meager flush of dopamine is well worth the disappointment you’re gonna feel when you learn that this, this, this, and this - oh, and that - yeah, that, too - are completely unobtainable now. Doesn’t matter how much you want it, nor how dedicated you are, nor even how skilled of a player you are in that avenue of content.

Do I get your stance? Yep. Do I think it’s worth it? Not one bit.


What? I did it on my druid. Two of the specs I did it several months after Antorus came out, and by comparison it was much easier on those specs. If I didn’t have first had experience with it, I wouldn’t make the claims that I made.

I used the word trivial, yes. I didn’t use the word meaningless. It’s not up to me to give other peoples’ time and efforts meaning, but objectively the mage tower was trivial by comparison to it’s release after gaining a whole new raid tier of gear, individual nerfs to the content, increased quality of life systems, etc…that’s not really up to opinion.


Your other posts indicated otherwise. It’s unfortunate that you have to make this one thing seem like the whole game is unobtainable because it shows how weak you think the argument is that you need to bolster it by exaggerating. Then to try and frame it like it’s a crusade for all the poor deluded new players with all their broken dreams…pitiful. If anything it should motivate them to stick around so they don’t miss out on the next big thing. But then that’s thinking that’s a bit further than the nose you can’t see past.


I see a pinched a nerve! As you didn’t offer any counterpoints but to try and attack my character again and again, I’ll just leave you with this: Try harder.